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Posts posted by Esterie.7409

  1. I tend to use Knight of the Thorn for my Sylvari, because... obviously. Some of my other favorite titles include: Illuminated, Ex Machina (this one is perfect for engineers), Dark Traveler, The Emperor, Master of Secrets, Mistwarden, and The Hunter.


    I don't care much about the exclusivity/prestige of a title or if it was tied to a difficult achievement, but more about if I think the phrase or word sounds interesting to me or matches a characters "theme".

  2. > @"firedragon.8953" said:

    > Yeah, I don't like that it is visible to other active players as well. I keep thinking it is something I have to avoid and waste dodges when a downed player uses it.


    Same here. I knew the skill had been changed but had no idea it was now visible to everyone. I kept seeing expanding red circles at Gerent and thought it was an attack I hadn't noticed before or something, so I'd dodge out of it to be safe. Interesting.

  3. Is your current backpack one that is non-dyable? Because this is an issue that's been around since dyable backpacks became a thing. If you have a non-dyable backpack on, previewing any dyable backpack through the wardrobe moves the dye panel way off to the lower left side where it's unusable. If you transmute your backpack to one that is dyable, then the dye panel works as intended.


    Edit: [i made a topic about this way back in December.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94741/cannot-dye-cape-until-transmuting-backpack-to-it) Almost a year on and it's still an issue.

  4. (Note: I haven't made Verdarach specifically, but I have made many gen 2 and gen 2.5 legendaries.)


    Yes, once you purchase the first recipe from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs you can craft the first tier of the precursor right away. After crafting it, you can then purchase the recipe for the second tier precursor (in this case, Lament), and after crafting Lament you can then buy the recipe for the actual ascended precursor, Call of the Void. Verdarach is one of the gen 2.5 legendaries, meaning there are no collections tied to crafting the precursor, it's all just straight crafting.

  5. Congrats! The skyscale is quite literally a game-changer and is absolutely my most-used mount now. Especially with the Bond of Vigor, it's so nice to be able to traverse horizontally or vertically without having to swap mounts. Of course I still use springer for quick CC and griffon if I'm starting high and want to get somewhere fast, but skyscale is just my favorite functionally and aesthetically. The first day I unlocked mine I used it to re-explore HoT maps. Figuring out how to get from ground level to the canopy in Verdant Brink was (and still is) super fun!

  6. 11,565 hours and I've had 2 precursor drops, both within the span of a few months. Got Dawn from an unidentified gear bag, and got The Hunter from the Matriarch chest in Verdant brink. Sold both to fund other legendaries. Within the span of those 2 precursor drops I also got the Aurillium infusion from Auric Basin (which I also sold to fund HOPE). Crazy, crazy RNG and now nothing for 2+ years.

  7. Not necessarily a mechanic but more a UI feature I guess. Absolutely unnecessary and pie-in-the-sky, but I would LOVE if we could chose the order our characters appear on the character select screen, and increase how many are shown at a time. Include how it is now (by play order, a single row of 7 you can scroll through) as an option, but being able to see more than 7 characters at a time by having more rows would make me so happy. Also the ability to put them and "lock" them in a certain order; I would personally love to always have my main character first, then all my crafting toons always together, then WvW toons, etc. Instead of shuffling back and forth and back and forth between 40+ characters to find the one I want, I would know exactly the order they'd be in.


    It's such a niche problem, and I've managed 5+ years without this and I'm sure I'll SOMEHOW continue to manage without it, but it would be handy. For me at least. ;)

  8. The two most recent episodes of Icebrood Saga are missing voice lines, but will eventually have voice lines added. From https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110653/an-update-regarding-voice-acting-in-guild-wars-2:


    "While adjusting to developing Guild Wars 2 remotely, we’ve also been hard at work on solutions so we can move forward with our cast of over two dozen actors while keeping everyone safe. Our audio department created home recording kits for the voice actors, and on July 21 we recorded our first remote session!


