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Posts posted by Smo.9205

  1. Hoping this is a bug and not intentional because it's impossible to play wvw as a "roamer" type right now being insta-killed by people who cannot be insta-killed. Doesn't seem right that I don't have a downed state and all my enemies do :\ I hope it will be fixed soon as wvw isn't enjoyable like this.

  2. This is a daily issue for my friend and I. Anytime we get the purple room, at least one of us struggles to get a plate. We've both gotten and not gotten the plate at random times, didn't seem to matter if we were in party, squad, or solo; if we activated the sarcophagus or not; if the room was empty or not. It really needs to drop 100% for every person who touches the graveling. (Funny is how once I walked in the room, didn't touch the graveling, and a plate dropped before the thing even died). But today he couldn't get the drop until 35 mins - after that "light" went away. Make the light last a lot longer if it's gonna take that long just to get the drop.

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