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Posts posted by ThunderBiggi.4651

  1. @"kalel.6129" I had similar problems (I have a few posts above), but I finally managed to resolve them after trying almost every possible combination of the suggested above fixes. Below is what worked.


    I reinstalled the game, but this time I didn't copy my data from the older patch (the June one) I just let the GW2 launcher download everything by itself - so a proper clean install.

    Then I editted "/etc/security/limits.conf" exactly as ArmoredVehicle.2849 suggests in the first post of this thread.

    Furthermore I changed the line **#DefaultLimitNOFILE=** in both '/etc/systemd/system.conf' and '/etc/systemd/user.conf' (with sudo) to **DefaultLimitNOFILE=1048576** (notice the absence of # in front).


    This is all on Ubuntu 18.04. It might be possible that on other systems '/etc/systemd/system.conf'and '/etc/systemd/system.conf' might have other equivalents.


    Then I started the game and it worked. It did take a very long time to load (usually it is almost immediate for me, as I am using an SSD) the first time after I clicked play with my character (I actually went to eat after waiting for 5-6 minutes, so not sure whether it was 7 or 27 mintues). Now it loads quickly as usual and deffinitely way better performance.


    @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" Thank you for doing this!!!

  2. > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

    > > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > Thanks again for your efforts.

    > >

    > > I am going to give this new setup a try later once I have time. I want to now do comparisons from the gallium nine setup I have been testing to this and see which does better. I am curious to see how esync changes this on my old hardware.


    > When you get to it, can you please tell me if the mesa_glthread variable makes any effect on AMD GPU? I lack the hardware to test it.


    > > @"ThunderBiggi.4651" said:

    > > I do have this library.

    > >

    > > I should probably mention that I was playing GW2 for a few months on Linux with your version 1.2 (28th June update). I just wanted to update to get better performance.


    > It looks like something with the drivers is at play, yesterday I received a dual graphics laptop at work and I had a similar error, it wasn't GW2 specific and even trying out glxgears produced an error like yours.


    > Are you perhaps running a laptop with optimus/primusrun?



    > -----------------------

    > As a general note, prior to uploading these new builds I tested them on 3 different systems: Mint 18.1 (aka Ubuntu 16.04) with Nvidia GPU, Ubuntu 18.04 (with Mesa 18.0 / Intel HD) and Debian 9 (with Mesa 13 / Intel HD). Aside from slow performance on the Intel HD's, all 3 checked out correctly.



    I also have a dual-graphics laptop - Nvidia GPU + Intel HD one. I have only installed the open source nvidia 395 drivers (from the graphics-drivers ppa) and have set the Nvidia GPU as the default one in Nvidia settings. I also checked that it is the one in use.


    I am not sure about Optimus. On my previous laptop (still with Ubuntu 12.04) I tried setting it up with bumblebee but didn't succeed and haven't bothered with it on this laptop at all. Not sure whether Optimus hasn't been implemented in the open source drivers. Quick googling didn't tell me much.


    I tried the fix you suggested with the edditing of "/etc/security/limits.conf", setting it to a value 16 times larger than yours and I still get the same crash error and debug output. What domain did you use for the lines? I just put the * wildcard.


    The 28th June still works perfectly well.


    Did you install any specific libraries on the 3 different systems before isntalling your package? Maybe my wine-staging is missing something? And what Nvidia drivers did you use. Felix said on reddit that they are using 395 as well.

  3. > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

    > > @"ThunderBiggi.4651" said:

    > > ERROR: ld.so: object 'libpthread.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.

    > > ERROR: ld.so: object 'libGL.so.1' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.

    > > /home/username/Guild Wars 2 wine 3.15/bin/wineserver: error while loading shared libraries: libwine.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    > >

    > > Not sure what is happening

    > >

    > > EDIT: I am on an Intel/NVIDIA system


    > This is usually caused by missing libraries. Did you enable 32bit library support in your system? While the game is 64bit, it also uses some 32bit components. The 'libpthread.so.0' library can be found by installing the package named "libc6-i386" (any 32bit software ran on 64bit Linux will fail to run without this package).


    I do have this library.


    I should probably mention that I was playing GW2 for a few months on Linux with your version 1.2 (28th June update). I just wanted to update to get better performance.

  4. > @"xylef.8307" said:

    > > @"Turin.6921" said:

    > > Hello,

    > >

    > > I seem to have crashes when ever i try to load into cities. I am on an R71700, RX470 with the Oibaf mesa drivers.

    > > This is the game crash report:

    > > https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2JqMgD57ky/

    > > And this is the debug output:

    > > https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/NQQNBtNJ3n/


    > Try sudo setcap cap_sys_nice+ep wineserver

    > Or commenting out STAGING_RT_PRIORITY_SERVER in the launcher script.


    I have the same problem as @"Turin.6921" and first tried with commenting out STAGING_RT_PRIORITY_SERVER in user_debug inside the bin folder, as this is what I assumed you mean by the launcher script (I run the game with the debug.sh file). However, nothing changed.


    Then I run the command you have provided - sudo setcap cap_sys_nice+ep wineserver. This now leads to the following error when I run debug.sh


    ERROR: ld.so: object 'libpthread.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.

    ERROR: ld.so: object 'libGL.so.1' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.

    /home/username/Guild Wars 2 wine 3.15/bin/wineserver: error while loading shared libraries: libwine.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


    Not sure what is happening


    EDIT: I am on an Intel/NVIDIA system

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