    We’re recording the most immediate upcoming content first—the new fractal—so you can experience it with voice acting right away. We’ll also record voiceover for the “No Quarter” and “Jormag Rising” cinematics. In September we’ll work on recording the remainder of the content for Episodes 3 &4."


    There's no ETA that I've seen for when the episodes will be fully voiced (someone please feel free to add if I've missed it), but the fully-voiced fractal is coming next week so perhaps sooner rather than later.

  9. I would LOVE a fat ol' tree frog for the springer skin. I know we already have a gecko skin, but I want something that looks like [these guys](https://64.media.tumblr.com/104fba35edac06e69e35aeccfc516331/tumblr_inline_o417dyaUpk1rxequg_540.png).


    It would have to be fairly squat and quadrupedal for maximum effect, which hasn't been seen on a springer skin yet so I don't know if it's even possible, but man.... that would be an insta-buy for me. I just get a kick out of real-animal looking skins. Of course there would be a chance it could look too much like a hylek, so maybe it's also not possible for that reason.


    A jellyfish for the skimmer would be neat now that it can go under water.

  10. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > As final note, I was afraid of DPS Meter's and "being tracked" as well before ever using them but then saw how it's simply not a big deal after trying them out, and it can't be overstated how incredibly useful they are for self-imporvement.

    > It doesn't matter how casual you are, I can highly recommend giving it a try. Seeing where you actually stand and what you are contributing can be an incredible motivator and can lead you to get so much more out of the game.


    I was originally going to just vote and move on, but this post stated how I feel better than I could so I thought I'd add my voice as well.


    I don't yet use a DPS meter, nor do I do fractals or raids, but I have spent a good amount of time at the training golem despite only doing strikes here and there. I was one of those people who thought I'd never be able to get a rotation down, that no matter what my skill level would be lacking and I would be a detriment to groups. After hacking at the golem and practicing my rotation for a bit when strikes were released, I eventually started seeing recommended DPS numbers. And I was excited! It gave me the confidence to jump into strikes, and now I've completed all but Boneskinner (one day....) and hope to continue doing strikes for the Runic Cape. Maybe raids and fractals are in my future after my confidence grows further or I try more builds, who knows.


    So no, I am not in favor of DPS meters being banned, though I would love if there was a baked-in version other than the training golem.



  11. Outfits. I get why people like them, and there are some that I think are quite nice-looking, but when I was a new player 5-ish years ago I wasn't as heavily into Fashion Wars as I am now so I bought a few outfits. I never use my outfits except on new characters, until they're level 80 and get kitted out in snazzy armor. I just enjoy mixing and matching armor pieces too much to use outfits.

  12. > @"CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617" said:

    > My one gripe with underwater combat is that it's really hard to gauge distance. Sometimes I think I'm far from an enemy when I'm right on top of it, sometimes I am far away when I think I'm in melee range. Similarly, it's difficult to tell how clustered/spread out groups of enemies are.


    Came here to say the same thing. As soon as I'm fighting enemies under water it's like my depth perception is just... gone. I generally don't mind underwater combat, though as others have said, a good chunk of terrestrial skills are unusable under water so it doesn't feel as fun/rewarding to me.



  13. > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Mea.5491" said:

    > > > > > > > _"Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."_

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively **multiplayer** game. :tongue:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Yep and some people chose this game for that reason. This is a change that's introduced badly. Anet is trying to tell me well if you want to keep moving forward this is the direction we're going. If it is, you'll be going without me and players like me.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > It may not matter to you, but if there are enough of us, it will matter to the bottom line of the game. And that should matter to everyone playing.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Sure it might "force" you to play with other players for that one mission but its taking care of the forming of a group for you if you just use the Public squad. The mission itself is fairly easy and doesn't require a ton of coordination beyond just ticking the boxes of the progressive objectives and then the boss fight at the end.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Technically the game "forces" you to play with other players whenever you do an event in the world or a World Boss. Its not much different than that, you're just pressing a button to do it.

