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Posts posted by Wolfey.3407

  1. I agree that ranger pets need a buff in some areas. Some of the pets aren't taken nor have ever really been touched for legit use...

    Sadly, I feel the mentality with the balancing team is still along the lines that "Ranger big scary, me nurf, bam bam bam community praise me happy"

  2. What playing Ranger since 2012 has taught me... if you love something, if you like something, if you feel some what ok with something. Anet will nerf it. And nerf it again. And again.


    Never grow to like anything as a ranger, embrace the nerf bat and become one with it. It makes the pain more bearable with each nerf <3 beer helps too.

  3. I would love to see the Menagerie return in some fashion.

    Could theoretically do something with the home instance. Have a "Tamer" or "Handler" present you can request only the pets you've unlocked on your account.

    The only questions, is how would it be done to prevent seeing a massive amount of animals running around your home instance. Especially, if you're on a different class.


    I do like and probably prefer with regards to ease the idea purposed by

    > @"Ashkew.6584" said:

    > or just make unlocked pets available for entire account


    Doing things that way would probably be the most convenient solution.


    I still like the Menagerie idea though, mostly for the memories and scenery addition to the game.


  4. GW2 ESL was nothing short than a horrid attempt to become a botch job of a Busch League.

    Drunk and wasted Anet partnered trashing the game and the developers after winning a match or tournament.

    Developers punishing cheaters and drunken fools with the most laughable punishments that served nothing more as an inconvenience for the offenders.

    Commentators self promoting themselves the whole time or showing extreme favoritism to one player or team to a sickening level.

    The only thing that ESL scene provided for GW2 were laughable articles to read when you're on the toilet and some "drama".


    The population issue for PVP is nothing new with regards to skilled players or general populace. I'm all for any idea that will fix this. However, I strongly believe ESL is a horrible idea. At best, it will only generate minor interest with the PVE community to try out PVP until they realize that the community is as supportive as a broken bra strap. For the PVP community, it will only create talking points between matches and something new for them to farm until they get annoyed at the PVE community or get bored farming stacks of the same items. Both of which, neither address or fix the underlying issues of "good players" to play with.

  5. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Wolfey.3407" said:

    > > gem store and shiny af i think is the problem...

    > Why?

    > Because you dont want to pay for it?

    > That's not a problem. That's your preference. It's only a problem if not enough people will pay for it to cover the cost of creation and implementation and I am sorry but you don't know if that would be the case or not.


    > > I don't think the title portion would happen since it would be tied to a gemstore item. I don't think or remember anet making achievements gemstored mandated.

    > Really? Don't BL Weapon skins carry with them AP for collecting them?

    > Don't the mini skyscales that drop only from the BL Chests give AP for collecting them all?

    > The line you are drawing is arbitrary


    > > What's meaningful for one person is not meaningful for another.

    > > so 1,000 gems for a bookshelf may be nothing whats so ever for you, but for someone else they would rather spend it on something they can show off.

    > These players have plenty of options. A new option every week or so.

    > Someone at Arenanet is doing things like creating the Hunter Boards, or the Garden Plots. These aren't about showing off. Should they stop because people can't pull them out in Lion's Arch?


    > While I take absolutely not offense to your post, I find it myopic.


    Ok Professor, glad to see that only your opinions are allowed to be considered imaginative and intellectual. *rolls eyes*


    Point (1)

    I don't mind paying for something like that, but i don't believe said feature should be $20 USD. I'm sorry if you are not willing to discuss or even agree that the price should be up for discussion... I guess that was too MYOPIC of me to state that the price should be lower if added. I guess it's to MYOPIC for me to suggest slight changes to your idea.


    Point (2)

    This one you swung and made a Tampa Bay Rays kind of swing and a miss...

    I stated Title not achievement points, please re-read.



    Point (3)

    More options are good, and point 3 was aimed back at your statement of

    "I would gladly pay 1000 gems for this. It's much more meaningful to me than a few mount skins."




