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Posts posted by Klendathu.2518

  1. The title really sais it. After using the goggles the character takes of the clothes but right after the jump they are back on and im unable to glide. this unfortunately happend to me in sirens landing and i heard from others that they had similar problems with diving goggles.

    any one else?


    PS: the dive did not count btw

  2. that is not what i meant....

    if i complete the archievement i have to search for the page again. tracking doesnt do the job. every other character menu goes back to the last sub-page you looked at only the archievement page goes back to the main page.

    it would help though if i could track a complete set of archievements.

  3. Is there a memory funktion for the archievements menu.

    its really annoying that when i look for an archievement and close the window i have to search for it the next time i open up it back up.

    it would be so nice if the last page you looked at comes back up when opening the character menu for example.

    it works in the other menus but not in archievements


  4. Is there a memory funktion for the archievements menu.

    its really annoying that when i look for an archievement and close the window i have to search for it the next time i open up it back up.

    it would be so nice if the last page you looked at comes back up when opening the character menu for example.

    it works in the other menus but not in archievements

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