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Posts posted by crosknight.3041

  1. would love a raid reward track to make raids even more rewarding, maybe once the easier mode comes out for it (since it was mentioned that a "story mode" for raids was a possibility). probably would determine progress on track based on difficulty of encounter (least on story, normal on normal, and most on challange; as well as add challange motes to all previous encounters without them)


    > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > I think we need Reward Tracks in PVE-OpenWorld.


    it worked out quite well in drizzlewood imo. would be nice if they updated some of the older maps with metas such as silverwaste and the original HoT maps with a track, though idk how and which maps would get them implemented.


    i would even go further with Fractal/dungeon/strike tracks, more rewards mean more content engagement and reward tracks for dungeons would definitely help bring that content back to life as well as prevent other content from hopefully dying off.


  2. not good at first names but perhaps for last names

    -Brandcrest (brand being a synonym for torch)

    -Lamplighter (casually stealing from "The Boys")

    -Waxshaper (since candles can be considered a torch, as well as since she is a ranger could acquire ingredients from animals/pet)





    just some things i came up with quickly

  3. ATM the grandmaster traits are in heavy need of reworking, Elemental Bastion is just significantly better. though tempest is in pretty needy place of reworking of the traits since a great chunk of them i have never touched (i have never touched Latent stamina, Imbued melodies or Lucid Singularity playing tempest, i have only recently touched Temperous aura but felt it was to weak)


    possible suggestions for trait changes for grandmaster

    -further increase the effectiveness of overloads; fire= bigger fire field, longer duration, more burn; water=larger area of effect, bigger heal, weaker healing water field persisting after overload; air= more damage, strikes more often, change to static charge to make all your attacks deliver a lighting strike for the duration instead of just the "next attack"; Earth= more damage, longer condition duration (extra stack for bleed instead) and strong CC knockdown at the end or quicksand field that slowly pull foes to the epicenter of where the overload ended.

    -alter overloads to use the ammo system, reducing the effectiveness of the overloads to use them more frequently (simular to what OP described)


    Imbued Harmonies just needs slight updating imo to make it competative with elemental bastion.

    -Grant concentration (double if you have warhorn equipted). 25% chance when struck to use lesser sand squall (not below health threshhold). Warhorn skills gain increased area of effect

    Lucid Singularity imo is to situational to be an effective grandmaster, it needs something more imo, maybe when finishing an overload grant yourself and allies around you a powerful boon such as resistance or stability


    other traits could do with a touch up as well such as

    -Latend Stamina; perhaps change it to an aura trait like rangers "spotter". grant up to 10 allies 25% faster endurance regeneration (does not give vigor, move to master teir traits) (i do not like the dependence on swapping into water for the current form of the trait)

    -invigorating torrents; move to minor traits, put a 10s cooldown on trait (this will allow an auramancer to synergize this trait with Temperious Aura)

    -Temperious Aura: add "20% reduced cooldown for shouts", increase might stacks from 2 stacks to 3


  4. as we've seen in Jahai bluffs with the Shattered Reality/Ancient tree events, Kralkatoriks damage done to the mists have caused the mists to seep into tyrian reality. given how some of the mist shinadigans tend to be temporial in nature (as many fractals often take place at different places throughout tyrian history, even some in LS1) it gives an excuse to bring back the open world nature of the Living story 1 releases. Combine that with the current bonus event system anet has in place and you got a good combination.

    for example one bonus event brings back the the tower of nightmare event in kessex or the twisted marionette in Lornar's pass. unfortently i dont think events such as "battle for Lions arch" would work unless another instance of lions arch was created just for the event.

    besides LS1 events this could also bring back events such as mordrem invasions or other pass events

  5. Jim Sterling was right, publishers are about that short gain.

    while anet has stumbled with some of it's monitization ~~looking at the lootbox bollocks~~ it has mostly been great and should be a good example of a live service.


    MASS LAYOFFS SHOULD NOT BE NORMAL! from the kotaku article linked arlier


    "Songyee Yoon, the CEO of Korean publisher NCSoft West, which owns ArenaNet, e-mailed employees this afternoon with the news. “Our live game business revenue is declining as our franchises age, delays in development on PC and mobile have created further drains against our revenue projects, while our operating costs in the west have increased,” she wrote."


    maybe instead of firing a bunch of people the CEO should take a pay cut like nintendo is known to do when they are having financial failures.


    it's like every few months we hear about mass layoffs in the game industry, and again it should not be normal.

  6. -getting CC spammed

    -logging in and getting attacked while in loading screen

    -Dhuum greens, orbs hitboxes still wonky

    -inconsistent pricing on gemstore

    -being a healer in raids ~~STOP GETTING HIT CA IS ON COOLDOWN!~~

    -my luck with getting precursors. took 7k hours to get my first (and only) one. artificial pricing of crafting precursor to go along with that.

    -the removal of weekly achievements, bring those back please.


    could go on with more petty complaints but im lazy

  7. -getting CC spammed

    -logging in and getting attacked while in loading screen

    -Dhuum greens, orbs hitboxes still wonky

    -inconsistent pricing on gemstore

    -being a healer in raids ~~STOP GETTING HIT CA IS ON COOLDOWN!~~

    -my luck with getting precursors. took 7k hours to get my first (and only) one. artificial pricing of crafting precursor to go along with that.

