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Posts posted by Ealandur.1876

  1. Ah, now I understand your concerns.


    The Double Dagger was indeed inspired by the SB, true, but I had more the famous phrase "Cold Dagger" or "Cold as a Dagger" in mind, which was my real reason.

    The Chill is going to the direction of Boon removal because in real life it is exactly what it would do, it takes your strengths when you are confronted with it.

    A famous example would be people climbing the Everest and loosing all their strength and sometimes even their lifes.

    Also, almost all of the traits are Inspired with real-life things.


    The heal is not like the necro's at all, it does no damage and puts no condition on foes around you, It just works as I said, you heal more for each foe inflicted with chill around you, it's extremely similar to Mallyx's heal, but instead of an "Inward" bonus it is an "Outward" one.

    Cold mist is inspired by Berserker's Torch 5 Skill and Thiefs Pistol 5, which was in the reasoning of a heavy armored assassin, nothing to do with Necro.

    And the Reaper elite stole it From Shiro either way, so Rev was the first.


    My reasoning was to make this Elite more PvP and WvW focused, strong yet not OP.

    But now as you have written your text, I can see and understand your reasoning behind these words and your concerns.


    I hope that I have, with this text, vanished your concerns.

  2. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > I think it was the pvp crowd whining over our AA, as well hammer 2. Both have had so many nerfs. I blame anet for not skill splitting them.


    > Actually it was the WvW crowd complaining about the interactions of The old passive F2 boon duration with Mesmer's Signet of Inspiration that led to both being nerfed, but the end result was that Herald went from being raid meta (simply for the boon duration) to being trash tier, since the changes now required a mirror chrono comp.


    > This is the problem with just nerfing stuff with WvW or PvP in mind, without balancing those nerfs with improvements in other fronts. The same thing happened to scourge. It was a meh class in PvE, but dominated PvP, so they nerfed the PvE part so it's barely usable now, and failed to address the PvP issues which are purely mechanical.

    > Basically, and I've been saying this for a long time now. The balance team is the weakest link in GW2.

    > They work slowly (3 months for the patches we have is just laughable), although they seem to be trying to increase the pace, it's till too slow, should be at the very minimum a monthly thing, ideally bi-weekly.

    > And they work badly. They constantly fail to address the real issues with the classes, show incredible tone-deafness and lack of game-knowledge, and foresight of their change's impacts.

    > What's worse they also fail to properly communicate their intentions, so its harder to understand the reasoning behind changes, and give proper feedback.

    > Seriously, If they did half the work of communicating their patches that the OP did with his post, we'd be having a much better game experience.


    Completely agree on every point you said.


    Everything went downhill after Grouch departed pretty much, he was an amazing asset of the balance team, and a great guy, I really miss him. :'(

  3. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > I take issue with how this is mostly a collection of relatively strong skills from other classes, and is only held together by swapping out Chill for other effects. The reason it plays well with other Legends is because its just strong as stand alone, meaning anything its paired with is automatically just stacking on top of it.


    > While the archetype is something that can be worked with, I think we need to find a better theme to shape the skills around. At least that way you can build in some thematic limitation so its not blatantly better in every department. At first I was thinking Frostmaw, making it the first beast legend that can give a good spin on a concept. With more digging, theres probably a better example from Eye of the North.


    > actually.... what do we know about notable Jotuns?



    As I said in another post once before, I did not choose Frost Aura just because it was strong, no, that would be just a lazy move if nothing else...

    No, I chose it for the most important reason you can chose something for an Elite specialization, and that is how well it works on a **Core** Class, without that an elite specialization just falls flat and I did not want another Kalla 2.0.


    The reasons why Frost aura goes well with our other is because **Every Single Thing** about it touches upon an aspect of our **4 Core Legends**:

    * **[Jallis:]** -10% Damage with Frost Aura, which is a trait of a "Tanky" Character.

    * **[Mallyx:]** Abyssal Chill.

    * **[Ventari:]** His "Philosophy of Peace", which prevents your Foes from fighting (Chill) also he is a Centaur which can outrun Humans [Joke].

    * **[shiro:]** Makes it so that it becomes easier to chase enemies as well as kiting them.


    Revenant's Elite Specialization is a bit different to balance, because it does not rely on just making more powerful things and it will all fit together happily, **Revenant does not have that privilege**, It needs to work with all 4 main game-plays, and those are **[Tank/Healer/Mobile Damage Dealer/Condi Damage Dealer]**, without having a Synergy with all those 4, the Elite Specialization will simply fail in it's purpose.



