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Posts posted by ThePlayMaker.1058

  1. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > I Just hope that this will finally put an end to the dominion of chrono tanks, opening the tank spot for other professions.


    Quite a few other classes can and have been able to tank for ages, but very few of them have the utility or damage that a chrono has. Either way, this doesn't heavily affect the chrono tank meta.

  2. I think many of the balance complaints would be largely addressed with an increase in the number of game modes that are available. Every match now is a 'capture the control points' and this heavily favors bunkers, and classes with plenty of AoE *cough*scourge*cough*. If there were other modes which brought a change in gameplay style it would probably result in more diverse builds that favor other classes more.

  3. Why are you guys still complaining? A large chunk of bots have been eradicated from the game (though we probably haven't seen the last of them). Anet has repeatedly said that they issue bans in waves, not instantaneously (except in a few rarer circumstances).

  4. Many of the commenters have already expressed some really good ideas which should definitely be taken into consideration. Here are my recommended suggestions.

    As you mentioned before, the video should be around 1 minute in length. This means you won't be able to really 'sell the game' in this one video, but you can 'sell the expansion' with 1 minute. My suggestions are as follows


    1. Using short-captivating shots of things that new players would find fun/cool/exciting, and potentially match those with game-review quotes.

    E.g. "The Path of Fire maps are beautiful!" - John. [1-2s footage per clip of a few beautiful PoF areas].

    E.g. "Mounts are simply amazing!" - Adam [show a raptor leaping over a cliff, a springer jumping high and possibly slamming some enemies below, maybe even a sneaky flash of griffon feathers somewhere in there, or a griffon gliding low over some water before soaring high up into the sky again while the camera remains at the water level].

    2. Change the quotes from random players to quotes from actual reviewer sites/youtubers. If there aren't sufficient credible reviews, then make the reviews a lesser focus of the video.

    I.e. Use maybe one or two of the positive comments at most, and remove the ".1234" section from their names.

    3. Use some dramatic, attractive titles to promote various aspects of the game.

    E.g. "5 NEW MOUNTS", "NEW LIVING STORY SEASON", "9 NEW ELITE SPECIALIZATIONS" [While showcasing very brief clips featuring some of these parts]

    4. At the end of the video, there needs to be a CTA. Tell them to: "Buy Path of Fire", "Upgrade to Path of Fire", or even "Play for FREE" (though the last one is more for a general trailer, and not a PoF focused one).


    Well I'm really happy you all at Anet's marketing division have seen the value of community input and have sought to gather feedback from us. Hopefully this turns up the quality of the trailer quite a bit, and makes it a real hit.

  5. Core player experience? You mean F2P players, aka free demo players? Listen, a business can't survive on just love and happiness from its playerbase, it needs money to survive. In a game where you pay no subscription fee, the least you can do is pull out $30 for an expac every 2 years. It's absolutely nothing. People spend more than that on parties, dinners, etc each month/week! $30 across two years = $0.04 a day. The only way Anet survives as a company is with expac sales and gem purchases from its large playerbase.

  6. > @Faaris.8013 said:

    > . Most people don't find the mount skins ugly.


    Oh I beg to differ. I love my raptor but sheesh the one dye channel it has is so bland. The springer is adorable but Anet can really go places with an easter bunny skin for it, or an armored springer skin. The skimmer is the only one that currently looks pretty good with the dye channel it has, but again, it can be expanded upon.



  7. > @Ferus.3165 said:

    > nah i'd for once rather have a good power dps elite than even more support on a WARRIOR. Your proposal would be fitting for a GUARD, though the spear on land looks like a good idea.


    Well that's really what Berserker is for y'know. Would be better to ask for buffs on that instead of asking for yet another dps spec.

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