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Posts posted by thequeenofbees.4250

  1. The story for this episode was absolutely incredible. The quality of the story instances felt on par with PoF (in my opinion) and I love that. There's also just so much new content on the map that I almost feel overwhelmed, but in a good way. I will say, though, that the first raptor jumping section in the second to last instance is annoying to do on my potato computer. Not saying that it should be changed per se, but I just want to say that my experience with that part was that I had to do it over and over again because I kept overcompensating the jumps because of the swiftness.

  2. Story: Was great! I'm 100% ready to murder Joko over and over again. The Koss fight did feel way easier than any of the other bosses which was weird since he was described as so deadly. I'm also really happy to see Braham and Rox back! Taimi's voice actress did a great job in the final instance and there was a great tone of urgency but I almost wonder if it was a bit too much since I did get my anxiety triggered pretty badly by hearing her be so desperate in my ear (and I know the internet seems convinced that when people will mental illnesses talk about triggers they just mean they were offended or kind of uncomfortable, but that's not what it means; this actually did cause a flare up in my anxiety symptoms and while it wasn't super bad for me I know it was worse for some others. Trust me, I've been in therapy for half a decade now, I know what I'm talking about here ;) )

    Open World: I liked it a lot! I think the library in particular is a really great heart and I had a lot of fun reading all of the books. I love that kind of extra flavor stuff. The meta events are also quite fun and I've found them to be challenging! I like the branded meteorite encounter as well, though it did take me a while to figure out how it actually worked.

    I also think that @"Seth Moonshadow.2710" 's suggestion above about a library would be really helpful! I would love a place to keep all of my lore books. If I were in charge of implementing something like that I'd add a bookshelf to home instances that you can interact with, and if you have a completed book or other readable item in your inventory, there is an option to "place [the book] on the bookshelf." This would permanently remove the book from your inventory, but you could also choose to "browse your collection" by interacting with the shelf, which would open up a window where you could see all of the books that you've deposited and read them. Another way that might be cool would be for the hypothetical shelf to work like a container, except you can only put books in it. Maybe you could start with some room and more would be purchasable through the gem store for those who really enjoy collecting? I dunno, but I think it would be a cool thing.

  3. @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" Ah ok, that makes sense. What if Anet added the greater keys to the keyring but kept the essences in the inventory? Then, when you combined the essences with a bandit skeleton key, the greater nightmare key would just get directly added to the keyring. The essences can't be used to open anything on their own and are only used for """crafting""" greater nightmare keys so I don't think they should go on the keyring, but it doesn't sound like you want that either. I'd be all for a rework to nightmare pod system in general but even if they don't do that I think it would be helpful to have the greater keys be on the keyring.


    I haven't actually done much with Ember Bay's skritt caches so I don't really have an opinion on those. The only problem I could see with adding shovels and zinn's stash keys to the keyring would be that those items work like equippables; when you double click them in your inventory they replace your weapons skills or give you a special action hotkey, whereas the other things on the keyring don't have that kind of mechanic. So I don't really think those could benefit from being on the keyring, especially since you'd have to scroll all the way down and find them in the list every time you wanted to use one, as opposed to how things like machetes and bandit skeleton keys are automatically used when you interact with the thing they open.


    Personally I like the torch in bitterfrost and since a big part of getting it is maintaining lighted braziers so that you can easily pick up another torch to continue getting chests, I honestly would prefer that that stays the same. It's such an integral part of the meta even that I don't think somehow converting it to a key would be a good idea personally.

  4. @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" I think that's an interesting idea, but even if they were to change the way the keys drop, I still think it would be helpful to add greater nightmare keys specifically to the keyring just because that's one less item to have cluttering up your inventory and because people tend to hold on to them for a long time and then open the chest a bunch of times all at once. As for the other keys you mentioned, I don't really have an opinion either way. I wasn't around for season 1 and I don't really do dungeons much, and there's no point to having a bunch of tarnished keys anyway since you can only open the chest once per day per account. I do still think having the greater nightmare keys on the keychain would be helpful though.

  5. You know how some instances have checkpoints where, if for some reason you leave the instance before completing it, you restart at a certain point instead of having to redo the entire instance to get to where you were before? The Departing does not have one of those, and I think it could benefit from one. I just disconnected halfway through the instance for the second time, and I really think such a long instance could benefit from having at least one checkpoint because it's so frustrating to have your computer disconnect right after entering the second part and and have to redo the entire first fight. I think this would be a really good quality of life fix for people like me whose connection can be unreliable at times. I would suggest adding a checkpoint right as you enter the second part of the instance (those who have played it know which part I'm talking about), and maybe another one after you complete the part where you follow the thing around. This would just be so helpful in my opinion.