    **TL;DR:** Keep just this in mind, an Elite Specialization should always be the expansion of our **Core Class**, which means to not exclude **Any** part of it, and that is one reason why Kalla failed so hard, it just was a "Power-up" that did not consider it's Core at all.


    **Side Note:** Now I don't mind getting something else than Dagger/Dagger for the next Elite, I actually **Really** welcome Greatsword, but I just really hope It will have some thought behind the Legend, in the end a Kalla 2.0 is what I fear the most.


    **Last Notes:** If some of you would like me to do a post with a Greatsword Legend in mind, just ask, I'd be to happy Build something. :)


    I hope the best for the Rev Community, that is where I stand.


  4. #Some Things

    Since I unfortunately did not play GW1, I do not know which Character would fit this Legend, so for the sake of a temporally label I'll call the Legend Frosty.


    The Elite Specialization is focused around **Frost Aura**, because this skill is Cohesion-Wise, Gameplay-Wise and Playstyle-Wise extremely suited to **Every 4** Core Legends, it has a Perfect Synergy with our 4 Core Legends.



    #F - Abilities

    **[F2 Skill] (Energy Cost: 15) (Cd: 10s)**

    [Lord of Winter] Grants Frost Aura [Duration: 3s].

    **[F3 Skill] (Energy Cost: 20) (Cd: 10s)**

    [Frozone] Coat the target area in ice, chilling foes that enter it [Range: 900] [Combo Field: Ice] [Duration: 4s] [Radius: 240] [Chill: 2s] [interval: 2s].


    #Daggers Weapon Skills:


    * **[Dagger Skill 1]**

    [Cold Slice/Slash/Strike] Chain of attacks [3], the Third attack Inflicts Chill [1s]


    * **[Dagger Skill 2] (Energy Cost: 5) (Cd: 5s)**

    [Cold Leap] Leap at your foe and strike them with your dagger [Combo Finisher: Leap] [Range: 600] [Chill: 1s].


    * **[Dagger Skill 3] (Energy Cost: 5) (Cd: 8s)**

    [Frost Strike] Strike your target and remove Boons, if you have Frost Aura Steal Boons Instead [boons Removed: 2].


    * **[Dagger Skill 4] (Energy Cost: 10) (Cd: 10s)**

    [ice Shards] Fire multiple projectiles at your enemy, with a chance to inflict Chill [Chill Duration: 1s] [Chance on Hit: 20%] [Number of Hits: 12] [Range: 600].


    * **[Dagger Skill 5] (Energy Cost: 15) (Cd: 10s)**

    [Mist Walk] Shadow Step to a target location and Blind nearby foes [Range: 400] [blind duration: 2s] [Combo finisher: Leap].



    #Utilities Skills

    * **[skill 6] (Energy Cost: 5) (Cd: 30s)**

    [Embrace the Cold] Heal yourself. Heal more for each enemy inflicted with Chill around you [Radius: 240] *{Same Numbers as the Mallyx Heal}.*


    * **[skill 7] (Energy Cost: 20) (Cd: 15s)**

    [Cold Mist] Break Stun and become a mobile Smoke Field that blinds nearby foes. [blind duration: 2s] [Combo Field: Smoke] [Number of Targets: 5] [Radius: 120] [Field Duration: 3s].


    * **[skill 8] *(Upkeep Skill)* (Initial Energy Cost: 10) (Upkeep Cost: 8)**

    [blizzard] Target area pulses, damaging foes and removing Boons, if you have Frost Aura Steal Boons Instead [boons Removed: 1] [Range: 900] [Radius 240] [Number of Targets: 5]. *{Similar to Necro's "Well of Corruption", but weaker}*


    * **[skill 9] (Energy Cost: 20) (Cd: 15s)**

    [ice Wall] Create a Wall of Ice that foes cannot Cross and that Absorbs Projectiles [Range: 900] [Number of Targets: 5] [Duration: 5s], if you have Frost Aura the Projectiles are Reflected instead.


    * **[skill 0] (Energy Cost: 30) (Cd: 20)**

    [Absolute Zero] Freeze all enemies around you [Radius 240] [stun 2s] [Number of Targets: 5] and Remove Boons from them, if you have Frost Aura Steal Boons Instead [boons Removed: 2].



    #Minor Traits:

    * **[Minor Grandmaster]**

    [Mistwalker] You move 25% faster. The duration of incoming movement-impairing conditions is reduced by 25%.


    * **[Minor Master]**

    [Cold Heart] Gain 1 stack of **"Heart of Ice"** each time you are struck [icd: 1s], at 10 stacks you gain Frost Aura [Duration 2s].


