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Posts posted by MaliceAwakening.9205

  1. **Disclaimer**: Tech requirements change and evolve over time. Arenanet (and most other software suppliers) have the right to change their system requirements for their products as they see fit at any time. Your computer build today is not guaranteed to work tomorrow.


    With that out of the way, let's talk tech. Rather than provide specific part recommendations, I'll recommend a top-down queue of upgrades that could be made and the improvements you can expect to see:


    1. **CPU** - GW2 tends to use a single core at any given time, but having more cores will improve general quality-of-life by allowing you to maintain more concurrent applications at once (Ex: Discord, web browsers, etc). Speed can be a bottleneck up to a certain point before shifting to a different part of your rig. General guidance is that bigger is better within a given processor generation, but comparing across different generations is not as straight-forward. Later generations generally perform better across the board compared to their previous generations, but not guaranteed. Specific chip manufacturer is not important for GW2. _When purchasing, verify that the CPU interface is compatible with the motherboard you intend to use_.


    2. **GPU** - Improves the visual aesthetic of the game. Not quite as important for GW2 compared with the CPU, but still pretty important. Likely to be the most costly single-component upgrade in your rig. Recommend using the system requirements for other games/applications being used commonly in your rig as GW2 tends to have lower graphical requirements. Improvements here will let you switch to higher graphical settings in the options for GW2 and make use of some of the optional graphical checkboxes. This can be bottlenecked by the motherboard depending on the PCI express version supported by either component.


    3. **Internet speed** - While not a specific part in your rig, improving this will provide a direct measurable performance boost up to a certain point. Additional bandwidth may be needed to support a larger online footprint (multiple online applications and/or users at once). Connecting via ethernet where possible as opposed to wireless can also provide noticeable gameplay improvements up to a certain point.


    4. **Solid-state drive** - Having GW2 installed on a solid state drive will allow game files to be accessed quicker by your rig compared to storage on disk drives. This improvement would be for adding a solid-state drive to a system that doesn't already have one. Upgrading a solid-state drive to a newer model probably won't have a significant impact for GW2. As an aside, your operating system should also be installed on the solid-state drive to significantly improve boot times.


    5. **RAM** - Adding more RAM to your system may not directly impact your GW2 gameplay, but it will accommodate additional supporting applications that players tend to have simultaneously running. Improvements to GW2 gameplay will probably not be noticeable going above 16 GB, but your mileage may vary by user. _When purchasing, verify that the RAM type (DDR4, DDR3, etc) + speed is compatible with the motherboard you intend to use_.


    6. **Motherboard** - Assuming all of the above improvements are made, this will likely be your next major bottleneck. Not nearly as important to upgrade so long as it is compatible with the other components listed above.


    7. **Power Supply** - No direct impact to GW2 gameplay, but something to keep in mind if improving several of the above components at once as it will likely increase your power draw for your rig.


    8. **2+ Monitors** - No direct benefit for GW2 gameplay, but will likely impove quality-of-life for using support applications.


    EDIT: Added comments to check compatibility between CPU+motherboard and RAM+motherboard.

  2. Conditions (and boons) should function roughly the same way across all entities that we can engage with in combat regardless of their labels.


    The actual names of those conditions/boons (and by extension the implied real-world effects by the same name) do not matter. The name is merely a player-aid meant to help provide some suggestive flavor context about what may be going on (since the interface lacks the ability to provide haptic feedback). As far as the gameplay is concerned, they could just as easily be labeled "Condition Type 1", "Condition Type 2", etc.

  3. I support OP in this request simply based on the precedent that we can salvage Gifts of Fortune. However, there may be some technical limitations for why this hasn't been implemented yet.


    Gift of Fortune salvages into 10 total inventory slots; this skips the intermediate steps of reverting to Gifts of Might/Magic and goes straight to the raw materials.


    Salvaging a Mystic Tribute in the same manner would require 42 total inventory slots:

    1 slot of 77 Mystic Clovers

    1 slot of 250 Mystic Coins

    8 slots of Tier 6 materials

    16 slots of Tier 5 materials

    8 slots of Tier 4 materials

    8 slots of Tier 3 materials


    This could be reduced if we allow Mystic Tribute to salvage to its intermediate stages for Gifts of Condensed Might/Condensed Magic and/or Gifts of Blood/Venom/Totems/Dust/Claws/Scales/Bones/Fangs. However, this is now adding the salvage functionality to up to 11 items (10 Gifts + Mystic Tribute). As with any new feature, this does take a non-zero amount of developer time to implement and test.

  4. Unless you want the primary export of Divinity's Reach to be corpses, I'd recommend against this.


    When skyscales were introduced in Living World Season 4, one of the tasks involved rezzing a certain number of allies (Skyscale of Life collection). To streamline this process, a number of players took to leaping to their demise off of some of the higher areas in Divinity's Reach. While an amusing bit of emergent gameplay, you can expect players will take this to further extremes if some valuable rewards are attributed to rezzing large numbers of allies.


    Similar behavior will occur if the rewards are limited to acquisition in Drizzlewood Coast. Instead of rewarding the behavior that you outlined, players will at best sacrifice themselves for the war effort in the Charr home camps (which lore-wise is still probably not good for morale). At worst, players may end up sabotaging key parts of metas to assist with progressing towards these rewards.

  5. Ok bookah.


    Under conventional architecture, your assessment of Rata Sum may be more reasonable. However, the Asura have one critical feature that the other races are still trying to catch up on: the gate network. With the gate network, Asura have had far more freedom in distributing their facilities for residential, recreational, and workplace facilities. The phrase "thinking with portals" comes to mind as Asura would have more practice with incorporating gates into their architectural layout.


