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Posts posted by Lesan.4903

  1. > @"Etria.3642" said:

    > Prefer anywhere except Cantha, BUT if it HAS to be Cantha then at least an LS episode is one and done as opposed to returning constantly. So sure, ep 6 Cantha. Season 5? Somewhere else. Anywhere else. I have so much map to be opened yet!


    Maybe 1 LS Episode to revisit Shing Jea, at the conclusion and 'finally going there' as they also announce a proper Expansion.

  2. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > Funny how after the Istan nerf, people theorized that Silverwastes was going to be next. In a collateral damage sort of way, this is a nerf to SW, since this diminishes somewhat the value of completing that meta for the MF boon.


    This is more of a reward for those who stick to the same map of SW and do multiple rounds, instead of then hiding in LA again to hug the Tradepost NPC.

  3. > @"Kythan Myr.4719" said:

    > So if I understand this right, this effectively nerfs farming unidentified gear, am I right? No longer going to SW to max MF and then opening my rare bags?


    > If so, this is garbage. It feels like they are trying to nerf a major source of gold and covering it up by saying "won't have to play inventory wars as often"


    > Please correct me if I'm wrong.


    Opening bags is not a 'Source of Gold'. It is redistribution via selling the loot to players who might have been the ones who farmed for the gold. That is point one.

    Point two is that they try to urge people to upgrade their own MF, instead of selling to flippers or TP Barons who use some MF Slave parked in Silverwastes. Since there is now no point in selling the bags anymore.

    Point 3: MF now affects actually playing the game, instead of being an API Baron who barely logs in, and 'plays' on GW2efficiency.

  4. This is less of a 'Bug' and more of a QoL Issue.


    When I run in WvW, having the warclaw unlocked, this mount is autoselected as the 'default' for the mount hotkey. However, once I move back to PvE Mode, the warclaw STAYS selected as the default mount. Thus, I have to manually reselect my preferred mount.

    The switch of specialization/traits/utility slots works fine, but the 'Mount' slot should really be split between modes, too, so that the warclaw isn't sticking when moving out of WvW again.


    Mentioning THAT, Ranger Pets should, if possible, also be 'split' for PvP/PvE/WvW modes, because you otherwise might actually forget to swap back and forth.

  5. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    But there will be those who come for Warclaw and stay because they found a good commander and found enjoyment in the game mode, and those are the people the update is primarily for, not the elitists like the OP or those agreeing outright with them.


    Kinda like this, I originally only capped a few camps and the likes for dailies (faster than waiting for 4-5 events in some cases), and while I am not fully moving over, I love the 'Open Tag' that usually is running around on my home server. Adjusted my build so that I can win some 1 vs. 1 when having to catch back up, too, and using a WvW build, which I am still learning to be decent at.


    But since I am not interested in Guardian, Mesmer or Necro, that leaves not many options, sadly.



  6. > @"Aerlen.5326" said:

    > If people do not want PvE players in WvW start screaming to get Gift of Battle removed from WvW too. If they don't want the unwashed PvE masses, then try to remove every reason a PvEr has to go there. It's sad to think this way but if WvWers want their elite space, fine.


    > Oddly enough, in the early days WvW players actually fought to try to keep WvW in Map Completion and shot down anyone who suggested removing it. They wanted PvErs to have to go to WvW. Go figure.


    Because you need the cattle that gets herded into the Lion's cage, so to say.

    The Queues are why we got EotM. Its lack of Pips there is what keeps the 'real' players (warning, sarcasm) away from it. Can't get your shiny chests there, only reward tracks and lootbags, oh no.

  7. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > ###### Durability

    > > > * Warclaw has about 12k health, and will dismount the mounted character when it dies

    > > > * HOWEVER, should the Warclaw take enough fall damage to kill it, the mounted character will be full dead

    > > > * Warclaws are immune to CC


    > I don't do much in WvW except roam and this is pretty scary to me. A 12k buffer in health plus immunity to CCs and movement impairing effect is a lot to have to punch through as a roamer just as step one in initiating a fight with someone, not to mention movement skills like the Mount leap while your hunting them. And not to mention you'll always by definition be on the back foot due to having to blow one or multiple damage cooldowns already giving the mounted player more of an advantage.


    > I was personally really hoping for something like the mount engagement ability would autodismount players you hit with it so that while players can enjoy the convenience and speed of the mount in WvW while not giving a huge barrier in actually roamer's ability to initiate fights.


    Thing is, if the need for 'autodismount a riding player on engage' shows up, it might very well get retrofitted into the Engage.

  8. Ticket #7220931 ,from Germany, using Visa that worked in the past.


    Please get RID of Digital River, they clearly have a terrible track record and are unable to perform, recently. My personal low with them is a 3 month silence on their side about an order from a pc hardware company (Logitech) for a spare part. Never got any mail about a delay, or a reply to my attempts to get any information about it.

    Since my Visa, which worked in the past, is a prepaid, I can not 'simply try another way'.

  9. Sadly, as your components are actually very aged (the whole system is FAR from new/up to date), you will not be able to upgrade it easily. To be precise, an Upgrade of anything but the graphics card, unless you stick to 'better' versions of the outdated and now obsolete hardware, will require a new Mainboard, CPU, CPU Cooler and Memory Sticks. Which means you can nearly get a new PC for the money.


    To put it blunt, if you got that rig 'now' and it was sold as a gaming rig, brand new? You got ripped off and baited into blowing money on an obsolete pile of garbage that is a dead end for upgrades.

    If you still can return it, consider doing so, and get something more in line with


  10. It is different, definitely. But you should have gotten that Memo about the game being different when they broke so many intended plans about GW2, back then.

    The original GW2 was a mess, since you neither could dodge enough, nor selfheal enough, not deal enough damage, in many cases. WIth Elite Specializations, this has become better.


    However, the effectively 'Boons able to be extended to the point they last as long as the recast' Issue is a valid thing, at least in competitive modes.

  11. One thing that definitely needs a change are fights like the LS2 segments where the player is forced to be Caithe. You can't adjust her build for anticondition or stunbreaks, and the player's gear doesn't affect her damage either - but at the same time, your gear STILL breaks down if you die. Which is not hindering, but annoying since you end up outside without and gear on you, and if an enemy has placed down some AoE, you might get pasted as you exit.


    So simply have an 'Autorepair' after those Missions, so the player's gear is still up to task.

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