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Posts posted by MisterDapper.5984

  1. > @"Josiah.2967" said:

    > > @"YamiNoNeko.8739" said:

    > > I never thought I would be making a post on here but the condi nerf to weaver ins uncalled for, it is already hard to master and pull off correctly that nerfing it is basically spitting on all the condi weaver players when they have to work and with how hard it is to pull off the damage shouldn't be nerf is like you guys are just looking at the golem numbers and think you aren't dealing with a lot of mechanics on raids in order to execute it correctly.

    > >

    > > Is great that power is getting a bit of a buff but is also hard to play and pull but but not to the extend of condi weaver of course and damage it currently does doesn't reflect how hard is to master and how squishy and glass cannon the class is that power weaver should do more damage for being so glass cannon.

    > >

    > >


    > If they were looking at Golemn numbers they would be nerfing guardians.


    What are you on? Have you seen the benches? You take guard for FMW and for utility to drop a support slot. A Soulbeast, Weaver and a Holosmith benches higher, but they don’t provide quickness.


    Pchrono benches higher and provides quickness, but requires 5 other chronos or permanent slow uptime to be worth taking. They also take longer to ramp up.Time Warp is also buggy and doesn’t work as it should.


    For other classes to be comparable they need to give useful boons.


  2. It’s ironic that FMW gets nerfed, but Chrono TW remains untouched. The solution to Guard getting FMW nerfed is to stack more Guards or for the qb to take Stalwart speed. So, I don’t see how this balancing makes any sense. Condi chrono nerf just makes Mirage more appealing. Condi slb also got a small nerfed, but hardly sees play. Why kill the class diversity is beyond me.


    Chronophantasm is still bugged, C split doesn’t give distortion or any of the other shatters for some reason. Looks like torch 4 zealot’s fire on guard is still bugged. Condi fb dps got nerfed when it doesn’t even bring impressive numbers, but it’s still better than other classes due to utility.


    It’s really like throwing darts at a board every time a balance patch for PvE comes out. Classes overall need aggressive buffs and less nerfs. Along with quality of life changes like fixing bugs and smoothing out rotations. Third axe auto chain on fb feels bad to execute.

  3. So, they nerfed a niche pick like condi slb instead of buffing it? It was already underperforming compared to FB, Ren and Mirage is in a class of its own. Either delete confusion from the game or give it to all classes. A buff thatt’s competitive.



  4. This is a pretty nice patch for PVE. I would recommend looking into adding boon buffs to various classes like weaver, reaper, and thief. So they can provide boons and do dps. There's nothing fun about being a healer or a boon bot. We want to avoid the holy trinity.

  5. Wouldn't surprise me if side projects unrelated to gw2 were being done with this level of development. There's a reason we only see Q1 roadmap with its lackluster upcoming development and not all of 2020. sPvP/WvW balancing is being done by 1 or 2 people, which is great, but where's the rest of the 200+ employees? Doing living world content and making festivals worse? (Looking at Lunar New Year and Festival of the Four Winds specifically) What happened to Raids and Fractals? Are we seeing a new xpac? The answer is most likely there isn't any. WvW Alliances and Swiss tournaments have been in development for years. Meanwhile we see lots of content in the gemstore. For example Mythic weapons that look better than most Legendaries. Simultaneously the New Year weapons look like old reskins with a color palette changed. Don't even get me started on build loadouts and them costing an arm and a leg. Longevity isn't in mind for this game. It's about how much they can milk us for. It's like Deroir said soon we'll be back in maintenance mode.

  6. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Condutas.3580" said:

    > > "we've collected your feedback "

    > >

    > > And ignored every single argument or talk about it, because, in the end of the day, $$$ is king.

    > >

    > > Screw the feedback, I want money. Literally what all this infortaion boils down to.

    > >

    > > I am 100% sure that the pug raid community will dissapear by the end of 2019 with this and the normal raiders that play in a pre determined group, with friends, will slowly and slowly begin to dissapear.

    > You know it'll take many more months, right?


