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Posts posted by szeng.1267

  1. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > @"szeng.1267"

    > you reading improperly every time is getting tiring to me honestly.

    > ED has POTENTIAL to make 11k HP swing, never have I mentioned it doing it every time, depending on the enemy 4-8k is relistic.

    > there is no point arguing with you, you will choose to ignore what I say, and you will read what you want to read.


    Oh I read your comment correctly. Let me show you how you are going about your argument.


    False Oasis is op because it heals 1.2k for 5 times for 6khp and also spawns mirror which does 1k dmg and apply weakness for 4s. In those 4s you could have taken 20k dmg but since they have weakness you blocked 10k of it. On top of that you get an ambush skill which you can use to deal another 5k dmg. On top of that you get a cloak which you can use to block another 5k. So False Oasis is worth 6+1+10+5+5= 27k hp value + 3/4s of 66% speed improvement + 5s of endurance + enemy loses 50% endurance regen for 4s. This sounds completely stupid doesn't it? Just because you put "Potential" in there doesn't make it any less stupid. This statement shouldn't have been made in the first place.


    I have no problem with you thinking IL is over performing. The only reason I singled you out and ignored others is because they are at least making somewhere realistic claims to back up their argument.




  2. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > @"szeng.1267"

    > brochacho, I know some of the daggers will get reflected from time to time. this happens to everyone.

    > But they have ICD at throw so you should not get reflected more then 2 ever, and realistically 1 tops.

    > Raw numbers of dagger is really huge for a healing skill. 850 dmg each x 6 = 5k. you add 6,2k heal and it ends up being a big number.11k+ HP swing is nothing to scoff at.

    > Its balanced out by missing, being blocked and being spread over duration.

    > 1850 always from IL + 1650 from daggers and from that alone you get 3,5k heal.


    > I looked again at warrior example, and now I understand why its used over stance.

    > Becouse peak performance puts it at ridiculous 16s CD full cleanse + 7% dmg buff.

    > IF spammed off cooldown it provides slightly over 400hp/s, combine it with good cleanse and dmg boost its better then stance.

    > Mesmers Eather Feast, if used off cooldown, and used ALWAYS with 3 clones up has 300hp/s. Not only you are tied to ammout of clones but you also dont get dps buff or cleanse.


    Ok. You need to stop using the best of the best scenarios to claim why you think something is overperforming. On average only about 3 daggers land. That's about 4k heal and 2.5k dmg with a 6.5k swing NOT 11k+. If one gets reflected that "swing" goes down to 3.3k. Also in order for the Rev to get that mediocre 4k hp they MUST fight and take the risks. It's not an oh you getting pressured lets heal/kite and play it safe like a normal heal. It's oh you getting pressured and want heal? Too bad go risk your life to get it. And usually the risk is not worth it so revs just use it for an offensive dmg boost instead.


    You also don't need to tell me why warriors choose mending over stance against condi. I already know why. All you have to do is admit you lied about the effectiveness of IL/defiant stance and that it is not worth 20k/26k hp against balanced condi builds.


    Bottom line you know those numbers you're throwing out for daggers and IL against condi are complete bull manure and not realistic. Revs DON'T get 11k + 20k every 30 seconds against condi. You know this. I know this. Everyone on this forums knows this.


    Edit: At least this time you acknowledged ED and IL combined can sometimes heal for only 3.5k

  3. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


    > You can try to loop around all you want pal but you need to learn how to understand what you read instead of just repeating like a parrot.

    > Warrior can NOT fall back into another healing skill if he kitten up his stance, rev can so ANY risk of using IL is negated.

    > I also mention how mending has synergy with warrior celanse switch, it can be used to 5cleanse every 20s.

    > OFC you have decided to ignore that, It is the best way to argue, ignore the point someone is trying to make.

    > ED also deals damage, you MIGHT have missed that, its not just heal. It also pops blind/aegis etc etc

    > No warrior was using stance becouse signet was braindead easy to use with no drawback, no counter overpowered piece of kitten heal.

    > And honestly I would take stance over mending If I were to play warrior, mending sounds like lazy low effort good reward vs stance high effort high reward.


    You can also try to lie and over exaggerate the effectiveness of IL all you want pal. Those are your words not mine. You are the one who stated are those things.

    According to you of warriors kitten up his stance its an l2p issue. Again your words not mine.

    Ya because the the 5 cleanse is so much better than an 26k value hp value from defiant stance. Again its your logic that gave defiant stance this inflated value.

    You only need one reflect to counter daggers as power revs only have one projectile skill.


    Lets apply more of your logic.

    Enchanting daggers:

    Siphon Damage: 858

    Siphon Healing: 768

    If you reflect ONE of the projectiles the rev lost 768 healing and took 858 dmg while the enemy gained 768 healing and blocked 858 dmg thats a total net lost of 3.2k for the rev from ONE reflected daggers. This is the logic you used to get the 20k+ hp value from IL is it not?


    "Thief with daggerstorm -> dont attack daggerstorming thief?

    Shield block from warrior -> dont attack shieldblocking warrior?"


    Revs can just stop attacking when the target used their reflects right?