    Sorry for suggesting idea on your idea, i had no idea you were closed to any suggestions or feed back. Happy playing <3 :)

  6. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Wolfey.3407" said:

    > > A very cute idea I love it :D Would be great to re-read some of those books I've collected.

    > > Just hope anet doesn't make it a gem store item if they do decide to add it ._.


    > Here's what I would pay money for:

    > My Home instance gets an empty book case. Ever book I have already collected shows up. Any I have missed are represented with blank spaces. If I click the book I can read it again at my leisure. If I click the blank spot I am given a clue to it's location.

    > As I fill in more books, the book case becomes more impressive, undergoing an upgrade in appearance (in keeping with the decor of the home instance's location) maybe 3 or 4 upgrades as the bookshelves become more and more full.

    > Tie three titles in with acheivements

    > 1-50 Books collected "Bookworm"

    > 50-150: "Book Collector"

    > 150-???: "Grand Historian"

    > Add 20-30 new books to the game in locations all over the map filled with decent fun lore we can speculate on.

    > Ensure any new books that come in future maps get added to this system.


    > I would gladly pay 1000 gems for this. It's much more meaningful to me than a few mount skins. It's the kind of thing that would get me to happily go back and revisit old content and really give me hours of distraction.


    > TLDR: Make it gemstore, but make it shiny af.


    gem store and shiny af i think is the problem...

    I don't think the title portion would happen since it would be tied to a gemstore item. I don't think or remember anet making achievements gemstored mandated.

    I do like you idea of progressing the library and adding more to it.


    What's meaningful for one person is not meaningful for another.

    so 1,000 gems for a bookshelf may be nothing whats so ever for you, but for someone else they would rather spend it on something they can show off.


    Not trying to bash you or anything, please don't take it in that manner.

    I agree with a few of your points but I think some of the other points should be reworked if they would be implemented.



  7. CTF would be a lot of fun as long as proper steps were added for the flag bearer.

    (there would need to be a significant nerf to porting with regards to distance if flag bearer can use portals)


    Cart Push would be Cool (Dolyak Push?)


    King of the Hill would be a lot of fun.

    One giant capture point in the middle, first team to hold it for a combined total of 5 minutes wins.

    Emphasis on one giant capture point so 1 aoe doesn't cover the whole thing. Maybe 3 times the size of the current capture points?


  8. Just like every other release since GW2 came out... here's what's going to happen.


    1) The trash talking about how bad GW2 is and how awesome ______ is going to be

    2) A dip in players for GW2 for a month or two, with WoW classic maybe 3-4 months until people burn out and realize they are still paying a sub

    3) Said players that were trash talking GW2, quit their beloved they swore their life too.

    4) A long rant about how new game sucks on GW2 Forums/Reddit and how awesome GW2 is

    5) Repeat the cycle on the next game


    Mostly done with games with subscriptions or those that don't fulfill the God level of hype that is expected.

  9. Farming Gen 1 Legendary weapons is not that hard to do...

    They are WAY cheaper to straight up get than Gen 2 as well...

    Hell ANET made it easy for those who don't want to work for it. Those who don't wana chip their finger nails and earn it.


    Method A:

    (1) Go steal your moms credit card and swipe it once or twice and convert the gems to gold.

    You're looking at about $150 USD maybe 200 on a couple

    (2) Spam it in map chat and brag about how you spent so much time making it


    Method B:

    (1) Craft the precursor

    (2) Buy the mats and make it

    (3) Spam it in map chat and brag about how you spent so much time making it


    Method C:

    (1) Buy the precursor

    (2) Earn the mats and make it

    (3) Spam it in map chat and brag about how you spent so much time making it


    Method D :

    (1) Get Good at PvP and hope that Anet remembers to care to do a special tournament so you can win one

    (2) Spam it in map chat and brag about how you spent so much time making it


    Method E:

    (1) Enter the raffle at GW2 Efficiency when they have a legendary to give away, hope you're luck.

    (2) Spam it in map chat and brag about how you spent so much time making it


    Method F:

    (1) Go Kitten yourself off to a rich person who will be your Sugar Charr and buy you one.