    > Some weeks ago we got a dev note that the warclaw lance will be made unblockable due to how aegis still work while mounted. That's it. Setting a variable to 1 or true. A single line of code. Something that should be doable in minutes. It still hasnt happened and I would be surprised to see it on tuesday.


    > So how long do you think an entire template mechanic will take to adjust? Even something as simple as making it automatic on game mode?



    How long it takes doesn't matter as much as open communication. "We're talking to our superiors about lowering the price" or "We're working on changing this in the UI", or "we're working on raising the build cap on templates" etc etc


    Something to make your hardcore players want to support you or come back. Instead most of us don't want to login and discourage anyone from playing this game except for the super casual. You're better off playing a different game.


    At the end of the day all that matters is money and ~5-10% of the playerbase leaving probably won't make a dent in their wallet.

  7. These supposedly "QoL" features are manufactured in that inconveniences are added to the game and then a paywall is added for "convenience." it's not so much p2w as it is pay to enjoy the game. Bag slots were designed to be limited per character instead of per account and what you're given is much less than needed. If you've ever farmed or done fractals, you'd quickly run out of space. Granted bag slots and other account upgrades have been a grey area for a long time and are up to debate. Build templates on the other hand are a dark shade of grey, nearly black. There's only so much you can monetize a QoL feature. Especially when it was free and rarely ever had any problems.


    It goes without saying BL chests should be removed from the gem store given how predatory they are. They can have the same role as ecto gambling.

  8. So for 4 equipment templates on my guardian it's 2k gems? Ignoring the ludicrously expensive templates and using chat codes to save resources...The builds are limited to 6 across all game modes, but just for raiding you have DH, Rune of the Thief DH, healbrand, condi FB, Condi Quickness FB, Power quickness FB, 3 FB tank builds for 1250, 1500 and 1750 toughness. So 9 builds in total. And that's not including if I wanted to WvW.


    At most this should have cost $30 for full access to this feature. Maybe a little more, but not 10k+ gems for builds you can have across 9 characters.

  9. Veteran's have been steadily leaving the game the last couple of years. For WvW it has been the same more or less for the past few years and Alliances(world restructuring) has taken too long for them. For Raiders the lack of rewards and content has made them leave. For PvP it's the lack of official tournaments and rewards. The current build template iteration is the nail on the coffin for them.

  10. > @"JasonLucas.4981" said:

    > I'm perfectly fine with Anet selling **equipment templates slots** since they also will hold your gear and save up inventory space. But selling **build templates slots** is unacceptable and I'm very disappointed with this decision, we should be able to create as many build templates we want to, since those templates will mostly be just one line of information and there is no reason for you guys monetize that.

    > This is wrong, please take back on that for build templates.


    Yeah I don't mind paying for equipment storage because that's like a bag slot, but to pay for tabs is a joke. Even better if those equipment tabs are account wide for my unique legendaries, but I'm not asking for that.

  11. So why are there only 2 free gear build templates per character? The people who use arc build templates on average use 6 or more. Some raiders I know use 20 builds for one elite spec. Others use 10. Before they didn't have to pay anything for that. How is this fair to them? I understand that devs need to get paid, but it's not like the gemstore doesn't have a large revenue already. I've spent a gross amount in the past year. Since it's a terrible experience to play without account upgrades. Moreover most new players need to spend at least $75 to play this game, which most would assume comes with build templates. Since every other game does. And even if you buy everything what is the cap on builds per character? You can easily have 5 builds for each specialization. For example each one could have 1 for WvW, 1 for open world, and 3 for Raids.


  12. > @"Ellegon Mcleod.5931" said:

    > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > Are we saying that Sparkfly Fen just suddenly got so much popular.. I mean TEQ has always been a busy WB but after all this time its now being identified as a hot spot map for server intensity... hmmm that's a curios one.

    > >


    > With the ability to go straight to world bosses due to the World Boss Portal Device I think its become easier to visit them all and thus a lot more of us there recently. Also a lot more people have realized which bosses have extra rewards - seen same sort of numbers for Karka Queen and how performance goes out the window.


