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Boogiepop Void.6473

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Posts posted by Boogiepop Void.6473

  1. First, in general the entire game is now horribly balky. 2-3s freezes are happening every minute or so, map loading is VERY slow (4-5min).


    Secondly there are multiple bugs in the quest for the new skimmer mastery. Several events freeze up, several NPCs just won't talk once their events are done, and several events don';t scale so it can take many many tries to actually hit the minimum dps to complete them as the number of players doing the is so high you can't get in a hit before it's over.


    Shop is broken.


    Constantly receiving error messages concerning the login servers.

  2. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Liston.9708" said:

    > > 99% failure on full coordinated maps? I have yet to see it fail. Closest was kil with @ 5 minutes on the timer.....


    > Same. I'm not disputing it can fail, but it def does not have a 99% failure rating and it hurts peoples feedback when they make up ridiculous stats to push a point


    I have never once seem it succeed. I only gave it 99% instead of 100% failure since I have heard of other people getting it to work. I have done it around twice a day since release and have never once downed him, before or after the changes. In fact, in every case he is still around 40% when times runs out; either second subboss is just finished or still going. I have never seen 3rd subboss, although how similar they are is another complaint about this fight. Never feels like the subbosses have anything to do with the lost spirits of the wild since they are all just ents.

  3. This is a huge disappointment. The entire fight is nothing but a DPS check for the map. Have enough people win. Have too few, lose. Scaling, if there is any, is woefully inadequate. There are few if any mechanics or interesting bits, just wail on everything with as much dps as possible for 30 min. I shudder to think what till happen when this map is less populated; I am already seeing a 99% failure rate with full populations on coordinated maps.


    The fight itself is boring. It's the same few attacks over and over broken up by a few CC stages and sub-bosses that are handled worse than the old silverwaste fight since you get a debuff, but it's not coordinated like silverwaste lanes. 90% of the time everyone goes to the first one and the whole fight stalls because everyone has the debuff and no one can go to the next subboss. Coordination helps a little, but on an open world map without a clear environmental setup like the silvberwastes, you still end up with huge groups for subboss 1 and tiny ones for 2 and 34 due to people not paying attention and expecting to win by just ailing on everything.


    Also the voice acting is some of the worst in the game ever. It's the same few lines over and over and over. Not even variations on the lines, it's the exact same one. By 10 min in you just want Jhavi to shut the hell up. Even the Mordremoth fight had more variation, because at least there the lines were said over and over in a different order, not one line over and over.


    Overall, for the first "world boss" in a while, it feels lackluster and lazy. It's like you heard people saying they just want to mindlessly wail on things and be rewarded and made just the.

  4. Are you in the wrong half of the arena when they turn the floor to lava? Instant death. Are you in the wrong place when they start the line attacks? Instant death. The tells are too fast and the spacing too tight and some of them are just outright unavoidable depending on where you are standing before they even appear. You don't win by skill, you win by luck. It's utterly unfair and unskillful and unfun.

  5. These better not be character based. I will repeat the same things I say about bag slots and infinite tools: I DO NOT BUY THINGS FOR ONE CHARACTER. I will only buy things that are account wide. I will not be in a situation where I feel either that I made a mistake or like I am being forced in how I play because I used real money to get something for a character and not all my characters (18 as of now) and I don't want to "waste it".

  6. Only 1 character can do a collection. That means it's much harder, but not impossible, to get other characters to 500. However, it appears that gathering special materials (ie varietal seeds, choice cuts, etc.) IS restricted to only that specific character no matter what.

    That creates a huge issue if you have either a) a dedicated crafting character, b) a dedicated harvesting character or c) just want to play on a character other than the one you did the collection on. Under the current system, one character and one character ONLY can ever get the high quality food drops you need for 500 cooking (and seed packets). There is also no warning of this at any point, so it is quiet easy to do the collection on a character you don't want to take into open world much.

    Once we have 500 unlocked on one character, all other characters should be able to do the gathering. That is how every other piece of the gathering system in the game works, and it's the only way to not force us to almost exclusively play with a single character in order to avoid missing needed drops.

  7. The entire last instance of this episode is yet one more example of how warriors are crippled by having such a horrible down 3. With any other class I can move around or do SOMETHING when down, but with warrior ALL I can do is 1 (and the occupational 2) to try and get myself up with the little Regen I get from hits. If I use 3 in a boss fight, I WILL just die anyway because ONLY WARRIOR needs to get kills to get any utility out of a down skill.

  8. Discovery works really badly for cooking. There are so many ingredients and so few of them go to your bank that discovery with cooking become a chore on the wiki. You simply can't have every possible item sitting around because you don't have the inventory space, so you are constantly queuing up 3 items and then having to use the wiki (which does not work very well for this) to try to find the fourth item. Either more stuff needs to go into the bank (so you can craft EVERYTHING beforehand) or the interface needs a massive overhaul to deal with the fact that 90% of the time you won't have any idea what the missing item is and can't possibly have every item present.


    Similar problem with subrecipes in the main crafting interface, BTW. The interfaces in the game just do not work well for how cooking is designed, period. They do not handle large nesting or large amounts of possible inputs well.

  9. Abilities failing to fire, way too much terrain interference, including being stopped by invisible terrain variations, jumps getting you stuck inside objects, walls, and other miscellaneous terrain, 2 failing to pop pinatas you travel through randomly, 3 randomly going straight up with no horizontal motion, 1 failing to kill pinatas...


    it's a buggy mess that only works every few tries, making getting the full gold very hard not due to adventure difficulty but due to just having to constantly restart due to bugs.

  10. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > idk why cant things stack up to 9999 instead of 250... same answer so ppl will buy other things like bag slot bank slot more toons to hoard goods if they're a hoarder


    Because the amounts are stored in 8 bits so 0-255 is all that can fit.

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