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Posts posted by Lascax.2163

  1. > - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

    My favourite one is **W1Z1** because it's colorful, not too much long and fun to explore by not being too much attached to very long alternative paths or too long backtracking. Here's also some reasons why other levels are not on the same... level:

    * **W1Z2**: it's actually fine, it's possibly a second close one but the tree part can be a little confusing to navigate. Between Checkpoint 1 and 2 also it's like doing the same tree part again but with just a little more. It could've been pretty much more enjoyable without the "double" tree part.

    * **W1Z3**: too much monotone. Too gray and is mostly a trail of dark trees with slight variations but not compelling-looking like the rest. It's like the castle level of SMB1 but what I loved about that game were the colorful levels, not that one.

    * **W2Z1**: the other second close one... but just too long, like the rest of W2. I think the whole W2 went too far on the long levels and the easy "do it again" parts. Also the raft part, even if it's kinda fun firstly, is just prolonging a pretty stale moment of the level. Just run around spamming 1. Boring. Apart from that, a pretty enjoyable level, including the log parts, which I like a lot.

    * **W2Z2**: good parts mixed with plainly bad parts. The whole fish/octupus part is kinda fun... once. Also the "hand power" arena too. But the level is just tooo muuuch looooong. It's like a level and a half and some of the secrets require too much backtracking with the heavy risk of wasting again a lot of time. Very varied, which is good, but very flawed, which is annoying.

    * **W3Z3**: I actually like a lot this level, if I totally forget the prolonged part. It's a personal choice, I know, but that part adds a lot of stuff that is just not fun or worth it. The Qbert thing is ok the first time but then it's boring as hell ( I didn't like the original Qbert too, fyi ). The whole "sliding" and wind is engaging, like the portal mechanics and the little puzzles. Also the bosses are really fun to do ( best in the SAB ). If it had all secrets and stuff just in the "shorter" part I would've placed it as a favourite.


    > - Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?

    Strike Crystals maybe? Ok, ok, maybe not the best idea. What would I like? Maybe a **random SAB unbound weapon**, or better a **SAB Weapon Unlock** ( like the Wardrobe Unlocks ), obviously except the red weapons. Other stuff that would be good may be some **Mastery XP** ( like the ones given in the WvW Mount skin track ), so I could keep them ready for the next episode and also would help people still needing XP on previous content. Maybe even **PvP/WvW tickets** to help make their Legendary weaps/trinkets. Also, tbh, I think the Weekly vendor could contain some of the **BL Unlocks or Tickets** to make them more enticing.


    > - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?

    What about a special **SAB Mount** to unlock through a collection? Like a digital raptor skin that allows you to also use that mount into the SAB? That could be fun!

    Also some kind of PvP game like... what about **SAB speedruns?** Everyone starts at the same time and it's all a speedrun to the end but instead of a cage or boss there's just a flag to "stomp" in a PvP finisher animation. Oh, yeah, I would also like a PvP **SAB flag finisher** too, maybe with some good ol' Trib music to pair with that. I think even a "**100 bubbles run**" can be fun in some levels, or if not 100 just a timer and people have to figure out how to get the most on their own in that time. I don't think that strictly-PvP activities can be that fun, but "runs" competitions are more feasible and possibly engaging.

    Lastly, what about a **SAB Strike Mission** with, for example, an Arena fighting 3 SAB bosses in a row (Frog, Yeti, Wizard/Dragon )? The Dragon Bash had a prototype of a Strike Mission and the other Festivals have their "bosses" too ( except the Lunar one ). I think it's time to complete that cycle!


  2. What I just don't get is: instead of getting so many wasted resources into unrewarding Strikes, why not make **easier difficulty mode from existing raids**?

    Something you can even pug and then, once you've seen the general mechanics, make you get into the regular runs?

    As a veteran raider, I don't even care if the easy mod would get the same rewards as actual Raids anymore: I just want people to enjoy that content and have fun playing with newcomers.

    **Make a proper Content Guide** into this game that doesn't even tell you properly what a combo field is and how CC works.

    The difficulty roadmap is not an issue of tiers of difficulty: we have lots of stuff in the game already that gets you into harder and harder content ( Fractals ), but if you make a Content Guide with tiered objectives ( like get full-rare gear, then exotic, then try dungeons, now fractals, now here's some agony resistance and a ring... ) people will likely try to clear that "Hero Path".

    Make an UI with Path and Sections that give you some rewards that prepare you to engage further content, with a proper icon near the WvW and PvP ones.

    Make completing that Path something visible ingame, like a different hue on the nickname changing like the Extra Life title. Blue for beginner players, lighter cyan for veterans, so you can see that guy with an almost white nickname and ask "how did you get that?".


