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Posts posted by Orpheal.8263

  1. oh god, please no.. don't turn this game into an anime mount style mess


    A Quetzalcoatl is something like THIS, a huge winged snake.. its not a four legged winged small creature that fits not into the model of a Griffin, without turning the Quetzalcoatl into something completely differently looking




    fits better beign implemented as a real big killable monster that lurks around somewhere in a map as a kind of legendary world boss...

    Its about time that ANet adds some new world bosses to the game...


    The last world boss ANet added was ages ago the Tri Wurm ...


  2. **Elementalist:**

    What I want > *The Summoner*, an indirect supportive Spear wielding Specialization which uses Rituals (Meditations) and summons like permanent Pets that they control and command around, which can sacrifice his summons, if neccessary to transform himself into attunement based Djinn Avatars. - A Specialization that is 100% focused around all kinds of elemental summoned beasts and creatures, which work in itself all like ranger Pets with their very own Skill Sets with a gameplay, which is based around supporting your summons, keeping them alive and powerful, due to them having a synergy with their masters, that as logn the summons are alive, profitates their master of unique effects in combat.


    What we most likely will get > *The Spellslinger* a ranged Specialization which uses either Pistols, or the Longbow, to give us kind of the Magic Archer/Gunner that is missing, to give the class an alternative over the Staff, which feels in its gameplay also more agile, is a bit weaker therefore, that you are alot more mobile and offensive, than supportive, like the Staff. the Spellslinger is just the ranged natural counterpart basically of the Weaver, which is more focused on Melee Combat. AS Spellslinger uses Mantras to quickly infuse their Bullets with all kinds of attuned Elemental Powers which get then released on impact either, or already on the fly to the target based on the Mantras which has been used onto the bullets.





    What I want > *The Minstrel/Bard*, a Shortbow wielding Specialization which uses Instrument Kits to have access to various different Music Instruments, like the E-Guitar, which works basically like a Greataxe (Hammer) and is CC based, the Tamborines, which work basically like Chakrams that you can throw, or the Violin, which works like a Shield, A Trumpet Staff and Harp-Longbow would be part if the kits as well, as like lastly also an Organ Rifle for the Elite as example with the Clone System being replaced with Melodies which make usage of a unique Rhythm and Resonance System with Resonances being basically, what was Echoes in GW1 which allows int minstrels to copy either their own or enemy skills to use the catched resonance of a Skill against their targets.


    What we will most likely get > *The Visionary* - an astrological/celestial scholaric specializised Mesmer which is also focused on Mind Powers more than the generic Mesmer, making this way usage of abilities like Telepathy and Telekinesis. The last spec was more focused on illusions, so its logical, that the next one will be based more on domination and inspiration, what will be done via Mind Powers (Dominion) and Astrology (Inspiration), making usage of the powers of the stars to support others via Tarot Cards, influencing this way the fate of others by givign them Luck, which will work like a new unique Boon, while Misfortune becomes a new unique Condition, which counters Luck, basically like Swiftness/Cripple counter each other, cause the game has still not enough boons and conditions (/sarcasm)





    What I want > *The Witcher* , a dual sword using specialized Hybrid Build Necro, which uses Elixiers/Vial Belt Skills and has a Shroud Mechanic the Slayer Shroud, in which the player gains temporarely mobility in combat and immunity against mobility reducing control effects and hard ccs, which becomes more effective, so more Elixiers you use. The unique difference between Witcher Elixiers and Engineer Elixiers is, Witcher Elixiers are superior, and more powerful/longer lasting, but donät have only positive effects, each Elixier of a Witcher has also a negative effect as tradeoff which lasts same as long as like the positive effect. Best homage spec technically possible to honor Geralt of Rivia from the Witcher Series ;)


    What we most likely will get > *The Occultist*, a torch using spec focused on Sacrificial Rituals and Demons/Fleshreavers to summon for the sacrifice of ordinary undead minions, whose utility skills are Pits, which are basically working like Nature Spirits, but they generate not natural aoe effects they generate constantly undead spawns for you as sacrifice fodder for your rituals, as long they don't get destroyed. They work basically like Graveling Pits, whith Gravelings being also something they use as their minions, a Graveling Pit is just to say among their Utility Skills.





    What I want > *The Legionnaire*, a greatshield (MH Shield) using warrior Spec, which is designed around commanding multiple different Legions similar like Siegfried from Chaos Legion, with gameplay that is focused either on offensive commands, or defensive commands, which let your legions act differently around you.

    A Legionnaires Legion is basically like a Ranger Pet which works as Kit. You can have two different Legions with you that you can swap around as you like. Legions are basically their Utility Skills as well, but they they are called "Mercenaries"

    The Warrior is so far the only class, which has no summoning/minion gameplay, where you as player are more kind of in a passive style combat role, and like so far always only in a direct offensive gameplay style combat role, liek Berserker and Spellbreaker


    What we will most likely get > *The Ascetic*, a staff wielding kind of "Warrior Monk", which uses Meditations/Auras to enhance its own body limits to unbelievable points.

