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Posts posted by leviathan.2148

  1. > @RedSPINE.7845 said:

    > I partially agree. In the state the engineer is right now, it's impossible to rely exclusively on your only weapon set. I think there's a deep problem of design concerning this profession, it wouldnt have been a problem if elite specs didn't exist but now it starts to be really annoying. I think I'll post a thread about it one day.


    I agree, IMHO kits shouldn't have AA that's better than the weapons. Also IMO each kit should be streamlined to be good only for one function - condi dmg, power dmg, ranged dmg, defense, healing, etc. Single-skill utilities can hardly compete with 5-skill bundles when they don't offer any upside to picking them instead of kits. Exceed skills are IMO a step in the right direction but their impact should be bigger.

  2. When I think about it, if we're supposed to get a power offhand, we need to get main hand also with it. Just like Spellbreaker got dagger for both slots. Unfortunately the elite spec weapons can be only used with the elite spec trait equipped so we can't combine sword with new offhand and we'd be stuck with pistol in MH and that one's just not suited for power builds. We could get a new condi OH (i.e torch) but we already have a good condi OH (pistol). Besides IMO we'll get finally a support spec.


    So I see three options for what can happen:

    1) we get another two hand (GS, longbow or staff)

    2) we get weapon for both MH and OH (mace or torch)

    3) we get a MH weapon focused on support that could work with shield (scepter, mace) - just like with the sword I feel that in this case shield should be revisited and reworked/buffed to be less situational.

  3. > @Ardid.7203 said:

    > > They said that Holo will get changes, even the sword. We'll see.


    > They also said they would try to make FGyro somehow more relevant for PvE. They did nothing but nerfs to Scrapper.


    One thing was a promise of looking into pve functionality and another is a statement of changes coming.


    Irenio didn't promise anywhere that there will be a pve change to FGyro. (I'm still disappointed that there wasn't) He said that he'll look into it. On the other hand Robert has stated that changes are coming in balance patch. No vague promise that he may look into sword or Holo.


    Clear difference. Your statement about Anet forgetting about Holo is invalid.

  4. > @RedSPINE.7845 said:

    > I don't think you can upgr de a targeted specific PF skill in Major Adept since all Major Master traits do it too. Major Adept focus on engaging/disengaging by providing buffs, wether you enter or quit PF. Personally, I feel like being stuck 6 seconds in PF is far too much for the engineer, who's supposed to juggle with his kits. If a trait could reduce this time, I will definitely play it.


    Kits shouldn't be a must for engi though.

  5. It's not bad, it has quite simple rotation, could be worse. I still dislike that there's again prevalence of kits but it's getting better at least.


    IMO if Anet reworked hard light arena to be used all the time and only as a boon sharing tool, might stacking engi could be a good option. Anyway with the current state IMO Holo could use a dmg buff when it brings basically nothing besides dmg.

  6. I agree with the aftercasts, they are annoying as hell. The one on forge skill 2 is even more annoying underwater. Providing short quickness is useless when an aftercast makes you be stuck in the place for half of its duration.


    I hate the burning from Cauterize, it would be nice if its duration was at least halved. Sure, you can equip the condi>boon on forge exit trait but still even with using Cauterize and exiting forge right after it seems like unnecessary hurdle. If they want to keep burning there so be it, but they should make it less hurting just to be more useful. Currently I don't use it much because of that annoying burn. I'll rather wait to exit the forge.


    Also why is the bomb kit's AA still the best? Come on Anet, Holo has a great potential to be good power dmg option for engi but even with added crit chance from the heat the sword is worse. IMHO the sword's AA should be buffed to be better than bomb's AA. Bomb's primary use shouldn't be mindless AA but rather condis from other skills and providing fields (but that's just my opinion).

  7. > @Adamantium.3682 said:

    > > @leviathan.2148 said:

    > > Well it would be nice if Holo could be an alternative to PS warrior with sharing might IMO. But yeah, I won't hold my breath for this.


    > Maybe the next elite spec, but you can't have the damage of Holo and the boonshare of PS War! Need to stay realistic :) The change to HLA is nice because it's a small bit of support that adds a bit of value, not enough to step on any toes of actual support builds.


    Well it wouldn't be that good with the halved boon duration although I guess they'd have to adjust 1s ticks to longer intervals.

  8. > @coglin.1496 said:

    > Personally I am not okay with anything that locks kits out in any way, shape, or form. To me it feels like it runs counter to the profession to be locked out of one its core functionality and design functions.


    Kits aren't core functionality. They are core utility skills. Toolbelt is core functionality. Don't make them more than they are.

  9. I'll use sword+shield because Holo is quite glassy, so I'll have little more defense utility and also Anet has been adding more mobs that are either immune to projectiles or just reflect them. Plus I like cleave AA on sword more than single target AA on rifle.

  10. I like Jump Shot too. It helped me countless times with jumping puzzles :D Reducing CD on hit of blunderbuss is quite a fun idea. I like it. Or how abut on hit of Blunderbuss, the next AA would have doubled damage with guaranteed crit? Something like that, the possibilities are endless. Also I would like them to finally remove self-knockdown from skill 4.

  11. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > Honestly, I'd like to see grenade and mortar kits get proper autoattacks.


    > Grenade kit even has them underwater so it's clearly a thing they can do.


    Would they track the target? Because with them being the not AOE AA, they would be quite easy to avoid without changing the directory. AOE AA is a hassle but with some sill it's very good if you're able to predict opponent's movement.

  12. > @Adamantium.3682 said:

    > If you had your choice what do you do with Blunderbuss and Jump Shot? I'm not opposed to reworking rifle but I don't want to lose the shotgun feel that it has and how it rewards you for being close. I see room for improvement on Hip Shot and Net Shot but I kinda like the other three. Curious how you would improve it without taking that away, or what you would replace it with.


    How about making Blunderbuss medium range? It would be also nice if they removed those silly bleeds and added something useful for a power-based weapon that rifle wants to be. Maybe it could grant fury. I can't think of a way to improve Jumpshot without completely replacing it.

  13. Be that as it may, even if engi isn't in the worst spot, OP is right in many points. Rifle is a ranged weapon that's the most effective up close and it still is mediocre. If hammer wasn't locked out by elite spec, nobody would prefer it to hammer that's a proper close ranged weapon with lots of good utility. Rifle just needs ranged rework to be something similar to warrior's rifle in terms of ranged use.


    Shield's CDs may be similar to other profession's shield sills but are very situational and IMHO should at least provide couple of boons on activation. CD reduction would go a long way.


    Auto attack dmg of all weapons should be also adjusted so that there aren't builds that basically spam kit AA and do the most dmg. (I'm looking at you power bomb kit spam)


    Traits... yeah, we have a lot of underwhelming traits. Shoutout to the Scrapper daze trait that has been rendered useless after devs removed daze from gyros.


    Kits are too prevalent. They have no downside. Normal utility skills can hardly compete with 5-skill bundles. I don't like the term "Purity of Purpose" but I have to agree that making each kit do only one thing (i.e power dmg, condi dmg, defensive utility, etc) would go a long way and possibly would bring more build variety.


    Gadgets were improved but IMHO still need work, especialy mine and slick shoes. Turrets, gyros and basically all minions need rework of their AI, pathing and behavior to not be abused and be useful. (this is a very difficult one)


    Elixirs are mostly ok but IMHO they are similarly to kits a must have in some modes and there isn't an alternative to them.


    And last thing I'd like to see is scaling of ALL skills according to equipped gear.


    We're in a good spot, we just could use more variety and rebalancing.

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