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Posts posted by diese.7168

  1. With the introduction of that Charr themed lore, I wanted to create a Charr. One with a burning heart. And a burning passion for turning everything to ashes.


    But I'm kinda struggle to pick a profession. What I'm looking for is, well, a PVE charr which is decentish enough for medium level fractal (~40), dungeons, and on a general manner not dieing miserably in HoT maps. Maybe I'll do a bit of small pvp even if I didn't do that like since 3 years or so.


    For the gamestyle itself, my Holosmith is already fairly based on fire (viper set with a bit of toughness on some parts), so what I'm looking for is rather a nervous gamestyle resolving on never ever dropping on the ground as long as I'm careful. Buffing friends would be a bonus. So erh, basically priority on stats would be Power > Alteration damage & duration > Toughness/Healing/Concentration.


    As now I'm been considering a bit Firebrand because, well it's written all over it for a fire zealot doing endless fights. But maybe something would fit better? I'm open for all ideas (but somewhat elementalist, my brain can't handle so many spells).


    Thanks in advance.

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