    Funny how "if you cant use IL to "block" big hits with its "long" 1/4s cast time its l2p issue" but if you cant use your reflects to "block" daggers its totally fine.


    Funny how when I suggest to change both daggers and infused light to give flat heals which solves both problems of IL of being "broken against condi builds" and daggers dmging the revs himself, you refuse. It's as if you only think counter play is good if it benefits you. It's as if you don't really want to fix the "broken against condi" issue but just wants a blanket nerf to herald as a whole. And this is why I laugh at you for mirages getting dumped on because you are essentially doing the exact same thing as the people who cry for mirage nerf as a whole. For other power mirage mains the one dodge is stupid but for you ya you deserve it.

  4. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > if you cant use IL to "block" big hits with its "long" 1/4s cast time its l2p issue.

    > > > > > > > and I already told you why defiant stance has issues, its the ONLY heal warrior has, if warrior missplays it, he can not heal for 30s.

    > > > > > > > rev still has daggers.

    > > > > > > > As for mending it has synergy with warrior and low cooldown, you can run cleansing sigil + swap cleansing trait, and preety much swap + heal to get 5 cleanses off ( full cleanse most of the time ) every 20s

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > If you cant stow weapon to cancel your big hits that's also a l2p issue. Funny how that works. Or are you also going to defend big hits with such low cast time that you can't cancel it once casted?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Daggers is not a reliable heal to fall back on. As it can be reflected, blocked, or dodged.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Power revs is the only class with 2 heals yet both the heals can be out played to essentially only heal for 1.8k each and in terms of daggers it can heal the enemy and dmg the rev. You know kinda like how IL works but in reserve and much worse as you are healing the enemy and dmging yourself with your own heal skill. But of course this is probably fine for you.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > As I said before if you want to remove the counter play to IL then turn it into a decent flat heal and also remove the counters to daggers.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > enchanted daggers can be reflected becouse otherwise it would be broken heal too ?

    > > > > > 1/2s cast time 6k+ heal that also deals damage, ofc cant be interrupted becouse 1/2 cast time. while everyone else has 3/4 or 1s

    > > > > > And nobody will cancel cast times against IL, becouse you are not forced to use it, you actively lose damage every times you stow anyway, if you keep stowing then the fact you have IL alone generates value, without even using it. Unless you know for a FACT someone is going to use IL stowing is a bad thing to do, there are times where it will come into play but its not something that will happen much. and even if it does its 1v1 only.

    > > > > > AT WORST Il is 1,8k heal with 3s invulnerability.

    > > > > > As for enchanting daggers, hmm how about dont use it when enemy has reflects? Its like one of the only skills that can be reflected, just use it when you can.

    > > > > > Its not like condi mes that gets 90% of skills reflected back.

    > > > > > Who can actually reflect it? Guard in the right tome -> use when they are on different one or cd.

    > > > > > Thief with daggerstorm -> dont attack daggerstorming thief?

    > > > > > Shield block from warrior -> dont attack shieldblocking warrior?

    > > > > > What else is there? lol. Proj block is the most people can do, and its ele aoe wind and smoke from thief.

    > > > >

    > > > > Ya no, enchanted daggers can be changed to give a flat 4.5k heal at beginning instead of having to actually required taking the risk of hitting the enemy with each dagger to work. Also remove the projectile property so it can still be blocked and evaded but not reflected to dmg yourself with your own heal skill. Or is 4.5k too much to ask since you know full well that most daggers actually don't land and 4.5k is a buff to its so called 6k heal. Also it was you that bought up revs has a reliable heal to fall back on. Now you are trying to defend why it's not reliable.

    > > > >

    > > > > And even if you are right,which you are not, how much dmg can these so called big hits do after the patch anyways?

    > > >

    > > > propably difference of perspective here.

    > > > this "kitten daggers" take 15-20% of mesmers HP if all land.

    > > > you guys are too used to chunking people for 1/2 HP while remaining impossible to kill.

    > > > Now its time to count the pennies of small hits and add them to big total instead of having everything burst people down.

    > >

    > > Basically an "I know daggers is kitten and actually heals for less than 4.5k in its current states so no you can't have a reliable 4.5k heal. It needs to remain as kitten. My mirage became kitten so power revs needs to join the club too." response.

    > >

    > > And as said before IL is only over tuned against over tuned condi builds which shouldn't exist in the first place. The it's great against power builds "just use it to block big hits or its l2p" is complete nonsense.


    > its very good against everything, and utterly broken against condi.

    > I already told you, there is too many scenarios that make this ability full heal, from 1vX to team fights to condi to pulsing aoe to pets etc etc.

    > And enchanting daggers is NOT a bad healing skill, it has potential to heal 6,2k its on par with alot of other healing skills. AND it deals good damage.

    > compare it to skills like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Well_of_Eternity or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Well_of_Blood .

    > Its VERY comperable to them.


    Ok I'm not going to get into a new discussion over why daggers is is so good but you refuse to turn it into a mediocre 4.5k. You clearly know that daggers currently is worth less than that and thats why you refuse to bring it up to mediocre status.