    Adrenaline is used to charge up their Skills to make them this way much more powerful, so more adrenaline has been used to empower their skills, before you use them.

    A Skill can be charged up maximum three times, before the skill efficiency reaches its maximum limit. Charged up Adrenaline is stored within the skill, until the skill gets used.





    What I want > *The Patron*, a greatshield (MH Shield) usign Guardian Spec, which uses his Virtues to summon Patron Spirits and uses Conjures as advanced form of Spiritual Weapons so that they can support this way better their allies to make it possible to use those spiritual weapons directly, instead of controlign them only for yourself around you. Patron Spirits are basically Virtuous Avatars, spiritual armored Auras which perform own actions whenever you perform an action, based on whatever you did. additionally to this have Patrons a new Virtue among Courage, Justice and Resolve, which is Dignity, so that the Patron will have 4 different Patron Spirits he can use as spiritual Armored Auras which have each their own gameplay style and roles for either offense, defense, support or control.


    What we will most likely get > *The Exorcist*, a rifle using Demonslayer which uses sanctified blessed bullets and is more specialized on powerful Light Magic and Holy Symbols which are especially powerful in destroyxing all kins of summons and minions, using Seals as utility skill ,which enables it an Exorcist to temporarely seal away a power of an enemy, so that the enemy can't use that sealed away ability/power. Seals are also especially powerful, when sealing away Signets, Glyphs and summons skills/minions



    **Revenant** (a complete redesign of this class, but unlikely to ever happen.., so this)


    What I want > *The Ritualist*, a Focus using Revenant Spec, which uses either Master Togo, or Razah as Legendary Stance, whose Skills are based on various Ash Urns and summoned chained Spirits, which can get eventually unchained via skill or trait as well with Ash Urns under , as like also too Weapon Spell effects that are kind of traits here, which activate itself when you switch to Togo/Razah. Ash Urns in itself kind of functionate similarely like conjure weapons, which change your weapon skills, while you carry them and give you kind of like a Banner also an aoE effect, when you put them to the ground, making the Ritualists Ash urns like a combination between conjures and banners


    What we will most likely get > *The Shapeshifter*, a focus based spec as well, which has specialized itself to use the powers of the mist, the essence of legendaries, to transform themself into Champions, which are kind of Avatars of Legends to copy this way not only some of their skills, but also some of their abilities and traits, while you look also similar like the person you are copying .. no clues, this is kind of the best together with the ritualist, I can come up with this total bad base class design ...that makes at least some kind of sense to have in this game ...





    What I want > *The Alchemist*, an axes wielding specialization, which is highly focused on the Alchemy line of the Engineer, makign usage of Alchemic Reactions, Gravity Control via Magnetism Manipulation and creates Homunculi, alchemagical creatures that kind of work similar like Ranger pets/undead minions and which have the special ability of fusionizing themself temporarely together either with their Master, or with other mechanical things of yours, like your Turrets, or your Kits like the Flamethrower or the Elixier Gun, to transform them into new different alchemagical enhanced versions with completely different skill sets.


    What we will most likely get > *The Saboteur*, a mace wielding specialization of the engineer, focused on manipulations, trap control, more hard cc, which uses as utility skill Signets to have more active, as like passive ways for more control over the battlefield as a Saboteur.





    What I want > *The Forager*, an hammer (greataxe skin) wielding direct frontal combat orientated hunter kind like spec inspired from Monster Hunter, which uses as utility skill Physicals and can use two pets at the same time to perform this way with them "Pet Combo Skills" Therefore you cant swap between them anymore to regenerate them quickly. If a pet dies, its dead, until you revive it ...


    What we will most likely get > *The Shaman*, a kind of more offfensive orientated version of the Druid, which uses either Focus or Scepter as weapon as a Nature Magic user, which commands animals and summons them magically as well. The Shaman has no ranger pets anymore like a typical range,r he uses pets more like a Necromancer as minions and can have many of them at the same time.... The shaman uses Naturwe Magic to summon and empoer their summoned animals they call for help.

    The Shaman kmind of represents the kind of Jumanji Style - one who uses the force of nature - animals, like an unstoppable stampede against their foes to control the battlefield with the help of lots of animals which help them. This goes also hand in hand with the lore of GW among the Norn, which have various animal representing shamans... its the kind of classic "high concept" concepts that anet likes so much and which is the reason, why we have such crap like the Dragonhunter, however, in case of the Shaman, in a much more fitting way, that is really part of the norn lore, unlike the dragonhunter, which exists only, cause braham has lost his mother ...





