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Evon Skyfyre.9673

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Posts posted by Evon Skyfyre.9673

  1. I was so excited to see one drop from a festival crate. I dropped it in the infusion slot on my cape, it doesn't have any effect on the cape, just the body and armor. Then I thought, maybe my capes are not eligible for the effect and bought the Ice Reaver cape I've had my eye on. In the BLTP preview it looked like it worked with the infusion effect. So I converted gold to 500 gems and bought it. No joy again, the infusion has no effect on it. So I read up and finally decided to use an infusion extractor and removed it and sold it for 40g. I'm not trying to complain or ask for refunds, just bringing it up so it is known in case it's a bug. The infusion itself is pretty cool, I love capes and was bothered seeing it not match everywhere I went lol (from behind hard not to miss). So the devs have a full picture I tried the first cape they added to the BLTP, Ruriks, and the Ice Reaver.


    Hope this helps, even if only by giving others a heads up, so they don't go through what I went through. :)

  2. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

    > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > > That doesn't sound all that unusual. What was the group's DPS like?

    > >

    > > Exact makeup I couldn't say, we split into to squads, healer in each etc.. for Voice. I actually hope it was just a bad day. I like the runs, and right now even look forward to the distraction. I just finished my Ascended armor I had Zojjas chest, picked up shoulders, boots, helm, gloves from shards dropping in strikes. Got anxious after the failures today and crafted the leggings, even thoughi have 133 red prophet shards lol


    > I wasn't asking about composition although that can have a big impact on DPS. In my experience with a typical "decent" run at least 4 or 5 of the people should be doing 10k+ while very good runs having people doing more than twice that especially for voice/claw. That is what I meant by group DPS.


    > Edit: just went and did the easy three and there doesn't seem to be any change, DPS for reference

    > shiverpeak

    > !(https://i.imgur.com/aZXeRSj.png)

    > fraenir

    > !(https://i.imgur.com/h9chbvW.png)

    > bears

    > !(https://i.imgur.com/lbVCqCx.png)


    Very nice, thank you. I hope it was just one of those days. Sometimes you get the bear... sometimes he gets you and your little dog too.. lol

  3. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > That doesn't sound all that unusual. What was the group's DPS like?


    Exact makeup I couldn't say, we split into to squads, healer in each etc.. for Voice. I actually hope it was just a bad day. I like the runs, and right now even look forward to the distraction. I just finished my Ascended armor I had Zojjas chest, picked up shoulders, boots, helm, gloves from shards dropping in strikes. Got anxious after the failures today and crafted the leggings, even thoughi have 133 red prophet shards lol

  4. I have run strikes everyday since they were added. Some here may know me from my daily runs to Shiverpeaks, Voice, Faenir, and Cold war (pugs). We have our ups and downs but we get them done. Today, group seemingly of decent players, almost wiped in Shiverpeaks >.<. Voice, tried twice, at different times, we couldn't get gold. Is it just my luck today or did they change something accidently or on purpose? (Please spare me the "Get good" remarks, unless you can explain what is wrong :) )

  5. Well let's see, it's only been a day but.. Love the scenery, the constant action, Strike is lots of fun, and oh.. what else.. NEW TREES for Guild Hall. I am really excited.. (you could tell right?). Dwayna bless your Art Department! I haven't decided if I will wait for voice acting to be added in, or not. Still going like I always do, and following my nose. I'm really enjoying just wandering around, and beleive it or not, the added peril for winged mounts (no gonna spoil it) is really adding a nice sense of realism. For my part, I am loving the new Chapter. Won't lie, no voices in camp reminds me of the peril in real life. But that has to be for now. Thank you for this, the distraction is much appreciated.


  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > There has been no glimmer of hope for building on Guilds at all beyond new decorations every festival. Does seem a waste.


    > I'm no longer in a Guild and whilst I would always recommend them for new/returning players, I don't feel like I'm missing out by not being in one. I'm not sure that's how it should be


    (Obligatory statement) I've played since launch, and about a year into the game Guilds seemed to stop serving a purpose. With being able to join up to 5 guilds, there is no loyalty or devotion to any one guild.

  7. Is this a dead issue or has there been any glimmer of hope they will rework the Guild Missions and/or rewards? As is, I can't even get new players interested in them. This coupled with no interaction in the guild has me feeling like Guilds are Vault access and gathering hubs only. Otherwise they could drop guilds and many wouldn't care? We have players joining ours regularly but they rarely interact, etc..





  8. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

    > > While we're at it, can they increase map population in the gh to 50, instead of 5? Anytime we have a guild get together, we have to keep changing maps. It's really annoying. :(


    > Great joke there...are there more than 5 people in your Guild that even want to go into the GH at once? Legit question because I've been in a GH with 20 people.


    Well we're currently at 117. But I understand the question. I've put in countless hours and thousands of gold decorating our guild hall. All 3 levels (Guilded Hollow). Myself and our Guild Scribes have crafted areas for Norn, Sylvari, Charr, and Asura. We used to do more together as a guild, but I am working on and trying anything I can think of to get those days back. Best of luck to us both!


    Side note: in a game called GUILD wars, the guild system is truly forgotten it seems. As a leader I cannot message the guild by email, I cannot silence someone having a bad day, I cannot do anything to deal with problems, all I can do is ignore it our kick them out. The guild system is not efficient in any way shape or form. But after 7 years, I doubt anything changes now.

  9. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > @"Thereon.3495" said:

    > > I will still play this when it is fully voice acted. I'm not staying away out of spite, I love GW2 but just feel that this is a terrible decision and I'd rather have the episode postponed.


    > Their metrics could very well show that delays decrease their player numbers forever. Content delays drive people away, not everyone comes back and this situation is not going to be resolved in a couple of weeks or even a couple of months.


    > It wouldn't just be this episode, it'll be this episode and the next one and the one after that and so on. A delay affects all upcoming episodes, it's not like they can really release a bunch of episodes all at once.


    > Best to keep the studio working as best they can. Best to keep producing content for their players as best they can to safeguard their jobs and provide for their families as best they can. Many don't have that option right now.


    > The story itself is a relatively small part of a new episode so while I'll miss the voice acting I'll do without for now and replay the story when it's put back in.


    > I applaud them for their decision, well done everyone at ArenaNet, working remotely while dealing with childcare and the other disruptions is far from easy, I know. Stay safe and stay sane and know you're helping a lot of us do the same by producing great content for us!


    No offense to the voice actors but many here might be surprised at how many play the game with the voices off. Some want skip added to cutscenes. We'll have voices back soon enough. The video was touching, and I especially liked hearing a Charr voice being motivational. And of course the voice of reason from a fellow Sylvari :)

  10. I think what may be effecting some badly is they see this as just one more negative another let down during the pandemic. We all look forward to each release and a new chapter in the story unfolding. One less positive if you let it be so. One silly and fun thing to do could be form groups, get on discord, run the missions and use your own voices to fill in the missing ones. :)

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