    No IL is not good against everything. Not even pre patch when power was hitting for 10k constantly. If that was true why didn't warriors choose defiant stance over mendings? According to you it's because defiant stance isn't reliable against power and warriors doesn't have a second heal to fall back on right? Thats why revs having the second heal to fall back on was so good right? But also according to you it's a l2p issue if you can't use it to block the big 10k hits essentially healing you for 10k and avoiding 10k for a total of 20k worth of hp value right? So basically your reasoning for warriors not picking defiant stance over mending is because it's not reliable but also it not being reliable is a l2p issue right? So following your logic, if you can't get 20k Hp value out of defiant stance against condi AND power builds it's a l2p issue right? So if that's the case a 10k flat heal for defiant stance is a nerf right?


    But wait a minute the op thought I was high when I tried to follow your logic.

  5. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > if you cant use IL to "block" big hits with its "long" 1/4s cast time its l2p issue.

    > > > > > and I already told you why defiant stance has issues, its the ONLY heal warrior has, if warrior missplays it, he can not heal for 30s.

    > > > > > rev still has daggers.

    > > > > > As for mending it has synergy with warrior and low cooldown, you can run cleansing sigil + swap cleansing trait, and preety much swap + heal to get 5 cleanses off ( full cleanse most of the time ) every 20s

    > > > >

    > > > > If you cant stow weapon to cancel your big hits that's also a l2p issue. Funny how that works. Or are you also going to defend big hits with such low cast time that you can't cancel it once casted?

    > > > >

    > > > > Daggers is not a reliable heal to fall back on. As it can be reflected, blocked, or dodged.

    > > > >

    > > > > Power revs is the only class with 2 heals yet both the heals can be out played to essentially only heal for 1.8k each and in terms of daggers it can heal the enemy and dmg the rev. You know kinda like how IL works but in reserve and much worse as you are healing the enemy and dmging yourself with your own heal skill. But of course this is probably fine for you.

    > > > >

    > > > > As I said before if you want to remove the counter play to IL then turn it into a decent flat heal and also remove the counters to daggers.

    > > >

    > > > enchanted daggers can be reflected becouse otherwise it would be broken heal too ?

    > > > 1/2s cast time 6k+ heal that also deals damage, ofc cant be interrupted becouse 1/2 cast time. while everyone else has 3/4 or 1s

    > > > And nobody will cancel cast times against IL, becouse you are not forced to use it, you actively lose damage every times you stow anyway, if you keep stowing then the fact you have IL alone generates value, without even using it. Unless you know for a FACT someone is going to use IL stowing is a bad thing to do, there are times where it will come into play but its not something that will happen much. and even if it does its 1v1 only.

    > > > AT WORST Il is 1,8k heal with 3s invulnerability.

    > > > As for enchanting daggers, hmm how about dont use it when enemy has reflects? Its like one of the only skills that can be reflected, just use it when you can.

    > > > Its not like condi mes that gets 90% of skills reflected back.

    > > > Who can actually reflect it? Guard in the right tome -> use when they are on different one or cd.

    > > > Thief with daggerstorm -> dont attack daggerstorming thief?

    > > > Shield block from warrior -> dont attack shieldblocking warrior?

    > > > What else is there? lol. Proj block is the most people can do, and its ele aoe wind and smoke from thief.

    > >

    > > Ya no, enchanted daggers can be changed to give a flat 4.5k heal at beginning instead of having to actually required taking the risk of hitting the enemy with each dagger to work. Also remove the projectile property so it can still be blocked and evaded but not reflected to dmg yourself with your own heal skill. Or is 4.5k too much to ask since you know full well that most daggers actually don't land and 4.5k is a buff to its so called 6k heal. Also it was you that bought up revs has a reliable heal to fall back on. Now you are trying to defend why it's not reliable.

    > >

    > > And even if you are right,which you are not, how much dmg can these so called big hits do after the patch anyways?


    > propably difference of perspective here.

    > this "kitten daggers" take 15-20% of mesmers HP if all land.

    > you guys are too used to chunking people for 1/2 HP while remaining impossible to kill.

    > Now its time to count the pennies of small hits and add them to big total instead of having everything burst people down.


    Basically an "I know daggers is shit and actually heals for less than 4.5k in its current states so no you can't have a reliable 4.5k heal. It needs to remain as shit. My mirage became shit so power revs needs to join the club too." response.


    And as said before IL is only over tuned against over tuned condi builds which shouldn't exist in the first place. The it's great against power builds "just use it to block big hits or its l2p" is complete nonsense.

  6. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > if you cant use IL to "block" big hits with its "long" 1/4s cast time its l2p issue.

    > > > and I already told you why defiant stance has issues, its the ONLY heal warrior has, if warrior missplays it, he can not heal for 30s.

    > > > rev still has daggers.

    > > > As for mending it has synergy with warrior and low cooldown, you can run cleansing sigil + swap cleansing trait, and preety much swap + heal to get 5 cleanses off ( full cleanse most of the time ) every 20s

    > >

    > > If you cant stow weapon to cancel your big hits that's also a l2p issue. Funny how that works. Or are you also going to defend big hits with such low cast time that you can't cancel it once casted?

