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Posts posted by Shrapnel.7249

  1. I know it’s hard to do, but just ignore the team chat when people are like that. It happens so often. I’ve carried teams w one of my mates and still have people be toxic because we didn’t win the way THEY wanted to win (they wanted to play whack a mole instead of ever defending a point). It’s an unfortunate part of the game rn with the low population.

  2. Now overall, I understand feeling annoyed towards your time being wasted. When I’ve got all my build materials ready to roll and I’ve only got a bit of time to play, I want everyone to ready up >:)!

    But the reality is that the ready up timer is there with good reason. Ex. I usually play w my desktop which loads me in almost instantly, but I do play on my laptop rather often, which is a much slower loading process on the map. When I load in I need to change my traits, skills, etc. depending on the teams. I haven’t spent a ton on gems to have all my templates available, so it’s a manual switch many times. I need that timer sometimes (not always) and I don’t ready up in those scenarios, no matter who yells at me. I’ve got a mate who smokes cigarettes between matches (including lobby time), he readies up as he sees fit. We are talking about 1-2 minutes total.

    I understand the frustration, but this is more of a pvp community needing to be less toxic truth here. The queue times can be trash and that’s where the real frustration should be directed, not the 1-2 minutes maximum a person can “delay.” I have loved this game and gw1 for years, but (particularly pvp) it’s a ghost town. For those of us left, I wish we could be a little more understanding of people’s time (both ways).

  3. You know what? Ranger Longbow range is just too much, it should be the AT LEAST the max range as the other class that I play so that I can hit them, even though it’s a RANGEr and has traits that specifically reward you for playing the class as such. Nerf it.

    Condi Cleanse and sustain being entirely reliant on one skill line is still OP. (Not having it is just a massive pigeonhole) Thieves should easily be able to 1v1 this class, as they should naturally have the best mobility in the game AND should win 1v1s.

    Great sword is another HUGE problem. Even though it serves primarily as a defensive weapon w 1 burst skill that is telegraphed to space before it hits, those cool downs should be way more! As a thief I should see a ranger switch to GS and I should only have to actually worry about one block skill on a long CD. Past that I should be able to spam D/P 3 or 5 and auto attack. Anything less than that, Ranger must be over performing!


    What a joke. I’ve seen actual thief players (not those that switch to get an easier matchup) destroy the telegraphed moves of ranger. Don’t get me wrong, ranger matches up pretty well against a thief, but these issues that are brought up here are laughable. This is a L2P issue entirely.

  4. Burn DH is the epitome of a one trick pony. Not only would there be no viable damage build for guard if it was gutted, but it’s not even all that impressive. Condi cleanse for this build can be completely baited or negated by applying condi to it and literally walking away...(the condi cleanse relies on getting blocks, which is triggered by the ATTACKER). Complete lack of stability if they are running Maw. This is a glass cannon build that only works with efficient team play and attackers who do not understand the mechanics. Not to say that the damage isn’t impressive, but unless there were buffs to make power viable, you are just asking to cancel the class from any dps role whatsoever. The Trapper rune aspect can be a legit gripe, but that’s shaky ground. Solid and mobile warriors can wreck a DH if they don’t stand in traps... I don’t wish to be harsh, but it sounds like an L2P situation. Play other classes, learn their mechanics. The DH DPS for somebody who stands in red circles IS impressive, but is countered so easily.

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