    * **[Minor Adept]**

    [bringer of Winter] Gain Access to Daggers, a New Legend and New F2 and F3 Abilities.


    #Major Traits



    * [Cold-Blooded] Siphon Life from a foe while under the effect of Frost Aura [Life Siphon: 300] [Cd: 1s].


    * [Frost Armor] When you gain Frost Aura, you and Nearby Allies Gain Barrier [500].


    * [ice Age] Your Skills have reduced Energy Cost while under the effect of Frost Aura [Energy Cost reduction: 3].




    * [Cold Blades]

    Gain bonuses for each dagger you equip:

    - **Main hand**—When you Chill a Foe, you also remove a Boon [interval: 5s]. While you have Frost Aura Steal a Boon instead.

    - **Off Hand**— The Range of your Off-Hand Dagger Skills is increased [Range Increase: 200]. While you have Frost Aura the Range is even more increased [Range Increase 100].


    * [Frost Burn] When you chill a foe, you also inflict Burn [Duration: 2s] [Cd: 1s].


    * [soothing Ice] Clear a conditions while under the effect of Frost Aura [interval: 2s].




    * [ice Cleats] When you gain Frost Aura, you gain Superspeed [2s].


    * [icebreaker] When you gain Frost Aura, nearby allies gain it also [Duration: 2s] [Radius: 240].


    * [Weakness to Cold] When you Chill a foe, you also inflict Weakness [Duration: 3s] [Cd: 5s].


    #Last Notes

    Even if this most likely will not get implemented in the future, I'm quite happy with the thought process that took to make and balance this, it was really a Blast! =)

  5. #Why Change Things ?


    Since the rework of our Off-Hand Sword, we are now the **Only** Profession without a Core (so without Specialization) **Defensive/Support Off-Hand Weapon**.

    Being the case, some legends do not work well without Glint, which provides that needed Defensive Off-Hand Weapon.

    This breaks cohesion in the Class for some Legends.


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    One Example is **Ventari's Philosophy of Peace**, which doesn't quite work when the only Defensive Weapon for that is Staff, which means there is no useful alternative on the Weapon Switch , since all others are **Offensive** ones.


    Another Example would be **Mallyx**, which play style functions mainly with Condi' Mace, but needs some defensive Skills to work well in a PvP environment, and as you know, the only defense outside of our Elite Glint Spec' is again Staff, this is quite a problem, since that weapon has no conditions on it, meaning that it has no cohesion with **Mallyx's Play-Style**.


    These are only 2 examples, but these problems **will persist** for as long as our **Only** Defensive Off-Hand Weapon is tied to an Elite Specialization Line.



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    So my suggestion for solving this issue, is adding a **Focus** as Off-Hand Defensive Weapon for the **Core Revenant**, since would be simple yet effective.

    Additionally, this change would not really impact the Offensive Revenants builds, since these really need to play with offensive Off-Hand Weapons.




    #The Skills - Focus Off-Hand Weapon:

    **Focus Skill 4** [Refreshing Gust] (Cost 10 Energy / Cd 12s)

    Clear 2 Conditions on you and your Allies [Radius 240] [Number of Targets: 5].

    Inflict Chill on your Foes [2s] [Radius 240] [Number of Targets: 5] [Combo Finisher: Blast].


    **Focus Skill 5** [Cold Presence] (Cost 10 Energy / Cd 20s)

    Bloc Incoming Attacks [2s] [Mobile Bloc] (Similar to our old Sword 4), after that gain Frost Aura [3s].


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Now the question is, **Why** did I choose Frost Aura and Chill ? It is because these 2 have a **Perfect Synergy** with our 4 Core Legends:


    **[Jallis:]** -10% Damage with Frost Aura, which is a trait of a "Tanky" Character.

    **[Mallyx:]** Abyssal Chill.

    **[Ventari:]** His "Philosophy of Peace", which prevents your Foes from fighting (Chill) also he is a Centaur which can outrun Humans [Joke].

    **[shiro:]** Makes it so that it becomes easier to chase enemies as well as kiting them.


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Edit: I hope this wall of text does not scare you too much. ;)

  6. @Pterikdactyl.7630


    For the **Shiro-Ventari** I was thinking about a Battle-Healer play-style with Zealot Stats, but you are right, it does less help Ventari in that regard.

    For the **Shiro-Jallis** this time it does more benefit Jallis, which is unfortunate. The Idea was playing with Devastation Traitline, putting the road and then going all in with Vengeful Hammers, which would steal a lot of life with that combo.


