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Posts posted by Devilman.1532

  1. sounds like everyone's favorite heroes the "GodsofPvP" are still up to the same BS. LOL... Basement trolls on twitch. I watched a few of them out of morbid curiosity and just laughed and laughed. What a bunch of morons. Yet..... they are catered to and protected because they give ANeT free advertising. Not that it matters this game is cratering anyway.

  2. > @"Maddog.3716" said:

    > > @"Devilman.1532" said:

    > > trying to figure out this game's broken kitten matchmaker and balancing decisions will give you an ulcer and make your head explode like in Scanners.

    > Are psychedelics involved in the development of the system? :)




    I wouldn't doubt they were beyond trippin bear balls when they came up with that and these balance patches.

  3. > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

    > When you take a break from a game, one of the things that makes it difficult to start back up again is the feeling that you've missed too much to ever catch up. We want to offer to help former Guild Wars 2 players who might feel that way, so starting next Monday we're going spend five weeks getting those members of our community re-acquainted with Tyria. We'll show how to get your first mount and play through Living World Season 4, pointing out helpful features and updates along the way. Members of our partner program will be joining too, leading players through various open world events.


    > If you want to join in but can't remember your password, we can help you with that! Go to https://help.guildwars2.com and click "Trouble Logging In?", and our CS team can help.


    Honestly you guys don't push out enough content for anyone to get all that far behind.

  4. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Some interesting data:


    > 29.7% of the players who placed in the top half of gold (1350-1499) finished the season in plat or higher. Highest Finish: 1843

    > 7.5% of the players who placed in the bottom half of gold (1200-1349) finished the season in plat or higher. Highest Finish: 1802

    > 1.1% of the players who placed below gold (0-1199) finished the season in plat or higher. Highest Finish: 1680

    > Lowest placement to hit plat: 686


    So its not impossible but highly unlikely. If your 10 placement matches don't go well youre pretty much boned. If you got stuck with a few matches of AFKers (who don't actually DC) total idiots no one could carry, the multitude of bots etc... How does this system make sense at all? How does it encourage people to keep playing when they know there is a 70% chance they will never get out of gold hell? If you placed in mid to low gold you have virtually no chance. You people need to scrap the 10 placement match trash system.

  5. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @"Devilman.1532" said:

    > > and the MESEMERLOLTRAIN rolls on... don't you guys get it? Its what they consider their "signature class" that many of the Devs play. It will never be razed tot he ground like other classes int he history of this game have been and to a degree still are.


    > Arent you the guy playing Broken passives Holo?


    Nope wouldn't play that trashbag if you paid me

  6. Weaver is a clunky mess that should have never ever made it off the drawing board. Really a total embarrassment.

    Tempest was decent at one point but other class builds (mostly PoF) have made it redundant or just plain irrelevant.

    Core ele? LOL

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