    > > > >

    > > > > But it's not forcing me to group with other people. I can rock up to a meta event or world boss without grouping and often do.

    > > >

    > > > The person above just said they duo it easily which could mean it's soloable so try solo or with a friend who understands your unique circumstances

    > >

    > > Yep I'm going to try it. You might be led to think I solo most of the time, but that's not the case. I just play with a few guldies most of the time.


    > But I did not finish the last boss fight solo. Because I could not break the break bar completely with spamming tank-skill-3(harpoon) doing this alone. And without breaking the break bar the fight is way too long. So I left the instance when the boss was at 70%.



    I ran into this as well during my solo run. I would press the harpoon skill to anchor it into the boss, then repeatedly press the skill over and over to try and break its breakbar to no avail. After a few attempts I tried to _hold down_ the harpoon skill instead, and it broke the bar super fast.

  14. At first I was unhappy hearing that Ryland's mission was being stuck behind group content. Like others have mentioned, I don't mind group content in open world, but small-group instanced content isn't my jam. After reading posts here about how it's able to be soloed I decided to give it a try. It actually wasn't that bad. A few champs, but with a minionmaster build it was easy, albeit a bit tedious. The entire mission took me a little under an hour solo, but I didn't die, so it wasn't too bad. I failed a few of the bonus events because my attention was focused elsewhere, though. The final fight was a bit sketchy at times, I can absolutely see where more people would make it a breeze, but somehow I managed. I've only ever done tier 1 fractals and haven't set a foot in raids, for reference. I don't think I will continue to solo it, because whew the time, but now that I know the gist of it I'll feel more comfortable playing through it with others.


    If anyone reading this wants to try it, I highly recommend a minionmaster necro. This is the build I used **[&DQg1KQIVEz6bAKIAcAF0AXYAcwHkAHUBlQCVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]**, with a mix of Valkyrie and Marauder armor for extra vitality.



    [Link to victory image, with spoilers.](https://imgur.com/LRKAMyR.png)



    ~~Now to finally play the Season 1 stuff.....~~ ~~Hmm, never mind. Apparently you need to do Darkrime Delves as well before you can replay (or in the case of those of us who started playing GW2 after Season 1, **_actually play_**) Season 1. :/~~ Okay now I'm ready for Season 1 stuff. The second mission was actually easier and shorter than the first, though the final fight was a bit more tricky. Still solo-able on a minionmaster.


    ~~My only qualm now is that, as far as I can tell, you cannot go straight to the Darkrime Delves instance to finish achievements, etc. You must play through the first mission (which IMO was more tedious than the second). If I'm wrong about this, feel free to correct me. I'd love to go back and explore the Delves.~~ Wow I'm just on a roll tonight. You just need to restart the Steel & Fire story in your story journal, there will be a purple marker near the scrying pool to take you directly to Darkrime Delves. Whoop!



  15. I would _love_ for ele or mesmer to be able to use longbow! I think it would be kind of unusual and unexpected for either class, but I like the idea of "magic" arrows with elemental/illusionary properties. Also, for selfish reasons, I just want to be able to use Kudzu on more of my characters. :p


    Editing to add: I could see scepter or mace for engi, acting as some sort of electrical conduit perhaps? Scepter for revenant wouldn't seem out of place to me as it's kind of a "woo-woo mists/magic" kind of profession, and a caster-type of weapon could work. As for the legend to go with it? I have no idea.

  16. I can't say if this happened from opening the wiggly chests, the chests in my inventory, or what. I just want to share my experience with the drop rates:


    I've done Tequatl nearly every day for the past three years. I figure I've probably missed maybe 30-40 times due to real life, timing, vacations, etc. I got my **first**, and so far only, Tequatl Hoard chest a week ago. In comparison, I also do Triple Trouble nearly every day and have gotten **four** Piles of Regurgitated Armor in the same span of time.


    Editing to add that I have gotten a good number of normal ascended weapon and armor chests from both bosses, though.

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