    -the removal of weekly achievements, bring those back please.


    could go on with more petty complaints but im lazy

  8. Current raid masteries are quite irrelevant to the majority or raiding. only one that is even decent imo is the ability to repair at a ley rift.

    so i would suggest to make the masteries more relevant, to rework them to make them like fractal masteries where it's more about providing better rewards such as little extra raid currency that doesnt contribute to the weekly cap (something like the little bags of tokens from dungeons), or a way to recover some of the food/util items used by the players. another suggestion would be a mastery that spawns a mote in CLEARED INSTANCES to respawn or despawn any of the bosses of the wing (useful if you want to try a CM after beating a normal version of the boss).

  9. and now the shill media is working overtime to vilify us while propping up price on a pedestal because she played the victim card (and continues playing it) and wont take any accountability for her being fired. all while ignoring that Fries was fired too.

    it's like they are trying to create another pushback against game journalism ethics. surprisingly though at least game informer seemed pretty non-bias about the whole thing.

  10. 1) solo friendlyness

    2) co-op friendlyness

    3) raid challenge and having a fun team on it (the ones where you get good enough to pretty much just make jokes the entire time)

    4) microtransaction still being mostly fair, better then a good portion of the game industry.

    5) lots of style at end game

    6) consistant patches

    7) on going story still going

    8) huge amount of content, each time i go through i end up finding something i missed the first time

  11. Since I've been pugging Dhuum a lot recently I've noticed that that strategies for dealing with the Green circle mechanic tends to differ each time. each time i enter a pug for dhuum I'm praying that I'm not on a role they want to do greens (need to get around to practicing it more before i can confidently do it in a pug going for a kill).


    figured the purpose of this pole is to find out what is the preferred method that the community sends to deal with the mechanic.

  12. ugh not this garbage RNG skin crud again. cant wait until actual regulation on lootboxes happen in the US now

    while i do appreciate that they have given us an option to bypass the RNG.... 1200 gems is way to much. (RNG pricing should be closer to BLkeys, 125gems-200gems; then a more acceptable price for choose would be ~600)


    overall the way mount skins have been implemented since PoF release have been horrid imo, compared to glider skins (which is another expansion exclusive way of mobility)

    maybe just the game industry continuously shoving lootboxes into games have made me very cynical and distrustworty towards those who use that microtransaction method. my money and gold are staying with me.


  13. raids are pretty time consuming and imo the main reason people get turned off by it. depending on the group a full wing clear can be anywhere from 30 mins to 3+ hours, leaning more towards more time for newer players.

    another thing to expect with new players is, "YOU WILL DIE, A LOT." mechanically the raids are pretty demanding sometimes coming down to one person messing up causing wipes. Learning said mechanics is part of the struggle you will have to do. reading guide and watching youtube vids can help a bit here but isn't a substitute for actual experience.

    Team matters: ideally you'll want a team made up of guildies, though occasionally you'll find training runs in LFG. dont assume people are elitists, in my experience there is far more elitists in pvp then raids.

  14. other day join a pug raid for river of souls, however my pc decided to potato and not load in anything but the basic character models. being pressured to ready up i did and proceeded to do the raid encounter unable to see anything. SOMEHOW i ended up doing better then some people in the pug being unable to see anything.


    surprised i wasnt kicked for my load times, the commander seemed quite elitist (when i pug i barely encounter elitists)

  15. I find it particularly useful in the soulless horror raid fight, speed boost is great for avoiding the instadeath walls. Though pretty much it's very situational for the group stub break. The fact that it effects 5 people makes it pretty powerful, though it's situationalness makes the trait that has it more useful

  16. No

    A) legendaries in gw2 have always been equivalent to the best you static stat items you could get, used to be equivalent to exotics but when ascended items came out they buffed the legendaries to be at same level

    B_) legendary weapons made from lucky precursor drops CAN BE SOLD on the TP. Dont want to give those creditcard heros more validation

    -yes i know credit card heros can still buy most of the mats they need, they cant buy crafting level or the rngitem/specific gifts needed though so still some effort has to go into the legendary

    C) the ability to swap your stats at anytime provides a substantial advantage in some situations, with sigil swap eventually coming. Once sigil swap happens a single character can more easily fill a desirable role (example: my ele often is switched between a minstrel healer and a dps depending on the fight: still want preset builds though). Also you have most if not all stats available for legendaries

    D) legendaries are primarily for cosmetics.

  17. considering most of the town cloths were gemstore prior to the removal of town cloths (i think the casual outfit being the only exception being given to the player by default) i'm going to assume this is a way they can reintroduce those styles as gemstore outfits (and possibly give the casual as a freebie given at the end of the first story instance upon a new character)


    using some examples for possible expectation on pricing the designer hoodie; the outfit was worth 400 gems, though the hoodie was just a shirt https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Designer_Hoodie

    Khaki cargo shorts; just pants were 150 gems, but were converted to a full outfit https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Khaki_Cargo_Shorts

    the Air rider package gave 4 peices of townclothings and a toy and was worth 650 gems, the toy alone is 250 gems so 400 gems for the outfit. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Air_Rider_Package


    im going to be assuming town cloth outfits will be worth about 400 gems. defently will be nice to see these outfits return after 3 years of them being gone (they were removed in the 2014 april feature pack)

    as for the casual outfit since originally a set was given to each character made free, just create some arbitrary achievement to get it once per account: probably something simple like reach level 10

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