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Posts posted by Flash.7465

  1. Don't worry, OP, the game is insanely badly optimized. Running a 1700x with 1070 and16gb ddr 4 (3200mhz) here, and i get around 28-32 fps in town, and even lower on the battlefield (max settings, tried both 1080p and 1440p). So, unless you want to play at low/medium, I suggest setting this game aside, or building a legacy computer.

  2. > @"MrFayth.3546" said:

    > Most of the replies after OP solved his issue tell me


    > >I bought this expensive prebuilt PC but have no idea how to optimize on a software level, this game runs like crap!


    > Bet Aviator and Flash both have +200 processes running at all times and wonder why a single thread-dependant game cant hit +100 fps.


    Actually, no. This is not a pre-built pc, i built it on my own and I've recently reinstalled windows and i'm bearly running anything at all. If i can run both W3 och BF1 at the same time and STILL get better fps, that pretty much tells you how badly optimized this game really is. Even if i did have all the applications running, i will, again, still get better fps in any other game.

  3. 1700x with a GTX 1070 here, I've had trouble running this game on somewhat playable level since day freaking one, aka beta. I cannot achieve 60 fps or even close to that in town or on the battlefield no matter what I do. Even with my new rig, i get extremely low fps. Heck, i can run The witcher 3 and BF1 (1440p, max settings) at the same time, and still get better fps than this game running alone.... Makes no sense.

    Starting to think they don't even know how their graphic engine works at all... Kinda looked forward to buying PoF, but this just puts me off... I gave up on the game a while ago, since i absolutely refuse to play on low/medium graphic settings.

    Who knows, they might fix it eventually, but for now... No thanks.

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