    > >

    > > Daggers is not a reliable heal to fall back on. As it can be reflected, blocked, or dodged.

    > >

    > > Power revs is the only class with 2 heals yet both the heals can be out played to essentially only heal for 1.8k each and in terms of daggers it can heal the enemy and dmg the rev. You know kinda like how IL works but in reserve and much worse as you are healing the enemy and dmging yourself with your own heal skill. But of course this is probably fine for you.

    > >

    > > As I said before if you want to remove the counter play to IL then turn it into a decent flat heal and also remove the counters to daggers.


    > enchanted daggers can be reflected becouse otherwise it would be broken heal too ?

    > 1/2s cast time 6k+ heal that also deals damage, ofc cant be interrupted becouse 1/2 cast time. while everyone else has 3/4 or 1s

    > And nobody will cancel cast times against IL, becouse you are not forced to use it, you actively lose damage every times you stow anyway, if you keep stowing then the fact you have IL alone generates value, without even using it. Unless you know for a FACT someone is going to use IL stowing is a bad thing to do, there are times where it will come into play but its not something that will happen much. and even if it does its 1v1 only.

    > AT WORST Il is 1,8k heal with 3s invulnerability.

    > As for enchanting daggers, hmm how about dont use it when enemy has reflects? Its like one of the only skills that can be reflected, just use it when you can.

    > Its not like condi mes that gets 90% of skills reflected back.

    > Who can actually reflect it? Guard in the right tome -> use when they are on different one or cd.

    > Thief with daggerstorm -> dont attack daggerstorming thief?

    > Shield block from warrior -> dont attack shieldblocking warrior?

    > What else is there? lol. Proj block is the most people can do, and its ele aoe wind and smoke from thief.


    Ya no, enchanted daggers can be changed to give a flat 4.5k heal at beginning instead of having to actually required taking the risk of hitting the enemy with each dagger to work. Also remove the projectile property so it can still be blocked and evaded but not reflected to dmg yourself with your own heal skill. Or is 4.5k too much to ask since you know full well that most daggers actually don't land and 4.5k is a buff to its so called 6k heal. Also it was you that bought up revs has a reliable heal to fall back on. Now you are trying to defend why it's not reliable.


    And even if you are right,which you are not, how much dmg can these so called big hits do after the patch anyways?

  7. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > if you cant use IL to "block" big hits with its "long" 1/4s cast time its l2p issue.

    > and I already told you why defiant stance has issues, its the ONLY heal warrior has, if warrior missplays it, he can not heal for 30s.

    > rev still has daggers.

    > As for mending it has synergy with warrior and low cooldown, you can run cleansing sigil + swap cleansing trait, and preety much swap + heal to get 5 cleanses off ( full cleanse most of the time ) every 20s


    If you cant stow weapon to cancel your big hits that's also a l2p issue. Funny how that works. Or are you also going to defend big hits with such low cast time that you can't cancel it once casted?


    Daggers is not a reliable heal to fall back on. As it can be reflected, blocked, or dodged.


    Power revs is the only class with 2 heals yet both the heals can be out played to essentially only heal for 1.8k each and in terms of daggers it can heal the enemy and dmg the rev. You know kinda like how IL works but in reserve and much worse as you are healing the enemy and dmging yourself with your own heal skill. But of course this is probably fine for you.


    As I said before if you want to remove the counter play to IL then turn it into a decent flat heal and also remove the counters to daggers.

  8. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > > > > > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > Then nerf Defiant Stance, AED, and Signet of Ether too.

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > jokes aside.... just dont attack. Its one of the most obvious things to see if the herald has its aspect of light "prepared" ,or its healing buff active.

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > Also if Infuse lights gets an herald instantly an big chunk of health back, then it would be time to nerf some classes damage.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > if you use it right at WORST.

    > > > > > > > > > > its 1850 heal from active + whatever damage 1 skill deals.

    > > > > > > > > > > If you play perfectly against infuse light Rev will heal AT LEAST 5k+ with 1/4s casttime.

    > > > > > > > > > > and that assumes its 1v1, you have no condis and you dont follow with an attack.

    > > > > > > > > > > any condi = more heal.

    > > > > > > > > > > any pulsing aoe = more heal

    > > > > > > > > > > more people = more heal.

    > > > > > > > > > > I would say on average this ability heals propably about 10k on 1/4s casttime.

    > > > > > > > > > > do something with this, inc casttime to at least 3/4s or reduce duration or increase cooldown, or remove the insta heal part of it etc etc.

    > > > > > > > > > > Its the best heal in the game RN

    > > > > > > > > > > Argument of defiant stance could be mede but rev has 2 heals -.-

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Condis are most likely to continue damaging even after infuse light.

    > > > > > > > > > u can see if the passive facet of light is there or not, if yes heralds have less energy to spend. esp in pvp....

    > > > > > > > > > most players can predict when it comes or not.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > and the 2 heal thingy: 2 heals from rev are almost as strong as the heal from a warrior,only with longer casting.

    > > > > > > > > > Infuse light & defiant stance are not counted in, since they almost never heal against experienced players

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > condi continuing to damage is meaningless, it has nothing to do with IL.