    What I want > *The Rogue*, a longbow wielding specialization of the Thief, which is highly focused around improved Shadow Steps (Shadow Raids/Assaults), us much more based on Boon Steals, weakens directly foes(Stat Reductions) by diasarming them via Steal and is specialized in trap control as well to have a class spec, which is able to clearly see and remove laid enemy traps and is able to see stealthed foes when going into stealth as well to have a clear direct stealth counter spec which is partially immune to stealth tactics of enemies which can stealth themself alot like other Thieves, Mesmers and Engineers. A spec, which gives an alternative to the rifle, which is a silent weapon and no loud stupid rifle!! A rogiue, which is able to share alot the boons they get7steal, so that the Rogue is a great group support class, enabling them this way a good spot in all team based game content, like WvW, especially Raids and PvP.


    What we will most likely get based on the permanent QQ of peopel here *The Samurai* using the most unfittign weapon you can give a thief..the greatsword .. /meh

  3. Id love to see the complete Underworld becoming again explorable, as multiple maps.. not such raid nonsense.

    The underworld as several normal explorable PvE maps as part of maybe the Living World leading us there over the course of gettign to the seasons finale, where we get once and for all forever rid of Palawa Joko there.


    And we would enter it from Destinies.. Reach, due to an LW event totally destroying DR... and after it getting rebuild, the new town version has then an entry portal to the Underworld

    Something to happen, like this would I like to see, to show, that there still can old maps get changed and that the idea of dynamic events changing maps hasn#t died off totally over the course of the expansions getting added and sesasons adding constantly only new maps, instead of doing also changes to older maps like the first season did.

  4. Who knows. maybe has become our old gw1 character the new player for player story individual new God of War now, that Balthazar isnt anymore ...


    We haven't yet seen, who or what exactly has replaced his position yet ... we know only from Kormir, that there is already someone as replacement.

    If there is somebody able to bring someone back from the dead and give that person divine powers, then the remaining gods together, especially with the help of Grenth

  5. I'm personally also for racial mounts, but those should definetely be ingame rewards as skins and not gemstore ones ... as part of somethign doable with the various races in the lw content.


    Human Racial Mounts

    Raptor > Kirin

    Gryphon > Wyvern

    Springer > Something new created, like a different form of more agile looking different styled Raptor that can jump high instead of wide.

    Skimmer > Sand Sharks

    Jackal > Mist Wolf


    Asuran Racial Mounts/Mounting Technologies

    Raptor > Golem Exosuit Alpha

    Gryphon > Golem Exosuit Delta

    Springer > Golem Exosuit Omega

    Skimmer > Asura-Hoverboard (Golem Exosuit Sigma)

    Jackal > Golem Exosuit Beta


    Brief said, Asuras would get for reach task different styled transformable Golem-Exosuits kind of Transformers Style


    Norn Racial Mounts/ Mounting Spiritual Avatars


    Norn would have just the unique ability to transform themself into their Mount verisons through becoming one with Animal Spirits


    Raptor > Snow Leopard-Avatar

    Gryphon > Raven Avatar

    Springer > Rabbit Avatar

    Skimmer > Dolphin Avatar

    Jackal > Wolf Avatar


    Sylvari would have plantbased Mounts, here i run out of ideas and can agree only with the Fernhound/Thornwolf.


    Raptor > Something new created

    Gryphon > Something new created

    Springer > Something new created

    Skimmer > Something new created

    Jackal > Fernhound or Thornwolf like in one of their Concept Arts


    Charr would have Mounts based on their war technology based on unintelligent vehicles and mechanics, unlike Asuras who have with their superior technology their Golems with an own AI.


    Raptor > Charr Bike

    Gryphon > Charr Copter

    Springer > Charr Hopper

    Skimmer > Charr Glider

    Jackal > Charr Jumper

  6. Despite me being German , i side with Luxon and not with the kind of german theme related Kurzicks, out of these reasons:


    - Luxon sounds just much nicer, Kurzick has a foul language sounding nickname in German, I won't write out here now ...

    - I liked the turtle and kind of corsair like theme of Luxons much better, than the kind of sorrowful Goth Style of the Kurzicks.. and who can say really no to some lovely huge turtles which have giant cannons on their back :D.

    - Their Armor Sets were simply visually more beautiful and convincing to me

  7. I want to chime in here, because its obvious, that something like this won't happen within GW1 anymore, because GW1 has no official support anymore.

    It won't get new content anymore and what you want here is basically new content in GW1 by reworking some older content of it.


    Something like this finding its way into Guild Wars 2 would be much more likely, if anet basically reworks the connection between GW1 and GW2 so, that working on the Hall of Monuments becomes also completely possible from GW2, stopping it to let the HOM be like a not well thought out one way-road, which can be progressed only from GW1's side.

    To make your proposal possible, it would be neccessary to add this content via a HOM through GW2, and this in return woudl mean that it has to be a neccessary change then, that players should become able to progress their HOM progression also from both games and not anymore only via GW1.

    It's already silly to be forced literally to play GW1, just to be able to get some visual fluff rewards for GW2, but thats a different topic now....


