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Posts posted by Arionell.3574

  1. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > Cool move, but still...

    > > @"Butterfly Kingdom.8349" said:

    > >However, please note that you cannot convert an existing Guild Wars 2 account to a Steam account or convert a Steam account to a non-Steam account.

    > Is there a limit of foolishness from ANet side? Cant you act like a normal company, like kakao games which moved to steam with BDO and allowed ppl to log-in through steam? No? I ask for too much?


    You couldn't be more wrong about BDO lmao.


    They NEVER allowed people to migrate to steam, at any point in time. Steam and the original accounts were always seperate. You cant login through Steam if you bought the game through the website. Basically you cant migrate and neither you can login through steam with your non-steam account or viceversa


    Please don't call others fools before getting your facts straight.

  2. ...feels EXTREMLY clunky. Now I feel like I must have 3 illusions to even consider shattering becouse how underwhelming they feel without 3 illusions.

    Anet, you hate the distortion so much that you absolutely must get rid of it? Fine... but for the love of everything you believe in, give me back my shatter-at-will!


    They literally removed the ability to clutch-heal and main way to cure conditions, without giving any compensation for it. And as I said, it feels extremly clunky to use shatters now. I really dont care about the nerfing bits in general, but when they are willing to change something so much that nerfing is the only thing that matters and you dont even consider the fun-factor, then we have an issue here. I dont care how underpowered or overpowered a class is. If its not fun, theres absolutely no reason to play it in my book and this comes from a semi-competitive player.


    They couldve done a billion things to achieve the same nerfs, but they somehow they managed to do it with the worst possible way.


    Here's my two cents. Revert the shatter changes and find a way to do what you wanna do without completely butchering the core mechanic.

  3. ''Paid accounts (newly created or upgraded from Play4Free accounts) cannot send any mail attachments until 7 days (of real-world) time have passed.''

    The blockade to trading/mailing isnt ridiculous in this day and age, those are pretty much the basics for eliminating gold sellers/spammers/bots/scammers


    Have you ever seen Black Desert Online? There are absolutely no playertrading whatsoever except Health Potions :)

  4. Any elite Engineer > Mesmer (Chrono) > Elementalist (Weaver)


    It seems like almost no one played support Chronomancer in an average group in this threat.


    I played all the Ele specs for few months, Weaver can be overwhelming becouse of the unique skill combination system, other than that its nowere as hard as people claims to be. Having more options doesnt equal to class being harder.


    Playing support Chrono is like trying to run behind of 9 children and make sure they got their required dose of Alac/Quickness, dealing your part of the damage that can be ruined by a single missclick or misstiming and trying to perform a rotation that is made out of roundly 50 skills. All of that goes for the tank Chrono, and now you have to control the boss on top of that.


    As long as people are actively dodge the wells, Chrono will be the hardest class to play just becouse of the fact that you are more like fighting against your party insead of the bosses.

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