    > > > > > > > > IL negates 10k dmg and heals for 10k against condi builds, meaning it provides 20k worth of HP value, on top of 3s on cant touch this.

    > > > > > > > > Removal of expertise made long duration conditions no longer a big deal for IL.

    > > > > > > > > From mesmer side thats expertise ammy + 2% per boon got nerfed so conditions last 30-40% shorter duration, meaning you cant overstack them when IL is on.

    > > > > > > > > Counterplay is gone, only broken heal remains.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > **Nerf the heal value by 50% to 10k** and give it a 1.0 healing coefficient like every other healing skill.

    > > > > > > What was I supposed to understand from this sentence?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > dum dums use sarcasm to feel smart.

    > > > > > ofc he failed to read what I wrote properly and now he gets kitten about it, cant be avoided with these people.

    > > > > > Just look at him, guy go so mad that he made a post for the first time in his life to make a snarky comment lol.

    > > > > > @"szeng.1267"

    > > > > > and for you my man since you might have problems with reading.

    > > > > > IL negates 10k dmg and heals for 10k against _**CONDI BUILDS**_

    > > > > > Made it better for you! hope you spot it now, CHeers!

    > > > >

    > > > > You say that as if "20K worth of hp against condi builds" isn't an exaggeration.

    > > >

    > > > its not, or do I need to play again to post 5k+ burn ticks for you from guards?

    > > > or 3k ticks of torment from revs etc etc. unfortunately for most IL has to be used with brain to make most of it.

    > > > If you cant get insane value out of it then you are the problem

    > >

    > > So the problem is Infuse light and not the 3-5k ticks?

    > >


    > condi can be dodged, IL cant. but I would say some condi are overpowered yes.

    > condi being OP doesnt mean Il is not OP. Its seriously the strongest healing skill in the game that I know.

    > Warrior has "better" version but war cant fall back on sec heal, so there is risk/reward there, rev has only reward or huge reward.


    Right because power revs can fall back on their trusted enchanted daggers. And playing against a power build that knows where their stow weapon button is for a nice 1.8k heal is so rewarding. IL is only over tuned against over tuned condi builds which shouldn't exist in the first place.


    And no warriors choose Mending to counter condi builds. If infuse light/defiant Stance is as good as you say against condi they would choose defiant stance instead. If IL is 20k worth of hp defiant stance is worth 26k hp.


    You seem like you let the one dodge nerf on mirages get to your head and wants to see other power classes get dumped on for the sake of nerfing their over performing condi counter part.

  9. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > > > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > > > > Then nerf Defiant Stance, AED, and Signet of Ether too.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > jokes aside.... just dont attack. Its one of the most obvious things to see if the herald has its aspect of light "prepared" ,or its healing buff active.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Also if Infuse lights gets an herald instantly an big chunk of health back, then it would be time to nerf some classes damage.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > if you use it right at WORST.

    > > > > > > > > its 1850 heal from active + whatever damage 1 skill deals.

    > > > > > > > > If you play perfectly against infuse light Rev will heal AT LEAST 5k+ with 1/4s casttime.

    > > > > > > > > and that assumes its 1v1, you have no condis and you dont follow with an attack.

    > > > > > > > > any condi = more heal.

    > > > > > > > > any pulsing aoe = more heal

    > > > > > > > > more people = more heal.

    > > > > > > > > I would say on average this ability heals propably about 10k on 1/4s casttime.

    > > > > > > > > do something with this, inc casttime to at least 3/4s or reduce duration or increase cooldown, or remove the insta heal part of it etc etc.

    > > > > > > > > Its the best heal in the game RN

    > > > > > > > > Argument of defiant stance could be mede but rev has 2 heals -.-

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Condis are most likely to continue damaging even after infuse light.

    > > > > > > > u can see if the passive facet of light is there or not, if yes heralds have less energy to spend. esp in pvp....

    > > > > > > > most players can predict when it comes or not.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > and the 2 heal thingy: 2 heals from rev are almost as strong as the heal from a warrior,only with longer casting.

    > > > > > > > Infuse light & defiant stance are not counted in, since they almost never heal against experienced players

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > condi continuing to damage is meaningless, it has nothing to do with IL.

    > > > > > > IL negates 10k dmg and heals for 10k against condi builds, meaning it provides 20k worth of HP value, on top of 3s on cant touch this.

    > > > > > > Removal of expertise made long duration conditions no longer a big deal for IL.

    > > > > > > From mesmer side thats expertise ammy + 2% per boon got nerfed so conditions last 30-40% shorter duration, meaning you cant overstack them when IL is on.

    > > > > > > Counterplay is gone, only broken heal remains.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > **Nerf the heal value by 50% to 10k** and give it a 1.0 healing coefficient like every other healing skill.

    > > > > What was I supposed to understand from this sentence?

    > > >

    > > > dum dums use sarcasm to feel smart.

    > > > ofc he failed to read what I wrote properly and now he gets kitten about it, cant be avoided with these people.

    > > > Just look at him, guy go so mad that he made a post for the first time in his life to make a snarky comment lol.

    > > > @"szeng.1267"

    > > > and for you my man since you might have problems with reading.