    I'd love it, if we get to see one day the Eye of North back in GW2 as an explorable map, so that then these obsolete portal stones can be removed also finally then from the game, with the game receiving then its own HOM version from where we would be able then to retroactively work on the reward stuff from the side of GW2, so that we can leave, if we want to do so , finally GW1 back forever, not having to log in there anymore to work on those account link rewards, because ofv the GW2 version of the HOM providing then alternatives of equal effort to put there into your HoM, with that you could earn yourself the same things then.... because it makes absolutely no difference, if I put now 11 rare weapons in a HOm in GW1, or if I put 11 same as rare to receive weapons from GW2 into a HOM version of GW2 at the monument.


    If the tasks and effort are the same between both games, then there should exist problems with this. The difference only is, if its implemented via GW2, its possible, because GW2 gets the support and gets still new content - GW1 not.

    Into GW2 it would be ablsolutely possible to add as HoM an improved higher ranking version that goers up to 80 instead of 50 as a compensation for it, that some thigns are different here, than in GW1, that we have for exampel to put in GW2 more weapons onto our monuments, than in GW to get the equal amount of points from the moment, due to not the same weapons being putable into the monument between both games and weapons like Destroyer Weapons being differently easy/hard to get eventually also betwene both games, so that for GW2 you would have to put instead of for example 11 weapons then 50 Weapons onto that monument in GW2 to get the same amount of points one would have received in the HoM of GW1 for that.

    It is only a matter of design, how Anet would exactly implemented a Hom into GW2, but a GW2 HoMwould be defientely the only way, how your proposal could be realized. Through GW1 won't it happen definetely anymore.

  8. Somethign I am suggestign already for a long time in form of SKILL SKINS... this would at least enable already the ability to change Minions how they look.


    SKILL Skins should naturally be deactivatable for every player in the options menu, so that if you want it, that you will see everywhere in the game still the normal skins.

    But Skill Skins woudl be a great way for players to incdrease their individuality and make yourseld look more unique and different, than other players.


    Ncromancers with their Minins and Elementalists with their Elementals would be such great options for Skill Skins to change the look of these created minions and elementals.

    But also other classes with certain skilsl woudl come into question. .guardians and their spiritual weapons, rangers and their nature spirits/pets, thieves and their called thieves, for exampel to maske them look rather like shadow doppelgangers of you ... and os on.. theres much unused potential in SKILL SKINS.

  9. To come back to my topic..


    Would so love to play a Summoner Elementalist-Specialization, so much that it most likely woudl become my new Main Character, turning the Gameplay of the LEementalist around by 180° and letting your Summons and specialized Conjures become the main Source of your Damage, instead of your own Character, with the Character gameplay design beign just focused to maintain your Summons and Conjures for your and your Allies.

    A Specialization, which is eventually able to transform themself into Djinn Avatars based on your attuned element, if you sacrifice your summons for that.

    Thats the kind of Summoner I'd love to see becoming part as E-Spec for the Elementalist and what I guessed back at times when only GW1 existd, how that Summorne Concept from GW1 woudl end up like, a class, which summons and controls huge magical creatures and conjures lots of magical weapons that fight for them, while the Summoner itself stays in teh background and just does his best to maintain and support his summons and conjures,.

    Thus leading to a completely different gameplay, than just the normal more self active Elementalist who fights for itself, the summoner would take in combat a more passive role.

    I was very sad back in GW1 times to see, that Summoners didn't found their way into the game, so I have to use the chance now in this months GW1 based AFC, to get to know, what has become out of this concept, if my thoughts of what a summoner woudl be like is similar to what ANet has concepted for them to become, or if they woudl have ended up as somethign totally different perhaps? Who knows.. we were never able to get to know this so far.. because those concepts sadly never surpassed the point of being more, than those concept pictures :(


    But when i just read the word of Summoner, I have always to think instantly about Elementalists, how they summon big magical elemental beasts, far more powerful and ferorcious, than they simple elementals they can create so far , that are so powerful and the main element of their whole gameplay, that the Summoenr has to go into a passive style just to be able to maintain these powers for logn enough, as when they fight actively as well too.

    Who doesn't think here when readign the word summoner not onto Final fantasy and their typical big summons, hmm ? I'd so love to have something similar with a Summoner-Spec for elementals, making their whole summon and conjure gameplay alot better and more fun under such a Specialization :D.


    The question is only, do the devs share with me this idea, or like mentiioned, maybe would be a Summoner in GW2 something totally different based on that original concept they had back in their minds originally for GW1. Thats something Id like to get to know here by them answering.

  10. Hmm, i know what you mean LoreChief.


    Personally I would have made the Chronomancer also a bit stronger by design especially in the aspects of actually real TIME CONTROL, making them able to alterate the flow of time more, slowing down things, making things faster or make situations unhappen by reverting back timelines, before something happens.