  6. > @AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

    > The [Aetherkey](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Completed_Aetherkey "") and [Tarnished Key](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Tarnished_Key "") are also missing.

    > A-Net, please add

    > * **Key(s) of Greater Nightmares**,

    > * **Tricolour Key(s)**,

    > * **Completed Aetherkey(s)**, and

    > * **Tarnished Key(s)**


    > to the wallet. With a hotfix maybe?


    Oh yeah, that's a good point. I think it would be really useful if they added all of these.

  7. So I first of all just want to say, the patch looks absolutely wonderful and I'm really excited to get into playing it!


    The keyring is an especially useful feature and I'm so happy that it's been added, thank you so much for that! I do have one tiny bit of feedback though, and that's that I think it would be useful if Keys of Greater Nightmares were added to it as well. This is partially because they function similarly to machetes and the like, in that they open a specific kind of chest in a specific map, but I think it would be especially helpful for them to be added to the keyring because I know that, nowadays, many people save up their keys and then go down to open the big chest once they have a lot of them, opening the chest a lot of times all at once instead of opening it twice every meta event cycle. Given that this is a popular way to use the keys, I just think they would be a useful addition to the feature and I figured I would bring it up!


    Again, great job on the keyring and the patch in general! This patch already has an episode, a raid, and a fractal, but I just wanted to say that I also really appreciate the general quality of life changes on top of that :)

  8. Current Status: Closed


    (If I remember correctly it's ok to advertise commissions here but I'm not 100% sure so sorry if this is breaking the rules!)


    I've been finding myself short on gold lately so I'm opening up some commissions. If you're interested, message me! I'll draw gw2 characters or non-gw2 characters, and I can draw animals, anthros, humanoids, and robots.


    Sketchy headshots in the style below cost 10 gold, and colored and shaded full bodies in the style below cost 40 gold :)


    ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/3cbbda5fb9d57c5af18082670752e185/tumblr_oz3670XdEl1wtem1po2_540.png "")

    ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/5cc193cfa682ae759931188f5d738f31/tumblr_oz3670XdEl1wtem1po1_540.png "")

  9. I honestly think a lot of the problems people have with the system would be changed if it was possible to sell the skins you got on the trading post. I am not at all a fan of rng systems like this and the fact that there's only a 1 in 30 chance to actually get any given skin is so so frustrating. From the reaction to this feature it's clear that a lot of the community agree with me on this. In a perfect world I would love a system where you could just buy individual skins in the gem store, and I would be willing to pay a higher price, even potentially around 1000 gems for a skin that I really like. But, considering this system has already been added I honestly think it would be a good idea to just add the ability to trade the skins on the trading post from here on out. I think that would be a good compromise that would keep the main part of the system intact while still giving people who might only want a couple of the skins the ability to get them for a marked up price from the trading post.

  10. I'm disappointed in this decision and I also honestly would pay more per skin if I could actually pick the skin I wanted. Having it work this way just feels exploitative and it's very frustrating to have such small odds of getting any individual skin. From a business perspective it makes sense, but from the side of the consumer it just breeds ill will in a lot of us, and I'm honestly less likely to spend money on a company that I feel is treating me in an exploitative way.

  11. I see no problem with having skins available for purchase on the gem store. I don't think it's unreasonable at all to give players the opportunity to spend real money on the game. However, I am very much against the loot box system. From a consumer standpoint, it's very annoying and makes me much less interested in spending real money on the game. If it was possible to choose the skin you get I would even be willing to pay more per skin (around 600g maybe), but as it stands I am very much not a fan of this particular gambling system. I get that it's a source of revenue for anet but charging 400g for a 1 in 30 chance at getting the skin you want leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  12. Overall I really enjoyed the expansion. I thought the story was very good and some of the new tech involved in telling the story was very cool, like having things happen in gameplay that normally would be relegated to cutscenes. I do think that Balthazar's characterization was the weakest part, because he seemed very one note, but everything else was pretty outstanding in my opinion and I'm looking forward to future story updates.

    The mounts are great and pve is great. I do think it would be neat to have maybe one map with a map-wide meta event, but that's just because I personally enjoy that kind of content, and I do like the smaller meta events that are there. Other than that though I think the difficulty of the enemies in pve is at a good level, and the same goes for the story instances (except the eater of souls but you already nerfed that!)

    I'm not well versed in balance so I can't really comment on that, but I can say that I am really enjoying playing soulbeast, and I have found dagger gameplay on that to be very fun. I'm not fussed at all about the lack of raid content, fractal content, pvp content, or wvw content, because those aren't handled by the team that did pof so I don't think it's reasonable to expect those things to be packaged with pof. Plus, we just got a new fractal with one path ends.

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