    > > > IL negates 10k dmg and heals for 10k against _**CONDI BUILDS**_

    > > > Made it better for you! hope you spot it now, CHeers!

    > >

    > > You say that as if "20K worth of hp against condi builds" isn't an exaggeration.


    > its not, or do I need to play again to post 5k+ burn ticks for you from guards?

    > or 3k ticks of torment from revs etc etc. unfortunately for most IL has to be used with brain to make most of it.

    > If you cant get insane value out of it then you are the problem


    So the problem is Infuse light and not the 3-5k ticks?


  10. > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > Then nerf Defiant Stance, AED, and Signet of Ether too.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > jokes aside.... just dont attack. Its one of the most obvious things to see if the herald has its aspect of light "prepared" ,or its healing buff active.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Also if Infuse lights gets an herald instantly an big chunk of health back, then it would be time to nerf some classes damage.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > if you use it right at WORST.

    > > > > > its 1850 heal from active + whatever damage 1 skill deals.

    > > > > > If you play perfectly against infuse light Rev will heal AT LEAST 5k+ with 1/4s casttime.

    > > > > > and that assumes its 1v1, you have no condis and you dont follow with an attack.

    > > > > > any condi = more heal.

    > > > > > any pulsing aoe = more heal

    > > > > > more people = more heal.

    > > > > > I would say on average this ability heals propably about 10k on 1/4s casttime.

    > > > > > do something with this, inc casttime to at least 3/4s or reduce duration or increase cooldown, or remove the insta heal part of it etc etc.

    > > > > > Its the best heal in the game RN

    > > > > > Argument of defiant stance could be mede but rev has 2 heals -.-

    > > > >

    > > > > Condis are most likely to continue damaging even after infuse light.

    > > > > u can see if the passive facet of light is there or not, if yes heralds have less energy to spend. esp in pvp....

    > > > > most players can predict when it comes or not.

    > > > >

    > > > > and the 2 heal thingy: 2 heals from rev are almost as strong as the heal from a warrior,only with longer casting.

    > > > > Infuse light & defiant stance are not counted in, since they almost never heal against experienced players

    > > >

    > > > condi continuing to damage is meaningless, it has nothing to do with IL.

    > > > IL negates 10k dmg and heals for 10k against condi builds, meaning it provides 20k worth of HP value, on top of 3s on cant touch this.

    > > > Removal of expertise made long duration conditions no longer a big deal for IL.

    > > > From mesmer side thats expertise ammy + 2% per boon got nerfed so conditions last 30-40% shorter duration, meaning you cant overstack them when IL is on.

    > > > Counterplay is gone, only broken heal remains.

    > >

    > > **Nerf the heal value by 50% to 10k** and give it a 1.0 healing coefficient like every other healing skill.

    > What was I supposed to understand from this sentence?


    Oh I don't know. Maybe you were to understand that Leonidrix over exaggerated the current effectiveness of IL to a point where even a 50% reduction of his stated claims are still a BUFF to the actually current state of IL?


    I also like how you called me out when you though I actually wanted a 10k heal but you didn't call Leonidrex out when he claimed "IL negates 10k dmg and heals for 10k" just because both of you wants IL to be nerfed then turn around and call me bias.

  11. > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > > Wow I actually agree. 20k worth of hp, instant cast and 3s of convert all dmg taken to heal which is twice as good as invulnerability since if you hit someone with invuln you just do no dmg instead of healing them. I can see now this skill needs a major nerf. First, just completely remove the 3s of damage conversion since its just way too overpowered and give them baseline heal like everyone else. Second, the 20k hp value in its current state is way too high. Nerf the heal value by 50% to 10k and give it a 1.0 healing coefficient like every other healing skill. Finally just for good measures, nerf the instant cast. Take away the 1/4s cast time on facet of light DOUBLE it to 1/2s and slap it on Infuse light instead.

    > > > >

    > > > > And to all those complaining that infuse light will be garbage after the 2x casttime increase, 50% reduced effectiveness, and removal of 3s godmode. I think it is more than fair.

    > > >

    > > > Unless I'm reading this incorrectly what you're suggesting would actually be a buff. 10k is nothing to scough at. A change like this would remove much of the skill involved in using this ability however (timing it when major burst is about to hit you, hence the short cast time to allow the rev to time it properly)

    > > >

    > > > I like Shao's idea of nerfing the duration to 2 seconds so that the skill works in it's intended purpose (Anti-burst) and not as a pseudo-immunity.

    > > >

    > > > Or alternatively, removing the invuln and making it an attack that heals the rev for each target struck. Something which brings the skill in line without homogenizing it with every other generic heal. Changes like these only serve to make the game feel more dull and samey over time. (insert joke here about how that's exactly what WoW did and how that game is dying)

    > > >

    > >

    > > I assure you you're reading this correctly. My suggestions will nerf the overpowered infuse light that has "20K worth of hp value" to half of it's current effectiveness and remove its 3s of godmode. This nerf would probably make Leonidrex and every Herald main very happy.

    > >

    > I think you re high on something. You want a 10k heal and call it a nerf. lmao. Most heals are something like 5k-7k. When leonidrex mention 20k heal it was another way to say full heal. So I don t really know why the kitten should anyone have a 10k heal **flat **, especially rev who has 2 heals.