    Moving through timespace tunnels to be a bit more mobile similar like Mirage, than the normal Mesmer and lastly the ability to completely stop and freeze the flow of time around you, woud be all things, that are in theme of a Chronomancer as abilities of what a Chronomancer should be able to do, if he fully controls the flow of time.


    However, I think with Slow and Alacrity did ANet also already greatly the best, they could have done with a Chronomancer, because Time Control is something you have to be extremely cautious with as developer, because Time Control is a gameplay element, which quickly is on a very thin line between being okeyish or being absolutely overpowered, if it is too much of those mentioned things together, because a Chronomancer needs to stay in the end naturally also defeatable and that is hardly possible, if they could always make everything unhappen instantly, freeze completely your movement by stopping the time around you ect.

    Anet made Chronomancers already a very strong CC Spec the way they are. Adding even more CC on top of that by making the Spec stronger in theme by design wouldn't be very wise for Game Balance reasons I guess.

  11. My last of the 3 questions we are allowed to post ...is very simple and very direct...


    When can we expect to see finally the return of Polymock into GW2, one of GW1's greatest Minigames..


    Polymock in GW1 was such a nice litte but simple minigame.

    That poor little Asura in Rata Sum is already working for 6 years now on that Asura Gate, so that it can teleport us somewhen finally to the Polymock Arena of their City.


    I know, this one isn't really directly a full GW1 related question, but Polymock was a great part of GW1 that got added through Eye of the North to show us this way a bit of the culture of the Asuran race and I miss this culture part of the Asura very much in GW2.


    Polymock belongs to the Asura so much ,as like Gods belong to the Humans, or the Animal Spirits to the Norn and its just sad to see, that this part of the Asurans hasn't found yet its way back :( Bring it back! Pleaaaaaseeeeeeeeeee

  12. There are some unused Class Concepts that were initially made by ANet, to eventually become new Classes for GW1 via Standalone Games.. and if EotN wouldn't have become just an Add On, but like Factions, and Nightfall a complete own Standalone Game, then I'm pretty sure these two lost Class Concepts I mention now would have eventually become part of the game.


    There was basically another lost Class Concept, but that has been already implemented into the Game as one of the Games Elite Specializations in a great an theme/class fitting way.

    I'm talking about the Chronomancer logically now.


    But my second question thread of three is now about two other lost Concept Classes from GW1, where I think, they are absolutely missing and should definetely find game as well too in form of new added Elite Specializations, so that the works and efforts about those concepts wasn't wasted in the end.


    I'm speaking now exactly about the lost Class Concepts of the **Summoner** and the **Bard**!!!


    What where back in the time of EotN the reasons, not to implement those concepts still via EotN into the game?

    Can we somewhen see the Summoner as one of the Elementalist's Elite Specializations, one that is focused and specialized heavily around Conjured Weapons and especially Summons like the summoned Elementals, to brign all this Gameplay of the Class summonung and conjuring thigns of to a next higher design level, so that these gameplay aspects of the Elementalist will make alot more fun to play as Summoner-Specialization for the Elementalist?


    While a Bard would be a perfect addition as Elite Specialization for the Mesmer in my honest opinion, as it is the game's class, that is focused aroudn inspiration and Music is all about inspiration. They have been by design also already from begin on the only class, which has with Siren's Call a sound/music based skill. I think there woudl be so much more potential to make usage of for the Mesmer, if they'd get a Bard/Minstrel like Elite Specialisation, which can this way brign back also one of the Mesmers core gameplay aspects back into GW2 - ECHOES.. so the automatic repeat of previous effects by an Echo and they could bring back the Chants from paragons as an upgraded form of Shouts, so that this gameplay gets finally to a REAL bard class then.


    Just as visual reminder:




  13. What has exactly become out of the Henchmen from GW1 and how did they live, until they died in those 250 years?

    Did they have descendants, which have had by themself again descendants ect. which are to be findable by now in the GW2 universe maybe, that are kind of related to those old henchmen characters from GW2, like Mhenlo, Cynn, Eve, Devona ect.

    Is there maybe the chance that we might see somewhen such descendants eventually becoming part of the game's story?


    Maybe playing some minor roles in LW Content, as new Dragon Watch Members that might eventually replace for some time or even perhaps forever one of the current Members (should or maybe die somewhen .../hint).

    I would find it nice for nostalgia reasons, to get to see a new character playing part in the story, that has some kind of relationship to one of those ancient old heroes from the past that were henchmen, just to see, that somehow a part of this content finds its way back into GW2 in a different way ;)

    A character, which could tell then stories every now and then about his/her grandpa/ma, and their heroic adventures back when he/she lived and that he/she dreams about becoming as heroic as like him/her, such a kind of nostalgic character would I find nice to have in the story ^^

  14. Better would it be to introduce ascended runes and sigils, which work as accountbased unlocks, that once you receive them, they unlock their effects for your account, so that every upgrade effect that has been unlocked for your account, can then be attached as you want to your equipment, basically like we can do that in PvP, where players can quickly change out all upgrade effects in the lobby and change their builds around as you like, because there are all upgrade effects accessible for the player, except a few that have to be unlocked by paying gold to unlock them for your account so that theres a small gold sink...