    Asura are also originally a subterranean race; See Rata Novus in Tangled Depths as an earlier example of an underground city. It serves to reason that the majority of Asuran facilities would still be somewhere underground.

  6. Perhaps an emotional appeal will work to have this fixed.


    This buff gives me the sad because

    our fallen comrade General Almorra Soulkeeper dies during Icebrood Saga episode "Whisper in the Dark".



    In other news, I didn't expect to get the chance to try the Super Adventure Box removal method I mentioned many months ago. Perhaps Moto has been working on a solution in his downtime.

  7. Anyone else thrown off by the amount of expletives being used in dialogue during the Bound By Blood release for Icebrood Saga? I understand that the Charr are meant to be portrayed as a warrior race and edgy, but I expect there are better ways to demonstrate this. Some of these expletive comments make them appear less like battle-hardened veterans and more like tantruming children (especially for Charr leadership).


    Just seemed like the game was trying to earn its Teen rating for mild language in some cases.


    FYI, I like the vast majority of this new release; this particular topic just seemed a bit much and unnecessary in some cases.

  8. I have the Almorra's Directive still applied on a couple of my characters despite having completed the Skyscale collections. I've tried to find a workaround by using things like the Special Forces Training Area in the raid lobby area to remove personal buffs, but this has not been successful. I speculate that the Super Adventure Box may be able to remove this buff (since it removes most other buffs from characters), but we'd have to wait until April next year to try that out (I imagine it'll be fixed before then though).

  9. What was the motivation for the dwarves to have added the large holes in some of the smaller hallways of the Thunderhead Peaks fortress? From a game-mechanic perspective, these were obviously included to provide a use for the Bond of Faith mount mastery. However, unless the dwarves were amazing acrobats I don't suspect that they would be able to reach the areas that are accessible with Bond of Faith as they are currently implemented.


    In-universe, the best use-case I can infer is that they were meant as false-floors to capture/injure looters and invaders. This rationalizes the hallways that dead-end by putting something shiny and valuable at the other end of the pit (like where some of the dwarven chests are at).


    Alternatively, the gaps could have been used as a defensive measure to control the number of simultaneous attackers the dwarves would have had to defend against. The gaps could have been spanned with a bridge (likely made of rope and/or wood) that would have rotted away over the past several decades. Given the height of the hallways, this would have allowed arrows to arc into the narrow passageway at the other end of the gap. However, the lack of other defensive measures like murder holes or spikes suggest this may not have been the case.



  10. At ~0815 server time, the North American GW2 Gem Store hit a ridiculous market conversion spike. Over the span of about 10 minutes the conversion rate went up from 130G per 400 Gems to 243G per 400 Gems. Normally conversion rate changes can be attributed to market forces (i.e. players buying/selling gems for gold) but the sheer volume of transactions required for this seems more like a bug, a bot spamming gold conversion, or a market crash. Any insight into this?

  11. The Fragmented Anomaly achievement does not trigger despite the anomaly not absorbing any fragments as tracked by the Magic Energy Absorbed bar being empty upon event completion. This achievement does not trigger regardless of map used for the event or time attempted (although the first couple times after daily reset are usually the best chance to attempt this).

  12. To clarify, the biggest challenge for map completion is making progress on unexplored territory in your current zone and adjacent zones. Unexplored territory in your current zone appears to be the second lowest priority item for the Content Guide, only beaten by unexplored territory in adjacent zones. It seems like a repeatable heart on the opposite side of your current map takes priority in the Content Guide over moving into unexplored territory relatively nearby. Being able to disable completed repeatable hearts in the Content Guide would go a long way towards improving quality-of-life for map explorers.

  13. Under the Options menu, there is a setting referred to as the "Content Guide" that allows the user to indicate local map content of interest to them. Options include tracking all relevant events, personal story, and map completion. However, a fundamental flaw with the current Content Guide is that for relevant zones there is no way of disabling formerly completed repeatable hearts in the local area without disabling other map completion objectives.


    In the Living World Season 3, Path of Fire, and Living World Season 4 maps, this feature would be a significant quality-of-life improvement for the player (especially since repeatable hearts appear to be the way of the future). The most extreme examples where this feature would be beneficial are on the maps for the Elon Riverlands and the Domain of Vabbi. Elon Riverlands has 6 repeatable heart regions, however none of these cover the region in the northwest corner of the map. The Domain of Vabbi has 8 repeatable heart regions, none of which cover the eastern side of the map (ala the Branded region). In the core Tyria and Heart of Thorns maps of the game world, this would not be an issue for map completion as the hearts are not repeatable and the Content Guide can navigate to the next relevant feature. However, it appears that repeatable heart regions (even regions previously completed) take priority in the Content Guide over exploring new areas of the map. This makes performing true map completion in these regions extremely frustrating as players cannot easily determine what regions of the map have been visited yet for waypoints, points of interest, hero challenges, and most importantly unexplored territory. As an example, the point of interest "The Boneyard" in the southwest corner of Domain of Vabbi can easily get overlooked until the nearby heart regions have been completed.


    Based on some preliminary research, this topic has been brought up multiple times already. Below are some of the threads bringing up this very suggestion (or similar ones):

    * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26627/repeatable-hearts

    * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/8781/suggestion-content-guide-disable-scouts-and-hearts-after-map-completion

    * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/31782/content-guide

    * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2320/please-fix-the-content-guide-for-season-3


    I expect there may be some technical limitations preventing the requested feature from being implemented. If that is the case, I would be grateful to at least be informed that this is a feature that cannot be reasonably implemented or is not in the development plans.


    Thank you for your consideration.


    Note: While it is useful, hovering over the icons in the map window to indicate unidentified POIs, hero challenges, etc is an insufficient solution as it does not address the issue of unexplored map territory.

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