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Posts posted by Albione.3894

  1. Jormag's been making a big thing about a threat on the horizon, and how ice fortifies and protects, trying to insinuate itself as the only ally that can save us from this danger. With the possibility of it being the deep sea dragon, we don't really need Jormag's ability to save us, we simply have to travel to Cantha and learn the dark rituals that allowed Shiro Tagachi to corrupt Dwayna's magic that eventually unleashed the Jade Wind turning the Jade Sea into solid jade. We would have an effective weapon or defensive measure with which to combat the dragon, or at least slow it down.

  2. I've a Necromancer who'd love a Ritualist spec, however thinking about it Guardians also have a somewhat legitimate claim to a Ritualist themed spec. The Sea of Sorrows book mentioned their connection, and with a [dev already pointing out some of those](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38103/guardians-and-their-origins); you could have the Virtues become spirits (Spirit of Justice and so on), ultilities would be some new form of urns/ashes, and the weapons would be main hand dagger/off-hand dagger, or both since the Spellbreaker got two of them.

  3. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @Rognik.2579 said:

    > > I guess they do have souls after all. Burn me.


    > My reaction.


    > This is simply the first time we see sylvari confirmed to have souls. What's a curious question is how many sylvari, if not all, and how many other dragon minions also have their own souls? Further, if only sylvari have souls among dragon minions (as heavily implied by the risen, branded, and other cases), then why them?


    I guess the same way that Dragon Champions like Glint have a soul once cleansed, since I'd imagine that Rytlock wouldn't have been able to commune with her spirit in the Mists without one. This might suggest that the method the Forgotten used to "cleanse" Glint somehow transforms them during the process. It'd be interesting to see if the Forgotten had anything to do with the seed pod that the Pale Tree sprouted from, and why it's different from Malyck's tree. We've also seen how Balthazar and Joko went to the 'Domain of the Lost' to get souls for their respective armies, and with how the Forgotten created the Exhalted, what if they made the Pale Tree as some kind of soul recycler, with each new sylvari being imbued with a soul, or at least the energy of it, from a former Tyrian resident.

  4. **Item:** Elonian Tassets/Spearmarshal Tassets & Shields

    **Race:** Human

    **Gender:** Male

    **Class:** Guardian (any heavy armor user)




    The Elonian and Spearmarshal tassets (leg heavy armor) has a round metal disc on them at the back that clips insanely with any shield you have equipped when said shield is stored on your character's back out of combat, this really doesn't look good at all. Here's an image of the **Elonian Wallshield**/**Sunspear Wallshield** clipping through it:


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/A57Cr3X.jpg "")


    It might be better to have some other detail replace the disc on the legs, as I'd imagine it couldn't be moved without other issues occurring, and making it smaller would probably look odd as it'd have to be incredibly small not to clip with anything else. It's a shame because I liked the idea of the piece, and the tassels that hang from it are a nice detail I'd hate to lose. Maybe some kind of cloth knot attached to the far left side on the belt at the back with the tassels hanging from it?

  5. I'm sort of hoping Grenth will turn up, or at least offer aid, against Balthazar. There's been a couple of lines from the story so far that might suggest a possible method of stopping a fire god:


    > **Taimi:** Marjory mentioned a base on Fire Islands. If he wants to absorb a dragon's power, that'd be the place to do it. Right on top of Primordus. And, if I remember correctly, **he's also the God of Fire, so... Primordus over Jormag.**


    > [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi%27s_Pet_Project#At_Rata_Novus](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi%27s_Pet_Project#At_Rata_Novus "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi%27s_Pet_Project#At_Rata_Novus")




    > **Magister Sieran:** That statue of Grenth has been leaking magic. I couldn't think of anything else that **matches the power of the Sanguinary Blade**. We'll take some of the shavings from the statue. If we can build a containment vessel to hold those safely, **it should be able to suppress the sword.**


    > [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Containment#Reaper.27s_Gate](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Containment#Reaper.27s_Gate "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Containment#Reaper.27s_Gate")


    These suggest that powerful magical entities using the same field of magic as one another are more effective at resisting said magic. Balthazar didn't try going face-to-face with Jormag because in his current state he couldn't guarantee that he'd survive long enough to siphon its magic off. So, what better way to dampen the spirits of a rogue god than with our very own god tier version of the ice bucket challenge.

  6. *Item:* Spearmarshal Outfit

    *Race:* Human

    *Gender:* Male

    *Class:* N/A (Guardian)




    The new 'Spearmarshal' outfit from the "Path of Fire" expansion has a few clipping issues around the waistline and upper legs on males when either on a slight slope (worse when on severe inclines) and even while just standing idling on flat ground in places such as cutscenes. Here's some examples, and sorry for the quality:


    ![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/241079/gw079.jpg "")


    ![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/241080/gw081.jpg "")


    ![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/241081/gw085.jpg "")


    ![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/241082/gw110.jpg "")


    ![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/241155/gw241.jpg "")


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