    Implementign accountbased ascended ruens and sigils would be also at the same time the solution and required preparation that Anet woudl have to make, so that somethign like implementing an own official Build template System woudl become possible, because a Build template System requires it to be able to exchange for your quickly out all aspects of your equipment out in a matter of milliseconds after clicking a button to switch to one of ypour saved up builds, wich is a mechanism that can work onl,y if all build relevant aspects of a saved up build are accountbound. It won't work, if there are mechanics in the game, which still work on a characterbound basis, cause a build template system has to work for all characters of your account exactly the same way.

  15. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > Why would you redesign something that work just fine and is somehow balanced? There is plenty of things in the game that need redesign but DD is not one of those.


    Because I want the Spec to be more, than just a simple sidegrade of the Core Thief. Daredevil offers absolutely nothing new, that Core Thief didn't represented already before and got dumbed down for, just so that we receive on DD the impression, that they are superior in mobility.

    With my concept I'd turn DD into somethign more unique and different compared to the Core Thief gameplay - into something, that gives you as a player actualyl really the impression, that the Specialization changes the way how you play your character.


    I play now Daredevil, since HoT got released, simply out of the reason, because its practically just Thief 2.0, does exactly the same things like Core Thief, but is just in mobility much better than Core Thief.

    Thats what i want to see gettign reverted.. that Core Thief gets basically back to the Mobility Level it had before HoT, by baselining the view things that make DD just superior over Core Thief into the Core Thief (3 Dodges, Dodge Styles, a few mobility based traits/skills) and fill those gaps with actually dervish related theme fitting skills/traits and gameplay mechanics, which are completely different from the ocre Thief, while making just only usage of the overarching Initiative System that all of the Thieves Specs have to use, because of initiative being the class core element, which can't be replaced, due to all weapon skilsl of the Thief making usage of it for fast paced combat.

    As an Elite spec, they should be MORE, than just the additino of a new weapon and soem new Utility Skills, an Heal and an Elite, without actually a change to the gameplay at all and to me is adding only 1 additional Dodge and the 3 Dodge Styles no real change in gameplay. Its elements that the Core Thief should have instead to become more unique and different compared to the other Core Classes, to clearly see that they are the most mobile and evasive class of all by just looking of them having the biggest endurance, which is somethign tbh, that shouldn't be part of an E-Spec.

    My concept here in fact would give Thief players a complete different gameplay feeling, when changing from Core Thief to Dervish as reworked DD, if you swap from Core Thief to this concept, you can be sure then, that you would play your character then completely differently and that the Spec doesn't just feel like Thief 2.0


    Thats my goal I have with this concept and why I want to see DD getting reworked into Dervish.

  16. I have to disagree with you, Revenant is already basically disqualified by its gameplay design.


    - Its a heavy armor class, Dervishs were no heavy armor class!!

    - Revenants are not mystical, they make usage of echoes of powers they don't have self from the mists of creatures and persons from the past..

    - They are no martial artistic mobile and agile fighters. how even in their HEAVY ARMORS... wouldn' they have their powers from the mists, they'd be slow as guardians


    Yes, I said it self, time has passed, but the change of the armor type and profession type would be a bit too drastic in my opinion, especially with the rev, which draws its powers from the MISTS, not from mysticism.

    Revs are by their gameplay closer to soldier based Ritualists which are in spiritual contact and speak with lost souls practically, than Dervishs.


    Anyways, aside of this, thank you for your support ;)

  17. What a question.. sure id do, its in fact the region i'd love to explore the most next and wish for to go next to with the next expansion, far much more, than the yet unexplorable regions from EOTN.

    We are waitign for it for 6 years now, Cantha is overdue.. Zhaitan is no more a danger and can#t stop us anymore from crossign the sea to reach Cantha.. the only iussue that might stop us from doing so is the deep sea dragon, which would be essentialyl then part of the expansions story that we finalyl get to learn more about it and its minions ....

  18. With now having the shrine guardian as my new belove jackal mount, I more than never before would love to get for my other mounts special skins as well too.


    For Raptors I'd so get a Kirin as replacement, even it is a different body model, its the gameplay mechanic, that matters only of letting it be a creature, that can perform wide jumps and a Kirin is surely better, than just a normal horse

    For Springers I'd love to get a different looking more agile kind of Raptor as replacement, cause of they can jump wide, they can also jump high

    For Gryphons is still absolutely a Wyvern Skin an absolute must for anet to make, we all know that they at least have experienced already for fun with this with a HoT-Wyvern.

