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Posts posted by HyperLooser.2698

  1. its so mega buggy on my revenant in combat automatically templates get changed and diff legend skills get mixed like half skills are shiro, half are jalis skills while sitting in only jalis legend just completely randomly stuff changes absolutely chaotic. Also my underwater rev changes and skill order etc always resets to some default too, in other words its so buggy i don't even have words for it.

  2. If channels Balthazar then obviously burn hybrid, if some Jora or such norn legends, then power and possibly some support.


    So it all boils down which legend it will be tied to, ofc anet can just pull some completely new legendary being out of nowhere and do whatever they want and they pretty much will ruin it completely by trying to do something different than normally games do with greatswords/hammers.

  3. my reaper rune- shout- chill- bleed- greatsword reaper insta gets max 30 stacks and maintains them at 30 through the entire fight. Using Spite line so the vulnerability stacks when chill quickly builds up stacks.


    Having perma prot and 300 power+600 tougness is amazing+ condi damage reduction.

  4. The only VB meta achieve i have left is the double boss one high in the sky and nobody ever does them, even in a meta map with several commanders it gets completely ignored, even if asked in map chat to ask help with it, like tops i ever gotten is like 2 other players who also need that achieve, but we never manage it.


    Even being part of some big active guilds, they always just fractal/raid or dungeons instead of coming to help meta achieves and such.

  5. just make a new thief go pvp lobby go dual dagger with daredevil acrobatics+random tree and alternate death blossom and lotus training, with a little training of near perfect chaining you basically are immortal, thou even with full condi build you wont deal that much damage, but thats irrelevant for this dicussion.

  6. for me it works like 30% of the time overall, in big massive open wields with not even a tiny pebble it works like 80% of the time and this is all after the latest " we fixed this skill" patch, which it actually made even worse than before.


    Don't know which is worse: Balance team or the coders who code said balance.


    I think they really just want us to not play non-shroud reaper at all, feel like a reaper elite tradeoff soon will be "Non-shroud weapon skills are disabled"

  7. most people even when playing basically 10 hours a day for like 2 years wont see any precursor or any other valuable drops. Any somewhat even remotely high chance to get anything valuable in this game is from Black Lion box.


    When i first joined GW2 i did like so much farming and running metas/world bosses day in and day out and in months never got anything, so i stopped and play casually ever since, cuz there is no real point. Theres like silverwastes or certain LWS map metas where you just braindead farm mats to get gold to buy from TP what you want.


    Or just use real money to get gems and sell those for gold.


    Even most single player games these days more and more go from " awesome rare loot reward" into "soulwretching grind xx mats to trade for xx rare thing" or use real money to speed things up*thumbs up*

  8. In pve i like this new daredevil layout, if reorganize happens, make it specific only to wvw/pvp, which they wont cuz its not a simple split of skills but entire tree reorganize.


    So either way its either pve gets screwed or wvwv/pvp gets screwed. Anet might aswell just split Wvw/pvp from main GW2 and make it a seperate game and add battle royal and stuff into it.




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