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Sylvania Greenglade.5204

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Posts posted by Sylvania Greenglade.5204

  1. If you have 2 monitors connected while playing, you may try disabling one while playing those parts of the game that typically cause the disconnect. By doing so, I was able to finally successfully complete several of the story steps that previously disconnected me. Desktop --> Display Settings --> Multiple Displays --> Show only on 1. I also incorporated these settings other people have suggested: -clientport 443 on command line, windowed fullscreen, and limit framerate to 60. Of course, everyone's system is different and there can be multiple root causes/solutions for the issue. But I hope this may help someone enjoy the game.

  2. I tried most of these work arounds and still was suffering from disconnects. Added one more thing that may have helped: Deactivate the 2nd monitor! In Windows, under display settings, multiple displays, instead of extend, set it to Show Only on 1. In addition to this, I used the following suggestions from the above comments: command line set to use port 443; limit framerate to 60; use windowed fullscreen mode. I don't know if this was just coincidental luck, but twice this week when the 2nd monitor is not engaged, I have been able to get through a story that previously disconnected. Hope this helps.

  3. This happened to me twice in a row in Victory and Death right after defeating the Mouth of Zhaitan. The problem seems related to cinematics as the first time it happened the movie reel appeared over the toon's head and I couldn't do any action, after a second or two it disconnected me. The next time, same thing, except it did start to play the cinematic after the defeat of the Mouth, but then stopped and left the movie reel icon over my head. I tried submitting bug reports but it disconnected me before I could submit it in that game state with the screenshot. I was forced to wait and submit it after logging back in but that wouldn't have any information attached. It is a lot of content/battles to have to go through again not knowing whether I will ever progress past that step.

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