    For Skimmers would i love something that looks more like some kind of flying sand shark, than this manta ray design, it woudl be at least something, that can look completely different and woudl be no manta anymore, than like all the other reskins of the skimmer that are so far all based on the manta design only.


    Mounts need more skins, which look completely different from the basic designs, like now the shrine guaridan, which looks completely different, than the basic design, is better animated ect. and i must really say here for once, on them you absolutely did a great job Anet. Kudos to the artists who designed it. More Skins of this high quality please!!

  19. Thats what I basically proposed above with an example.

    Possible is it surely. The point is only, if Anet is willing to give us more Utility Skills ect. as part of our Character Progression in PvE.

    It would be an easy way for Anet to give us either via LW content, or via Expansion this as a form of more Character Progression for PvE and its easy made new content quicker to implement, than anything else, because it would be just progression, thats based on unlocking somethign on an already existign gameplay feature - the Skill Bar and not somethign that is based on implementing somethign completely new, like Mounts, which means alot more effort to add to a game.


    Like mentioned, if it stays in PvE only, it should make absolutely no problems, it will enhance only our gameplay expeirence there and reduce a bit our build limitations.

    In PvP and WvW it would cause balance problems clearly, so there it woudl have to be a must, that Utility Slots have to stay at maximum 3.


    Adding maximum 2 Utility Slots more would make not a huge difference. It would make it only possible to use from a Utility Skill Type finally all of them together, because currently we have per Skill Type only 4 Skills.

    But that could become quickly very irrelevant, if Anet would add via Expansions for all Classes if they would give us more Utility Slots also more new Utility Skills to choose from, what could be a nice alternative for example, instead of pumping this game too full with E-Specs, thatz if they stop with E-Specs, that the Specs in the Expansions get then replaced simply with new added Utility Skills for all Classes and their Specs to increase this way the Build Diversity.

  20. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > I will be frank i view thief more as a treasure hunter sort of Indiana Jones than dervish which is more like gipsy which i would say could be more an oracle, shaman etc. about mysticism. thieves do not use magic or mystic stuff at all they are practical ppl more like assassins (backstab, poisons, stealth) i know in oriental countries assassins could be dervish but all GW2 world is more common to europe in medieval times than to lets say persia. even elona looks more like egypt than persia and those are two VERY different countries in the times when they existed. Daredevil is more of a ninja than dervish even if you check his complete armor it looks more like he is ninja, he throws knives he uses (judo) hand to hand attacks on close he is more mobile because ninjas were. Dervish guy would have not got a staff but another sword. Also idea of dervish is really not inclining to me. Deadeye is a sniper which continues in thieves image = rough cold blooded person who kills with no hesitation. a Dervish is more exotic and brings sort of an unwanted warmth to the class becaause as you said all mysticism and forbiden wisdom AND dancing.


    Thieves do use magic ... Shadow Magic, or what do you call the kind of utility skills Anet has given unfitting to the Deadeye, which do count in the game even as Cantrips, so Black Magic/Mischievous Magic Tricks.

    Sure, my Dervish Rework of the Daredevil is absolutely not, what old GW1 Dervish players would expect, but its just a reduced version of what actually fits to the game and has a place in this form in the game as an improved, more mystical form of the Daredevil, with a more exotic martial artistical Combat Style,which feels being more ninjalike, than just a few punches and a single block skill and a few throwing dagger skills, when you have this already by simply using Offhand Dagger as "Dervish" with Dancing Daggers.


    My Concept would bring back all the kind of Dervish Skills back, that have otherwise under the other Classes no place and it has to be a medium armor class, cause Dervishs have been also a medium armor class. So the choice can be made only between Thief, Ranger and Engineer and from these 3 Options, you have to agree with me, that only Thief as a mobile martial artistical class makes sense here to be the Core Class, from you you specialize into becoming a Dervish with the help of the gained wisdom you collected on your treasure hunting adventures in all kinds of ancient ruins, catacombs and tombs of the past to get your hands on lost and forbidden mystic wisdom of the past, that would been otherwise already forgotten most likely, due to the gods having been gone for all these years and the old Dervishs and Paragons of the Sun Spears having being hunted down by the Mordant Crescent of Joko to eliminate this threat for him.

    So for me its only clear, who and what was able to reclaim this lost wisdom back - Tomb Raiders - fearless treasure hunting thieves who have no scruples to invade the graves of others in the hope to find somethign valuable for them, be it wealth in form of money and jewels ect. or lost wisdom and powers that might make them more powerful. In the case of specialized Dervishs, its the later thing these tomb raiders did find, becomign this way able to enhance their Shadow Magic with the wisdom and knowledge of mysticism and how to make usage of these lost and forbidden powers in combination with their Shadow Magic Powers


    Its regardless of what Elona is based on, Anet doesn't design its Elite Specs based on real world region mythologies/themes, like they added in GW1 years ago new classes based on the them design of the standalone games. Otherwise we woudl have received most likely instead the Dervish already with Path of Fire instead of the Deadeye.


