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Posts posted by Rikou.4720

  1. > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

    > > @"Rikou.4720" said:

    > > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > > > @"Rikou.4720" said:

    > > > > `[3404:3455:1015/132325.720559:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(121)] Failed to launch GPU process.

    > > > > [23392:23455:1015/133538.762692:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(121)] Failed to launch GPU process.

    > > > > `

    > > > > I got a weird error any idea what this means?

    > > >

    > > > Under what conditions are you getting this error? Trying to launch or taking an action in game like trying to open the Trading post of BL Store?

    > > >

    > > > as VAN said the only thing that really seems to error in this way that people talk about is chrome/chromium?

    > > >

    > > > You might try to reinstall your video drivers depending on what you are using and maybe a clean download of the package here if you are using it. If that doesn't work then maybe try a full wine reinstall?

    > > >

    > > > Do you use chrome/chromium? If so does that error like this if you launch from CLI?

    > >

    > > Yea I launched chrome from a terminal and got the same error. So I need to restall drivers then?


    > The game's Trading Post uses technology based on Chromium/Chrome, which is why you get the same (or similar) message. If the Linux native Chrome throws that error, then most likely the problem is somewhere around your OS.


    Okay I removed google chrome and I don't see the error popping up even when messing around with the gemstore in-game. Guessing that was the issue then. e.e

  2. > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > @"Rikou.4720" said:

    > > `[3404:3455:1015/132325.720559:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(121)] Failed to launch GPU process.

    > > [23392:23455:1015/133538.762692:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(121)] Failed to launch GPU process.

    > > `

    > > I got a weird error any idea what this means?


    > Under what conditions are you getting this error? Trying to launch or taking an action in game like trying to open the Trading post of BL Store?


    > as VAN said the only thing that really seems to error in this way that people talk about is chrome/chromium?


    > You might try to reinstall your video drivers depending on what you are using and maybe a clean download of the package here if you are using it. If that doesn't work then maybe try a full wine reinstall?


    > Do you use chrome/chromium? If so does that error like this if you launch from CLI?


    Yea I launched chrome from a terminal and got the same error. So I need to restall drivers then?

  3. **About Us**

    LycanFang is an older guild that moved to Guild Wars 2 a year or two ago, we're casual and lean towards a more relaxed atmosphere and playstyle. We have a group of people that play regularly but we don't have that sweet number we need to start raiding just yet. We also hope to keep doing our usual dungeon nights and fractals and obviously we do guild events. :) Sometimes even the WvW ones when we have enough people. (Eredon Terrace if you want to join us for those too.)

    **What we're looking to recruit:**

    Newbies - We'd love to help you grow and love the game and can help give you a bit of advice.

    Returning players - See above, and of course we can try to help you get on your feet again if you missed some releases and want advice and help.

    Raiders who don't mind helping with getting our static group going, and new raiders who want to join in on a smaller/relaxed group. - Again we're kinda new to raiding so if you have the patience to either learn with us or help teach feel free to join us!

    People who don't mind using discord - Yea seriously, we use discord a lot in-between obviously being in-game and voice chat isn't required we really only use it for something important like a special event where we need it (new people learning a fractal, raiding etc)


    We have two event slots on Tuesday and Saturday depending on if people are up for the event that evening, with times for events based in EST. We'll ping you on those days exactly what time and if the event is going to take place. If you've been in the guild a little bit and would like to have an event slot we have an event manager position just below officer *just* for hosting events. (i.e Raids, Fractal runs etc, this mainly applies to your permissions on discord)

    **Guild Hall**

    A bit of info about that we have Gilded Hollows and have reached level 23. :)

    **Long Term Goals**

    To cultivate a nice solid group of people able to participate in our events and grow our guild hall.

    Actually raid.

    Get ourselves a nice t3/t4 fractal group.

    **A note about the multi-game thing.**

    We're divided up into different teams with some playing destiny 2, warframe and heck we even have a minecraft server! You can join just for the guild wars 2 team or you can check out our other teams as well!

    **Repping Rules**

    We're fine with you repping at least during guild events only if you would prefer that.


    Link incoming.

    **How to Join**

    You can mail me in-game at Rikou.4720, but it'd be great if you'd hop straight to our discord first if I'm not in-game: https://discordapp.com/invite/xpU6mjt We have tons of helpful staff who can get you set up and that'll give an officer a bit of time to add you. Our officers at this time (may update later) are: NightWalker Kanna.9680 and Kamikampi.1207 Again if you can't get in touch with anyone quickly in-game please join us on discord .


  4. I had just hoped you'd refund those who bought mount skins then made them selectable. For you to go this route....I'm disappointed. Or at least break the package into per mount sections so I don't end up with a mount I don't have yet (i.e griffon) or a mount I don't use often. This feels like "We hear your feed back and will consider in the future but we're absolutely not fix the thing you're upset about." Again I don't mind buying these, just fix the blasted rng! Make them selectable!

  5. Must of gotten removed during the merging process. hm. Reposting my feedback from tumblr tho: Just my two cents on this whole issue but. I’d like to suggest refunding everyones gems then allowing them to either have the packages divided per mount so the odds are more favorable for the skins they want or allowing people to buy a token they can exchange for the exact skin they want. Personally I’d prefer the latter. I love you guys payment model and I’ll happily throw money at you. Just don’t show me stuff I want, and force me to deal with RNG to acquire it. It feels like a money grab and I had previously thought really highly of you guys. As Jim Sterling said….I’m deeply disappointed in you guys going this route. I don't have an issue with the price as is, I do have an issue with the overall RNG aspect. Just to make that...very clear...

  6. > @Adamantium.3682 said:

    > * Solar Focusing Lens now grants +10% damage against burning foes in addition to its current effects.

    This, so much this. I feel like Solar focusing lens could be stronger then what it is. Along with other weapons getting heat benefits. If holosmith is aimed at DPS and not utility feels to me like it should be buffed to be a stronger pure DPS spec. (In a pve sense, I haven't tested pvp or WvW with it at all.)

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