    > You should really think twice before posting on a rev's topic because you re obviously biased asf.



    No, if you really think I want a 10k heal you are high on something.

  12. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > Why are you seriously talking about nerfing infused light? The only thing that makes this class able to compete in the player vs player modes. Or have u seen any renegades in pvp in high tiers yet?


    Are you talking to me? If so I suggest you reread my comment. My suggested nerfs are more than fair. Trust me on this one.

  13. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > Wow I actually agree. 20k worth of hp, instant cast and 3s of convert all dmg taken to heal which is twice as good as invulnerability since if you hit someone with invuln you just do no dmg instead of healing them. I can see now this skill needs a major nerf. First, just completely remove the 3s of damage conversion since its just way too overpowered and give them baseline heal like everyone else. Second, the 20k hp value in its current state is way too high. Nerf the heal value by 50% to 10k and give it a 1.0 healing coefficient like every other healing skill. Finally just for good measures, nerf the instant cast. Take away the 1/4s cast time on facet of light DOUBLE it to 1/2s and slap it on Infuse light instead.

    > >

    > > And to all those complaining that infuse light will be garbage after the 2x casttime increase, 50% reduced effectiveness, and removal of 3s godmode. I think it is more than fair.


    > Unless I'm reading this incorrectly what you're suggesting would actually be a buff. 10k is nothing to scough at. A change like this would remove much of the skill involved in using this ability however (timing it when major burst is about to hit you, hence the short cast time to allow the rev to time it properly)


    > I like Shao's idea of nerfing the duration to 2 seconds so that the skill works in it's intended purpose (Anti-burst) and not as a pseudo-immunity.


    > Or alternatively, removing the invuln and making it an attack that heals the rev for each target struck. Something which brings the skill in line without homogenizing it with every other generic heal. Changes like these only serve to make the game feel more dull and samey over time. (insert joke here about how that's exactly what WoW did and how that game is dying)



    I assure you you're reading this correctly. My suggestions will nerf the overpowered infuse light that has "20K worth of hp value" to half of it's current effectiveness and remove its 3s of godmode. This nerf would probably make Leonidrex and every Herald main very happy.


  14. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > Then nerf Defiant Stance, AED, and Signet of Ether too.

    > > > >

    > > > > jokes aside.... just dont attack. Its one of the most obvious things to see if the herald has its aspect of light "prepared" ,or its healing buff active.

    > > > >

    > > > > Also if Infuse lights gets an herald instantly an big chunk of health back, then it would be time to nerf some classes damage.

    > > >

    > > > if you use it right at WORST.

    > > > its 1850 heal from active + whatever damage 1 skill deals.

    > > > If you play perfectly against infuse light Rev will heal AT LEAST 5k+ with 1/4s casttime.

    > > > and that assumes its 1v1, you have no condis and you dont follow with an attack.

    > > > any condi = more heal.

    > > > any pulsing aoe = more heal

    > > > more people = more heal.

    > > > I would say on average this ability heals propably about 10k on 1/4s casttime.

    > > > do something with this, inc casttime to at least 3/4s or reduce duration or increase cooldown, or remove the insta heal part of it etc etc.

    > > > Its the best heal in the game RN

    > > > Argument of defiant stance could be mede but rev has 2 heals -.-

    > >

    > > Condis are most likely to continue damaging even after infuse light.

    > > u can see if the passive facet of light is there or not, if yes heralds have less energy to spend. esp in pvp....

    > > most players can predict when it comes or not.

    > >

    > > and the 2 heal thingy: 2 heals from rev are almost as strong as the heal from a warrior,only with longer casting.

    > > Infuse light & defiant stance are not counted in, since they almost never heal against experienced players


    > condi continuing to damage is meaningless, it has nothing to do with IL.

    > IL negates 10k dmg and heals for 10k against condi builds, meaning it provides 20k worth of HP value, on top of 3s on cant touch this.

    > Removal of expertise made long duration conditions no longer a big deal for IL.

    > From mesmer side thats expertise ammy + 2% per boon got nerfed so conditions last 30-40% shorter duration, meaning you cant overstack them when IL is on.

    > Counterplay is gone, only broken heal remains.


    Wow I actually agree. 20k worth of hp, instant cast and 3s of convert all dmg taken to heal which is twice as good as invulnerability since if you hit someone with invuln you just do no dmg instead of healing them. I can see now this skill needs a major nerf. First, just completely remove the 3s of damage conversion since its just way too overpowered and give them baseline heal like everyone else. Second, the 20k hp value in its current state is way too high. Nerf the heal value by 50% to 10k and give it a 1.0 healing coefficient like every other healing skill. Finally just for good measures, nerf the instant cast. Take away the 1/4s cast time on facet of light DOUBLE it to 1/2s and slap it on Infuse light instead.


    And to all those complaining that infuse light will be garbage after the 2x casttime increase, 50% reduced effectiveness, and removal of 3s godmode. I think it is more than fair.

