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Posts posted by Malice.8439

  1. > @Rognik.2579 said:

    > Well, it's entirely possible part of the peace treaty is that humans are to stop using charr hides in crafting their armor. After all, who wants to ally with someone who uses parts of their peoples' corpses?


    *Cries in Joko*

  2. Howdy!


    Just dinged 80 with my engineer, which was the last profession I had to level! My goal is to have all 8 alts geared up in exotic armour, ascended weapons and trinkets and "optimized" for solo play, open world content, events and just roaming around to farm. I've fallen in love with the Flame Thrower, and am currently running my leveling build; Tools 3-1-2. Alchemy 2-3-1 and Firearms 3-3-1. I'm unlocking both Scrapper and Holosmith, and trying to read up on solo builds. I'm confused by what I'm reading, because it seems like the Holosmith and Scrapper are both power elite specs, but using condition damage. Not only that, I've been told that the Flamethrower specifically was changed to scale better with conditions due to purity of purpose.


    Since we're using a single condition (burn), does that mean I can forego Vipers and instead deck out fully in sinister/griveous, with Balthazar runes? The profession is still fresh to me, so I'd appreciate any help I can get. :)

  3. I've played around a bit, and I'm loving the Mirage so far. I did tweak my build slightly, picking up the signet trait and sticking to Signet of the Ether. I find it more reliable. It's quicker, burstier, provides passive healing when I'm soloing champions, and grants me an extra phantasm for when I need to burst.


    I had a few ascended weapons over, so I switched to using Sword / Sword (Energy Signet + Stamina Signet) + Scepter/Pistol (Energy signet). Berserker armour, swords and pistol. Viper scepter. I find that being in melee most of the times is preferable, but it does make me squishy. The scepter allows for ranged play, and the weapon itself is perfect for the zerker/viper hybrid we're doing. Evasion runes is a must, so far.


    I really want to try out the Draining Sigil. Does it work on all interupts, or just pistol #5? Do you heal whenever you dodge or vanish away from an attack?


    Oh, and as for utilities, I did Signet of the Ether - Shadowstep - Flipback - Signet of Midnight - Moa. That gives me three signets, which means 3 extra distortions with Blurred Inscriptions.


    One thing I'd be curious to try would be to opt for assassins over berserker. I'm thinking it could give more sustain for boss fights, with stacking 3 x duelists, but I'm not sure if it'd be detrimental to us in all other instances. I'll leave the math to the professionals for that one.

  4. This guide has been super helpful. I'm getting used to blinking all over the place, without really being able to control the randomness of it all (it reminds me a lot of downed #2, actually...).


    I switched to use Signet of the Ether as my healing spell. I find that I enjoy the added healing over time (coupled with Renewing Oasis), and that it's great for when I need an extra phantasm for that burst + shatter window. I haven't playtested excessively yet, but do you find that False Oasis is superior to the signet? Could you perhaps elaborate on it?


    Also, I've run out of currency and haven't decided if I want to farm WvW or TD for the Draining sigil quite yet. It's interesting that it has no internal cooldown! Could you tell us about how useful it has been for you? What numbers are you seeing, and how impactful is it?

  5. > @Abelisk.4527 said:

    > Okay I went Power Mirage and it's amazing af


    Mind sharing your build?


    I'm full ascended berserker, and I went dueling/illusions/mirage with sw/sw + gs. I haven't been downed yet, but I do feel extremely fragile without my shield - just in open world PvE.

  6. I've been reading up on similar users with similar issues, and I stumbled across this thread:




    Specifically, this post caught my attention:



    I have been play the game for 4 years, this Constant Crashing only happen 3 weeks ago after the ‘WINDOWS 10 CREATOR’ update. If you don’t have win 10 you will not have this issue, so please stop telling people to update driver/hardware. Anet was try to patch this a few times, the 6/8 patch fix most of the issues, but then 6/9 patch mess up more then ever. I having crashing 5-15 min, sometimes if I change map I crash, sometimes if I use waypoint I crash. Anet really need to fix this for now this is totally unplayable for me_


    I do recall my PC installing a Windows 10 creator update quite recently (I didn't have windows 10 until a few weeks ago, with a new computer), and these crashes seem to occur very often after that. To my knowledge, though, this update is neither optional nor can it be undone. Is there any truth to this? Could the update be interfering with the game?

  7. First of all, I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge of all things technology; hardware or software or otherwise. I've recently bought a new computer. It's not top of the line, but I've been told by friends and family that the video card and all other components are good. I had it built and assembled at a campus IT store. I've bought licenses for windows 10, I have the OS and Guild Wars 2 running on an internal SSD. I've told the game to auto-detect graphics, and adjust accordingly - so that the game can look and sound beautiful, but not overload itself.


    Which is what it seems to be doing. At occasion, whenever I enter a zone (Timberland Falls and Ember Bay in particular) my entire computer will just power off and restart itself. The screen tells me that there was a Power Supply shortage.


    I'm assuming this is a hardware problem, but it doesn't seem to happen with any other games that I play. Granted, Guild Wars 2 is the most visually intensive of them all. Before I load up my stationary PC onto my bicycle and take it all the way back to the computer store, I'd like to hear if anyone else has had similar problems with GW2, and how you managed to solve it in that case.

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