    Fact is, we have Scythes as Staff Reskins and this wouldn't be the case, if Anet wouldnt have made up the obvious clear decision, that this game won't receive an own Dervish Class, nor Scythes as own Weapon Type. We get them as Staff Reskins, so the only way to get a Dervish that actually feels also like one and doesn't look only like one, is via an Elite Spec, which is able to use Staves - so only Thief comes into question, because it is the only medium armor class which is martial artistical and receives Staff via Elite Spec. Daredevil is only a sidegrade of the Core Thief, but if it woudl get reworked into becomign a Dervish Spec, then it woudl actually feel really like a Specialization, which completely changes the gameplay experioence as a Thief Player due to it adding Dervish Features, that have not yet found its way back into the game, which are:


    - Boon Sacrifices

    - Dances as Stances

    - Mysticism can be reused as an enhancement of Initiative easily


    Dervish Avatars have no place in this game anymore by design, due to the game being not based anymore on Humans only and the Gods, so it was clear that this has had to go and was most liekly also the main reason for it, why this Game hasn't gotten from begin on an own Dervish Class. ANet had to completely remove for race Neutrality all religios human only based aspects of the game. A reason for it also, why we also have no Monks.


    My concept is just a reduced form of the very essence of the Dervish, which has a real chance of being used in this game and that are Boon Sacrifices, dance-like Combat Styles and Mysticism, the usage of forbidden and lost wisdom as some kind of magical enhancement of already existing magical powers, in this case Shadow Magic.

    These 3 points did I combine with the Daredevil, to enhance it into a more mystical melee fighter - just what the Dervish in GW1 was.

    Everything else that didn't fit into the picture, did I remove from the Daredevil and baselined itunder my Concept here into the Core Thief, to bring the Core Thief back to the point, how the Core Thief was, before it got dumbed down, so that Daredevil received a reason for its existance.


    I don't expect here, that people will like this concept, because I made the concept from begin on knowing, that it is not what veteran GW1 Dervish players want or would expect from a Dervish, but the whole point of this concept is - this concept is most likely everything, what we can expect from a Dervish finding its way back into the game, because Boon Sacrifice, Dances and Mysticism are the only elements, which could be used for such an E-Spec, to make it different and unique from all the rest of the game's E-Specs, everything else what the class offered in GW1, won't find its way back into the game. Scythes as Weapon type and Avatars come not into question. Never.


    Trust me, a martial artistical combat dancer, like a Dervish will surely be same as cold blooded and able to kill without hesitation, when it slices your head off with one of its small sickle scythe like Axes, as like your image of a sniper who shoots instead into your head just from far far away out of safe range.

    Dont let your predefined pictures of classes obfuscate your imagination, of how classes can change over time. In 250 years can professions change also in the way, how they look, how they operate, what they do all and so on ... only because you think about Dervishs about whatever for a kind of warmth that you connect to your personal image of a Dervish doesn't mean, that they can't cold bloodly kill you, if they have a reason just to do so.


    Thats the problem, when too much real world mythology gets mixed into class designs of a fantasy game.

    It hinders the imagination from the people and lets them fixate themself too much onto the bonds of these real world connections, that people kind of mislearn to have fantasy to see, how such a class could change itself over time, because they always have only in mind, how a class has to be based on this real world connections.

    But I get too offtopic now and begin to stray...


    For me would be Dervish a clear real Elite Specialization of a Thief, which is able to completely change the Gameplay of the Thief to a different Gameplay Experience.

    Daredevil in my eyes doesn't do this at all.

    It feels just only like a sidegrade, like a simple minded extension of a normal Core Thief, that is better than the CoreThief in Mobility, because of the Core Thief having been even extra dumbed down in its mobility it once had, just so that Daredevil gives the player the clear impression of being the superior specialization in Mobility and thas not the way, how I think should be Elite Specializations designed for any Class.


    As a Dervish instead it would feel much more like an exotic martial artistic Melee Combatant, with the Speciality to make much more usage of Boons in a completely different way, than the Core Thief, which is much more specialized in Melee Combat than the OCre Thief, due to beign much better in paarying and counterattacking attacks, than the current Daredevil Design with its single one lousy Utility Skill that allows you to block once an attack every laughable 20 seconds and that only on land LOL. As Dervish I would receive much better the immersion as Thief of being a kind of sneaky treasure hunting Tomb Raider, making usage of by Mysticism enhanced Shadow Magic - since when do actually cold blooded snipers again use Magic ???

  21. @Gaile


    I posted above some example questions, are such questions like these 3 above examples ok so, or have it to be, like I guess so only 100% relevant GW1 questions with no in return-relationship to GW2, like those 3 examples I made??

    Not wanting to distract now from akcy, but I simply made already earlier some examples :D.

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