    (2) Spam it in map chat and brag about how you spent so much time making it



    No, Hell No, Too EZ to get as it is.

  10. Ranger TDLR:


    We Nerfed Sic Em by 15%

    We Nerfed mean old druids ancestral grace so you **can** hit them

    We Nerfed unblockable boons, so all you need now is to hit them faster.

    We Nerfed second skin by 13%

    We Nerfed Unstoppable Union no unblockable part of the skill


    But hey to make you feel better and to show you that OP still loves you here's a couple of buffs:


    **Frost Trap:** FOR PVE ONLY don't worry hardcore WvW & PvP people you can still sleep well at night.

    Who won't sleep well at night? That one NPC that steps in that trap for 5 seconds. Wooo frostbite on toes suck.


    ((really couldn't make it for wvw as well? really? PvP i get it, if you add anything for Ranger they will post mean stuff.

    But no WvW? cmon... At least give us a WvW buff with this skill as well... instead of 100% make it 50% with everything

    else attached. )) Side Notes: still can't throw traps ... would love to be able to toss them even 200 range.


    **Sublime Conversion:** This skill now grants 5 seconds of regeneration to allies who pass through the wall.

    I'm happy about this, as long as you didn't do a bunch of stealth nerfs to it to make up for it... seriously, Thank you

    for actually on purpose giving us a useful buff for once. ((instead of the usually admitted accident))


    I'm sure everyone is partaking in the sacrificial slaughtering of rangers pets in the streets as a sacrifice for the great nerfs

    but i think the buff and even the change of things for Ranger could have been way better.

  11. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > > @"Wolfey.3407" said:

    > > > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > > > Quite a few people are criticising the lack of goal or reward they can grind for.

    > > > For me this is so nonsensical I don't even know where to start. If your only motivation to play a certain game mode is purely because you want that juicy loot at the end of the journey, please just leave the game mode and do something else.

    > >

    > > "Agree with what I have to say or gtfo"

    > > So make the player base smaller and make it so everyone only shares your view.


    > No I'm not saying new rewards and stuff are a bad idea per se, but if people only play the game to get the reward at the end I honestly don't know why to even start playing the game mode in the first place.

    > This is a very common problem especially in games like Call of Duty or Battlefield (at least in my experience). There are tons of ppl who only play the game (after a certain point where - apparently - it's not enjoyable anymore I dunno) until they've unlocked everything. Why even bother spending time playing a game (mode) which you don't enjoy playing for the sake of gameplay, just so you unlock things you'll never use because you leave the game afterwards?

    > Sure, in GW2 you can also use/show rewards and titles and stuff elsewhere but still. I don't see the point.

    > This is just a thing I'll never understand but on the other hand ofc I don't have to understand everything and everybody and it's not my business, so if this is what makes them happy, they should go for it. But where it starts to be my business is when ppl demand for new rewards which requires resources which - in my opinion - could be better spent somewhere else.


    > Maybe I'm completely wrong here but I'd even argue that such people are not a healthy part of the competitive community, so the "make the player base smaller"-argument isn't really valid in my opinion. Let me explain:

    > If your only interest is to get that shiny legendary backpiece and nothing else, would you even bother tryharding in a match if it's not an easy win or just afk in the base, wait until it's over and try your luck in the next match? Or if your only interest is to get that new title/gizmo and abandon the game mode until something new is released, would you really try to get it all by yourself, probably failing season after season just to get it at the 4th try (like.. 4th season ending which is approx. 1 year - or maybe even not at all) or would you rather just wintrade for a weekend towards the end of a season and get it like the next week.

    > Since wintrading (especially during ~the last week before a season ends) and afk-ing is already a HUGE problem in sPvP and the gw2 community isn't really known for its patience when it comes to getting into new content once it's been released (like.. a lot of the players want everything just handed over to them with 0 effort, let's be honest here), I'd bet a not-so-neglectable portion of the playerbase would in both cases described above pick the second, easy option.


