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Posts posted by Thandaer.8105

  1. > @"Kanok.3027" said:

    > Imagine...imagine, if it's NOT Cantha, but we are going to the Dominion of Winds instead. The Tengu would live in asian-styled homes since they lived in Cantha once before, so...


    > Oh, if that happens and people scream, I will be ready to drink all the tears.


    Slow down Devil :D

    One way or another, looking forward to this place :)

  2. .. I'm someone who can't play any musical instrument and is not fascinated by any modern music trends whatsoever. And yet I have to write:

    Music! Music! And music!

    I don't think the music is mentioned enough.

    It's music that ties everything together. Be it epic scaled event like Tarir. Be it a raid boss or bosses (looking at you twins). Or be it just LA idling music. And it all started with 'Fear not this night' (The Source mission in Zhaitan storyline is still my fav. Together with 'Victory or Death' ending).

    I can't possibly mention all soundtracks here because that'd be a long list.

    Vanilla music, xpacs music. Event music (Breachmaker, boneskinner to name two). And trust me, my cousin could tell you how many times I tell her to be silent for a while so I can listen to the soundtrack. :)


    Really, music department is doing an awesome job!

    Keep up the good work!

    With regards,

    Mike Langelo

  3. I understand the change. Every other lunar festival was just 'log in, buy envelopes and log out.' Now you actually have to do something, just as every other festival.

    Also I, for one, love the Celestial Challenge. I'm not saying it's perfect (my only problem is with rat challenge as there is not enough tributes to finish the event on time with bonus progress) but still. It's a great idea. Awesome concept. Also, it's a first time they are trying this so just give them some time. Yes, I don't think everything will be fixed this year, since festival is already in progress. But, who knows...?

  4. I think it was an amazing episode (was a bit dissapoited by that ressurection, even though I've seen it coming; Also PLEASE do NOT make Braham laugh ever again! That thing was scary! :) )

    Cinematics, music, new map, enviroment....everything perfect.

    Looking forward the next season and its plot!


    ~ Thandaer

  5. Nothing more to add. That Taimi cries broke me. Literally. I could not speak, move or do anything. I was stunned.


    Standing ovation and then some to Anet. Everything was brilliant. Story, music, enviroment. Keep it up!


    May the Five plus One watch over you ;)


  6. I understand this whole greatsword trend going on here. If that is going to happen I am going to toss my twilight at my rev without hesitation.


    But I would LOVE a scepter as a new weapon (maybe together with focus). We still need a magical weapon with actual magical use (not counting smacky smack staff in there). In a package with Snaff and I will die happy :)

  7. No> @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Kid Origami.9108" said:

    > > > @"starhunter.6015" said:

    > > > Well the PC is no longer a Pact commander, we gave up that role and title.

    > > > Second Laranthir would never turn on the pact, he was one who held out against Mordy.

    > > > The Pact all know how bad it is to Kill any more dragons so a splinter cell would not be very likely.

    > > >

    > > > Better to just roll the Aetherblades back into the frey and have them make a move for power. Have them pick up the pieces of the fractured white mantle,

    > >

    > > How... How did I miss that? Does that happen at the beginning of PoF? I admit it's been a while since I've been able to play properly (first born child and all) but it pains me to think I missed that!


    > season 3, and he's only given up the role, kept the honorary title


    No, we are Pooh-Bah now!


    Jokes aside, Derd is right, we gave up the role (eww, paperwork) but not the the title - "Technically it's title for life, so you're welcome to it." (General Almorra Soulkeeper, Season 3, Research in Rata Novus)

  8. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > @"Thandaer.8105" said:

    > > Sound really nice, but again, what would you do with revenants. We already have 5 skills for every legend. So it's either giving us brand new skill per legend or nothing at all (and that would leave us saaaaad).


    > 1 new utility for every legend.



    > Also big YES from me to the general idea.



    Time for Ventari utility revive skill :)

  9. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > I don't like losing my regen pulsing adept trait for some kitten vigor on orb. Those regen ticks were 600-700 a pop, helped a lot for when allies spread out to keep those regen ticks patching them up, and the regen application boosted my rune of the monk procs.


    > Now the adept tier is highly unattractive to me. People swear by a 20% heal increase at above 75% trait but the fact is when people most need healing is when none in the group are actually above 75%, so this trait is virtually useless to me.


    > That leaves me with only the crappy 4 seconds of vigor on healing orbs.


    I agree, losing that regeneration is sad. Guess we'll have to chase'n'smack our alies with tablet more than we do right now.

  10. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > I hope the selbbub joke is honored somewhere in game but sadly we all know that would NOT be a menacing name for the dragon


    > Random Quaggan: "Coo. Scary dragon too scary. Quaggan makes it less scary by changing its name. Dragon's name is now Bubbles. Bubbles not scary."


    > -minion attack-


    > Random Quaggan: "Quaggan was wrong! Bubbles scary! Bubbles very scary! FooOOoo!"


    This. Must. Happen!


  11. > @"lombomon.7268" said:

    > > @"Thandaer.8105" said:

    > > Talking about revives, tablet could be automatically reviving nearest downed ally (or more). I mean, there are much stronger ways to do so out there (and it is not much different from druids, sending their pets to lick your wounds)


    > This is another idea that may work for a revival trait in Salvation! There is of course the question of it not synergizing well with other legends, so I'm not sure if this would be the best option. Certainly an interesting idea though.


    Simple revive could be passive skill of the tablet, so we are not forced to trait Salvation in order to have some kind of revive (if you want to revive people during events or boss fight, you have to pick Ventari, as other classes have to give up a skill slot to take Revives). On the other hand, salvation should have some trait to make it stronger - more targets, faster revive, bigger radius or something like different kinds of revives according to currently equipped legends (something like applying Rite of Great Dwarf to downed allies near the tablet while having Ventari/Jalis combo, or Infuse Light while having Ventari/Glint) or just give downed allies some kind of bonus with other legends (leeching downed skills with Ventari/Shiro for example).

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