    Some things still need to be Balanceded or Changed indeed, and you have a good eye for that looks like, thanks a lot for the critique! :)




    I really do hope we get at least something like this on Revenant, if they are not going to Rework the Class.

    Keep the Critiques Coming Guys and try to change the skills to something better if you want, feel creative !


    EDIT: If you wondered why I did not put Kalla in the changes, it is because unfortunately that Legend is still a mess lacks a real *Direction* for what it wants to do, unlike the other Legends.

  7. #Why Change Things ?


    Since Revenant is still at a moment where it feels like an unfinished class and feels like it is still lacking a lot of customization and most Importantly **Synergy** between it's Legends, my suggestion would be to add an F2 for the Core Class (So Glint F2 Becomes F3 etc...), giving it a skill that should Narrow the gap between the Synergy of Legends.


    The New F2 depends on which 2 Legends the Player Chooses.

    Each Skill has a 20s CD and 10 Energy cost.



    #The Skills - New F2

    **Shiro-Mallyx** [Cursed Hand]

    Chill your target and corrupt up to three boons, dealing extra damage on the number of boons removed. (basically same as "Spinal Shivers" (Necromancer Focus 5), but it is a corrupt instead of a boon removal and the direct damage is 50% weaker).


    **Shiro-Jallis** [Jade Stone]

    Gain Protection [3s] and Stability [3s].

    Each Critical hit Siphons Life from enemies based on the Number of Stacks of Stability on you [Duration 3s] [No Internal CD] [Life Siphon Damage: 50] [Life Siphon Healing: 50].


    **Shiro-Ventari** [benevolent Shadow]

    You and your allies gain Magnetic Aura [4s].

    Each Critical hit heals you and your Allies based on the percentage of damage **You** [not your allies] do to enemies [20%].


    **Shiro-Glint** [Overwhelming Presence]

    Gain Shocking Aura [3s].

    Each Critical hit Siphons Life from enemies [Duration 3s] [No Internal CD] [Life Siphon Damage: 300] [Life Siphon Healing: 300].


    **Mallyx-Ventari** [Cursed Benevolence]

    Pulses 2s Resistance each second [Duration: 4s] [240 radius].

    Heals you and allies each time you inflict Torment [Duration: 4s] [240 radius] [Healing: 300].


    **Mallyx-Jallis** [Cursed Stone]

    You and your allies gain Frost Aura [4s].

    Pulse-Corrupts 1 boon each second for 4s [Number of Targets: 5] [240 Radius].


    **Mallyx-Glint** [Cold Flame]

    Strike your foe [Range 600], inflicting Chill 2s, Burn 2s and Torment 2s.

    For each condition on your target up to the condition threshold, inflict additional Toment stacks. (Similar to "Feast of Corruption" (Necro Scepter 3)).


    **Jallis-Ventari** [benevolent Stone]

    Pulses Stability each second for 5 Seconds.

    Pulse-Healing allies for each stack of Stability on you (100 per stack).


    **Jallis-Glint** [stone Endurance]

    -20% damage [Duration: 4s].

    1s Taunt for each enemy +1 Stack of Stability for each enemy [240 Radius].


    **Ventari-Glint** [benevolent Wing]

    You and your Allies gain Light Aura [Duration: 4s].

    Pulses Healing for each Boon on you [Number of Targets: 5] [100 per Boon] [Duration 4s].

  8. Hello,


    I was about to finish the craft of Zap a second time, I was not aware that I could not craft a precursor a second time since the indication only appears when you have managed to get all the components (Which Is between 260-300 Gold).


    Is there a way to get ridd of the components and get the Gold back, or could it be even possible to get one day roll back on the account ? (since I had all "Raw" Resources prior to this day)

    I am very sorry to bother support on the forums, but It seems that the ingame support link doesn't quite work (Impossible to sign In, thus Impossible to Submit a Ticket).


    I wish you a nice day.

  9. Accepting all and and every change with compliance thinking that the ones that made the change are always right and that we must comply to every of their actions is quite a bit resembling to dictatorship, don't you agree ?


    That's how a System / Community (In this case the Game and it's Community) slowly dies out.

  10. I see that you are looking at the changes from a PvE perspective, and in that perspective the changes are indeed non significant, but be a bit more realistic, if you don't play a certain game mode, it doesn't mean that you can justify what you said with a remark like "only mattered in PvP".


    Look, the changes made Revenant worse than what it was before the patch, and it was NOT in a good position at that time... (Speaking from a PvP/WvW side).