    Compared to ls3/ls4 type maps, core tyria seems to be running on an older server. WvW might be even older than core tyria, but I can't say for sure.

  13. This is why I'm distancing myself from this game. Meaning just doing my regular pve dailies and not making any long term investments like Fractal God. There's hardly any retention for veterans. It's like a fast food restaurant with a high turn over rate. Nobody stays because there's no benefit or financial security. Might be a bad comparison, but that's what comes to mind. I'm starting to be in the same boat where very few of my friends still play.

  14. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"MisterDapper.5984" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > @"Anhellbro.7210" said:

    > > > > > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > > > > > If they could get rid of the toxicity in Raids, more people would play raids. Same thing with PvP.

    > > > >

    > > > > you play badly> you do not learn> other dislike this > others are toxic and you are prince?

    > > >

    > > > uhm... Ive been trying to raid since they were released.

    > > >

    > > > I have all characters and all gear needed but no one wants a first timer.

    > > > The one time I got in a group, I wasnt taken because I havent done training yet?

    > > >

    > > > raid community is a tight nit group and not everyone is allowed to experience it unlike pvp.

    > >

    > > Toxicity isn't the core of the problem. It's the way Anet designs this game and refuses to give support to raids. There used to be numerous training raids, but now years later there's much fewer. Moreover tutorial in this game does nothing to teach players how to play the game. Breakbars don't even exist until mostly end game content. If the first boss you faced in tutorial had one it would be easier to adjust from pressing 1 to actually using the combat system. Also what's the incentive to teach players how to kill VG when there's only 6 blues for killing the boss again? People want to get their clears for the week and move on. Unlike dungeons there's no dungeon frequenter or any other way to add replayability. It's even worse for CM raids. Since once you complete a CM you can't do it again.


    > Im not claiming they're toxic for it. I can understand the need to get it done as smoothly as possible. My guild was like this for early day CoF runs. 4 minutes a run for 2g per run using double port mesmers.


    > It would be nice if Anet added tools to make it easier to enjoy raids is all im saying really


    I should have responded to an earlier post. I meant to address the post as a whole. My bad

  15. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Anhellbro.7210" said:

    > > > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > > > If they could get rid of the toxicity in Raids, more people would play raids. Same thing with PvP.

    > >

    > > you play badly> you do not learn> other dislike this > others are toxic and you are prince?


    > uhm... Ive been trying to raid since they were released.


    > I have all characters and all gear needed but no one wants a first timer.

    > The one time I got in a group, I wasnt taken because I havent done training yet?


    > raid community is a tight nit group and not everyone is allowed to experience it unlike pvp.


    Toxicity isn't the core of the problem. It's the way Anet designs this game and refuses to give support to raids. There used to be numerous training raids, but now years later there's much fewer. Moreover tutorial in this game does nothing to teach players how to play the game. Breakbars don't even exist until mostly end game content. If the first boss you faced in tutorial had one it would be easier to adjust from pressing 1 to actually using the combat system. Also what's the incentive to teach players how to kill VG when there's only 6 blues for killing the boss again? People want to get their clears for the week and move on. Unlike dungeons there's no dungeon frequenter or any other way to add replayability. It's even worse for CM raids. Since once you complete a CM you can't do it again.

  16. > @"Zynk.9015" said:

    > They went down the "heavy micro-transaction" route, imo, when they announced f2p years ago. Or perhaps it was before that when they included the gem shop at release. Oh, that's literally every other active multiplayer game currently on the market, my bad...


    > That being said, I highly doubt they are going to overnerf farming. The craziest farm nerf I've seen recently was to the aquatic fractal, and that was a very unique exploit in the game that not everyone could do because it required a large organized group and the spoils had to be divied up by a middleman or the GM.

    > Overall, the game benefited from that particular nerf because that fractal got reworked to make it actually challenging, the boss fight got new mechanics, and the farmers are out again finding new methods to bring in that sweet, sweet coin. I think the farming community this game has is one of the most exciting aspects of it. The cross-map coordination some of these groups pull off is mind-boggling, and it's not going away anytime soon.



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