  15. Yet no one complains about defiance stance or even use it apart from zerging in wvw.


    If given the choice between the current IL or an IL that performs like mendings, a flat 6.5k heal and remove 3 conditions but with 30s cd. I'm sure a lot of revs will choose the latter.


    Also while we're at it Shiro heal also has counterplay. It can be reflected, blocked, or evaded. So let's remove the counterplay to Shiro heal as well. Or is counterplay only good if it hurts the Rev and bad if they benefit?

  16. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > > > Maybe the problem isn't infuse light being too good but conditions are ticking for too high. Conditions shouldn't be ticking for 3-4k in the first place.

    > > >

    > > > depends how they are applied, if guard sneezes and you eat 30k burn thats kitten, but if someone lands 4-5 abilities they you 100% should take alot of damage.

    > > > realism of the situation is that infuse is AT LEAST healing for 50% hp against condi builds while acting as 3s invlunerability on top

    > >

    > > So conditions doing AT LEAST 50% hp (ie ~10k) dmg in 3 seconds is considered the low end whats the high end?

    > >

    > >


    > there is no high end.

    > you take as much as you let your enemies to.

    > what is the high end of power damage? in 3s?

    > mault for 15k? WI for 20k, still not 3s, hmmm bird for 10k, some longbow for 5-10k is it 3s yet?

    > if you eat the condi like bonzoo then you get melted, only farters like guard need to be nerfed becouse they touch you and you insta melt with 20k burns


    All the outlier power skills need to be nerfed. Don't use outlier power skills to justify over performing condition dmg.


  17. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"szeng.1267" said:

    > > Maybe the problem isn't infuse light being too good but conditions are ticking for too high. Conditions shouldn't be ticking for 3-4k in the first place.


    > depends how they are applied, if guard sneezes and you eat 30k burn thats kitten, but if someone lands 4-5 abilities they you 100% should take alot of damage.

    > realism of the situation is that infuse is AT LEAST healing for 50% hp against condi builds while acting as 3s invlunerability on top


    So conditions doing AT LEAST 50% hp (ie ~10k) dmg in 3 seconds is considered the low end whats the high end?



  18. > @"avey.4201" said:

    > This is what I was saying before the patch.

    > There's no power/precision/vitality stat set, every power set with defensive stat has toughness(wasted against condi), or has ferocity with vitality(wasted as you can't crit), while condi gets to reduce power damage taken, have big health pool, and big irreducible damage with no reliance on the chance it might, or might not crit.

    > If condi didn't ignore toughness it would close the gap a lot I think, but would still be somewhat strong.


    Although toughness reducing condi dmg will be more balanced, I don't think this is the direction anet should go. I think heavy condi dmg by design should counter bunkers by penetrating its toughness while bunker builds should counter power by out tanking its dps and power should counter condi dmg by out dpsing it. It just so happens that condi builds also get to be bunkers.



    > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > I just want my 1250 power 1250 condition 500 healing amulet xD


    The whole point of balancing condi is so that you can't have 1200 of condi and 1200 of any other stat. All stats with condi dmg as main should have all its secondary stats nerfed, all stats with condi dmg as the secondary should have condi dmg nerfed, and if condi dmg co mains with another stat than everything should be nerfed.

  20. Anet needs to realise that power and condition damage stats are not equal and adjust the secondary stats that comes with condition damage accordingly. For example soldiers which gives power vit and toughness is garbage compared to dire which gives condi dmg vit and toughness. With dire stats you basically have the damage equivalent of berserkers with the tankiness of soldiers. So either the vit and toughness from dire needs to be lowered or the condi dmg needs to be lowered. It doesn't make sense that condi builds get to automatically be free tanks but power builds are forced to choose. You either build tons of condi dmg and be squishy or low condi dmg and be tanky. It is insane how condi builds can still be bunkers and deal tons of damage even with op stats like dire and trailblazer removed. This just proves how imbalanced the stat distribution for condi builds really are.


    I also think that removing stats from PvP is not the way to go. Balancing out all the stats and make them available to use will increase diversity in both PvP and WvW.

  21. How is Anet knowing that things will be chaotic an excuse for no communication after the patch? Isn't knowing that things will be chaotic more of an incentive to communicate and you know calm the chaos?


    We know things will be chaotic... welp have fun panicking... see you whenever.

    This is normal to some of you?

  22. I think the only way to remove perma stealth is to tie it to a resource that drains overtime like endurance. Make stealth start to consume endurance over time if a player is in stealth for longer than 3 seconds and reveal them once endurance runs out. That way players who use stealth the way it was intended (as a combat mechanic during fights) won't get punished and those that abuse perma stealth to reset fights and get cooldowns and hide in keeps to portal people in will be punished by having their endurance drained. I don't think messing with cooldowns and traits is a good idea to reduce stealth. It may seem like a good idea now but in the future when they introduce new content and add new stealth skills it will just be broken again since there will be extra stealth skills in the rotation.

  23. They should move the dmg numbers over the character name to be honest. No one cares what the enemy's name is after you started attacking them but everyone want to be able to see what their enemy is doing at all time. Also a slider to increase/decrease the size of text would be nice. But anet will never change their UI because they believe their horrible UI is perfect.

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