    > Again. I don't say titles and rewards are bad, ofc I also enjoy something to display when I have accomplished something or when I'm getting some value out of it, but then again there are just too many issues that have to be fixed first urgently.


    Thank you for clarifying for your points :D I agree with a lot of what you have to say. Just wanted to make sure you weren't going to the far extreme of "fk rewards, PvP should be mindless play only"

  12. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > Quite a few people are criticising the lack of goal or reward they can grind for.

    > For me this is so nonsensical I don't even know where to start. If your only motivation to play a certain game mode is purely because you want that juicy loot at the end of the journey, please just leave the game mode and do something else.


    "Agree with what I have to say or gtfo"

    So make the player base smaller and make it so everyone only shares your view.


    Not saying that's a bad idea... but ya....


    I do agree with your 2nd point with regards to Anet actually making the game mode itself more enjoyable.



  13. My biggest gripe with the current state of PvP is that there is nothing to keep me in the lobby or to queue up after my dailies.


    When the game launched, there was incentive a grind and people to hang out with.

    Grind wise you had things you could work on. Even as a solo Q brand new player.


    Good Example of one that can easily be revived:

    1) You had the animal ranks you can grind out

    a1) Animal Rank Account Medal

    b1) Animal Rank Finisher & emote update


    Anet did try with the finisher aspect with Heart of Thorns by having Jungle equivalence of them.

    Yet, as is tradition with ANET they realized there's no money in it and if 1 person complains then everyone hates it, so they abandoned it in PoF.


    Is it a big deal? no.

    But, it was at least SOMETHING to grind and work towards.

    For myself, if I know i'm close to unlocking a new finisher or account medal, i'm going to try and push on and get it.


    WvW has a grind-able system in place with with the Rank Titles being Invader - Diamond Legend.

    It's something to work towards.


    With a WvW equivalence being put in place, we are done at Bronze Invader.


    The last time we (populace not minority sponsored few) were able to EARN a new finisher was The Mordrem Dragon Finisher back with the launch of HoT.


    What do we have to grind and work towards now?

    Recolored LLama minis that are gated based on how many laurels you are able to acquire for the essence?

    Legendary Back Piece which is a very very short term goal and once done...well... you're done.

    Legendary Armor which if you only PvP is laughable.... it's not even an unique skin or really animated.


    I guess if you have 4 friends who are willing to hang out and no life the game and are able to quit your job to do tournaments you can have a special floaty icon over your characters head.... but then again i could just go to a certain streaming website and pay one of the affiliated streamers to just unlock it for me on my account soo....


    Everything that is offered in PvP as rewards and as incentives i can get way faster, most cases cheaper, and 90% less salt in PvE or WvW.



    tdlr: There is no carrot on the stick.




  14. Claimed it with 6 people on release.

    This is our comp:

    *2 Druids (healing)

    *1 Soul Beast

    *1 Mirage

    2 Firebrand

    out of the 6, only 4 had considerable raid exp with wings 1-4


    All of us were on discord.

    All of us had raptor mounts (t1)


    All we did was prioritize the targets, and burned them down (pun not intended)

    We finished each group with about ~30 seconds left each


    Maybe we got lucky?

  15. I just laugh at people who are more focused on playing the #'s then playing the game.

    If it makes your ego and ep**** feel better to play the #s instead of the boss then more power to you.


    You're going to have people acting irrational no matter what rules are implemented.

    Even if the rule was implemented to restrict meters further, is anet actually going to enforce it?


    Side note, I raid with people with DPS meters... doesn't really impact me negatively... it just gives me a laugh to watch them

    get all worked up when their #s don't meet their "Gods" and "Heroes" from a couple of guilds.

  16. As mentioned above, context would be nice :)

    World Bosses?

    Messing around in PvE?



    Dungeons (some still do it, shh)




    What is your idea of support?

    Keeping people alive with some DPS boost?

    Condi with buff sharing?


    Just going purely off of intentions, i would imagine you would want druid... maybe a condi druid variation.


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