    **Teach your players to play your game.**

  3. > @"Arden.7480" said:


    > what did you expect? that santa Claus would come and magically fix everything. I know Christmas are coming, but some things aren't possible to be fixed within few days.


    > Also Rubi made it clear it's a process, and should be very carefully executed.


    > It's going to be a little bit more than month, so saying "next year" is misleading.


    Well, I know it may sound preposterous in this time and age in this industry , but when you release a triple-monetized feature one would expect to not have something breaking entire classes ( revenant still not addressed ) and functional ( no auto-swap in gamemodes ).

  4. Chronos have been unplayable since the removal of the Illusionary Persona. Is there any plans to recover this huge loss? It suffers not only in PvE, where it's clunky and generally unfun, but it suffers also hugely in WvW, where clone generation is nearly impossible.

    I would bring much more discussion about how the removal of the trait hugely destroyed any chance for this spec to be enjoyable, but really: it's just about locked shatters.

    Adjusting the CDs of the shatters could've been a good compromise, if deemed necessary ( imo it wasn't ) but the complete removal is like playing a costantly handicapped spec that suddenly lost 5 skills to get 4 very hard-to-trigger skills, and they're not even available one after another.

    You can't create the clones roaming before getting smashed, and you can't create them in squads because of the huge AoE damage instantly killing them and the frenetic action.

    Realistically, if there is a plausible reason why this has to be the chrono situation from now on, at least tell me how we should play it because with almost 4 years on playing this spec and 7 playing mesmer I just don't get it.

  5. > @"Robert Neckorcuk II.6193"

    Thank you for the explanation. For those into techs like me this is a very interesting post you've made. Most Devs usually avoid the technical explanation after a fix, so I want you to know that when it comes it's highly appreciated.

  6. Hello Tyrians!


    I was inspired by the recent Requiem series to post my version of what could be the Commander perspective on what happened in All or Nothing.

    I wanted to keep it short and simple, mantaining the Commander genderless and raceless so that it can be read by as much general as possible.

    The Commander images are actual fanarts that I had commissioned of my character with his Tequatl mini, but it was just to have a little more than just plain text.

    I am no English-native speaker, but I hope I didn't do too many errors.


    Enjoy and see you in War Eternal!


    Imgur Album: https://imgur.com/gallery/ppDbR4a

  7. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > * Considering a dismount trick. Something that can be used with less planning and by players who don't have the mount. The user experience of using consumables during conflict is not the greatest, but it still may be useful for players to have.

    Have you considered a Special Action button? Usable item which enables it, maybe in a determined period of time like some Sidequest items.



  8. New equip stats will not fix that much.


    The glaring problem is that this patch is incomplete at the cost of having us waiting a month before playing properly or worse regearing again.

    Also, this boon distribution will most probably make even more slots mandatory in the meta than before, but we don't know so let's have fun finding a new meta for just 3-5 weeks.


    Why aren't the wells applied on 10 people?

    Why aren't the wells larger to avoid clunky movement?

    Why can't SoI just share Qck/Alacrity and stays like now for the rest of boons?


    This patch was clearly done with the Episode release in mind, but now that is postponed after holidays ( justifiably, ANet Staff need to take this break ), this will leave us with a troubled and clunky gameplay unnecessarily during a period where most people have free time.

    All of this sums up as a clear lack of proper update planning.

  9. Just wanted to say that I'm glad the case at hand was resolved that way. Btw I think that even if it was a private issue, you could've generally addressed how you generally would handle a similar case to avoid the continued rage to the non-response. I feel like there's some communication gap that still needs to be fixed and I hope it will be in the future.

  10. It looks like the document addresses the receiver as the buyer in any case. It looks like it does not cover malicious intents by third parties especially if the receiver doesn't know about the origin of such gold/items ( this is especially true for Commanders ). I think that a surefire policy should be to **always** have a human support contact first before any flagging.

    Also it doesn't cover cases where the gold is sent multiple times and there's no way to stop that for us. Can we be assured that, even if a specific user gets sent multiple times such items, they're not accountable for that if they never get those contents? Still, the problem persists for Commanders, which cannot in any way trace every source.

  11. I think that most of us already know, but this uncraftable sigil has been acquiring a very high value since the release of the patch due to the upgradeable Armor requirements.


    Will it be changed? Will we have a recipe? Is ArenaNet taking any actions toward it's availability? It would be a shame that this armor, which is a main content of this patch, would be so highly expensive when other times it was not the case ( like the Luminescent armors ).

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