  11. > @psizone.8437 said:

    > @"Gaile Gray.6029" , Can you please consider the idea of having an elected volunteer from each of the professions subforum that once a month collects complaints, bugs and suggestions for skills and word it as usable data and free from emotion and have them email it directly to the devs (new email or whatever to limit abuse).


    > Have the devs give a small summary/review back to the volunteer that they can pass it on to the community for them to view and debate. A simple, "We're working on this", "This wont work because of.." and "This is a good idea, we'll try this".


    > This way we get a once a month update on what may be getting worked on, we'll know exactly what the devs have viewed (they can't read every post here) and they're free from any possible anger and abuse hurled at them from certain people.


    This is quite an excellent idea as it would really clean up and speed up the process, making things exponentially better.

  12. It sticks around, I know that, but common, trading so much Energy on that skill instead of something else is Really not worth it, the skill is extremely weak and you don't need QTFY to tell you things that you can see yourself with simple Math and Logic.


    It's nice to have hope for the Renegade and I do to, but we need to address the problems if we see them as soon as possible and not wait another couple of **[**_Insert Time_**]** for it to be fixed.


    If we want good changes for any issue that pops up, be it a Profession that we don't play or even a Game Mode that we don't play, then we must react to it honestly if we seek a better Future for the Game.

  13. > @aimz.6287 said:

    > @otto.5684. Okay listen man it was just me explain to idiots that 50 stack bleeds is really impressive, think of the 25% condition duration and the 20% more dmg to bleeds trait and then using kalla ferver 20% that's amazing!!! Don't get me wrong renegade is not going to be amazing in pvp functions but it's pve dmg will definitely be outstanding. With pvp I agree to an extent that it's going to be hard honestly I think the devs want a lot of diversity in the community herald could be for pvp/wvw renegade could be for pve if u use renegade for pvp and complain it sucksas a whole ur a joke because in all reality it's probably the best dmg in pve and vice Versa as in if you play herald in raids people are going to hate u because why would u make the team kitten.... just go renegade.... does that make sense.... they are both elite specs renegade doesn't trump herald and herald doesn't trump renegade it's about what is best in that current situation Oh yea and they don't get the tick dmg u do they just supply it. As in for example if u throw down ur spirit and then ur allies start attacking they do not get the bleed ticks ALL 50 stacks is urs... I was in pvp with carrion gear I dropped my spirit down and literally just stood there IN PVP I WILL REMIND U WITH NO BUFFS GETTING 20k ticks because 5 people around me got the bleeds up to the 80s with that being said if u don't think the devs are being fair to the community get over ur self or go play bdo because we don't need your grief all 50 stacks is for the renegade u will do mega dmg... herald for pvp, renegade for pve it's all about the.......THE CURRENT SITUATION!!!!!!!!!! GET IT IN UR BRAIN..... DIVERSITY PEOPLE.... DIVERSITY.... Also I'm extremely tired right now so if I have grammar errors get over urself anyways I'm out PCE OUT SUCCERS HAHAHAHAHA.... fr tho pce out stop being a hater... k.... pce



    Let's do a little Math before you call out people like that shall we ?


    Razorclaw's Rage is a Buff given to 5 people lasting 10 seconds, pulsing every Second. Having a 15 seconds CD and Costing 25 Energy.

    This Skills can get up to 27'350 damage (with 50 Stacks of Bleed), coming from 4s Bleeds at 547 Damage.


    Now, you do know that the Elite Soulcleave's Summit is COMPLETELY Overshadowing Razorclaw's Rage ?, I'm sure you do, BUT it is also overshadowed by another "Basic" Skill alone, which is Echoing Eruption (Mace 3).


    Now let us see why, shall we ?

    Echoing Eruption is at 16'293 Damage (only counting the Torment it puts), Coming from 5 Torment Stacks lasting 20 Seconds.

    It's costs are 5 Energy and 8 Seconds CD.


    Now, compare the two and tell me WHY I should waste my energy on Razorclaw's Rage.

    I hope for your own sake that you can see beyond the "Hype" and see Reality as it is, that being that Renegade is not that great besides the Kalla Stacks and the Elite, not that great at all.

    Oh and also, Power Revenant will get Power Creeped by the other Elites in PvP and WvW Environments.

    So in the end, yeah we can do Raids, but that doesn't mean we are in a good position, because in reality many of the core features of Revenant DO Need Buffs, at least enough to compensate the Nerfs that the Class got in these years.



    I don't want to finish on a bad note, so... have a Nice PoF Start !




    For the Numbers, the Sigil of Agony is only there to see what we got when the Trait "Blood Fury" is active.

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