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Posts posted by Zebulous.2934

  1. It may have been a known issue, but it wasn't known by me. I didn't know the possibility existed. A mail delivered, during the boost, explaining the situation with the equipment would work. A note in the extractor's description would work also. 'removes any upgrade from any piece of equipment without destroying the upgrade or the equipment. note: the upgrade extractor will not work on equipment provided by the level 80 character boost.' I mean currently the extractor does say it works on any equipment, and lists no caveats.

  2. I used the level 80 boost on my silvari and it threw her into the silver wastes. I talked to the mentor and made the level 80 permanent, and went to Divinities reach. I had been experimenting with the stoneskin infusion, and various colored refractors. After getting a good look at it and changing my mind I found out that dragging the lvl 80 equipment, provided by the level 80 boost, into the extractor's window turned the window red. Fortunately, the infusion extractor does work and I was able to recover the stone skin infusion. Can anyone think why the upgrade extractor won't let me extract any upgrades, including upgrades I apply myself, from this set of provided equipment?

    Spending level 80 boost just to pull the upgrades off of the provided equipment seems like an odd way to farm, but that is the only motivation I can think of.

    Are there any other equips that the Upgrade extractor won't work with? As it stands I am going to have to ditch the provided gear as soon as possible, since I cannot safely customize it.

    I would like my green polywhatsit refractor back though.

    There was no warning that this could happen, could their be a warning in the future? Perhaps a way to prevent players from using the upgrade slots on that equipment?

  3. The clone is pretty good as a heavy gunner. It used to be that it didn't have the movement penalty and could chase folks down dealing massive damage. It is also fun that if you are holding a gift the clone is holding one too. As for the skill not working, I always assumed my opponent got out of range or had evaded (the casting time for the clone is rather long)

  4. The comments about Anet being afraid that we will dye outfits skin-tones. I assume they expected this, i thought the magician's leggings were deliberately designed so that they could be dyed flesh tones. I ran around for several days in a flesh tone starborn outfit and saw a few others as well. Metal bikini while wearing body glitter? Seemed fun! Then the novelty wore off and I moved on.

  5. Actually female ligars are fertile, one zoo found that out when they had one in the same enclosure as a male tiger or lion, I forget which. This happy accident has caused researchers to re-investigate hybrids in general. It would seem most hybridization of exotic animals such as ligars was primarily focused on generating impressive male specimens and they kinda didn't care about the female offspring. short sighted, but I guess the rich guys funding such projects wanted the larger or more colorful male animals/birds to show off. Kinda sad because breeding female ligars with male tigers then breeding those offspring with another female ligar, on and on, you could eventually get a fully fertile breed of giant tiger. The new rule is that all male hybrids are sterile and some female hybrids are fertile.

  6. oh, ho, ho! That was tricky! I bought the bloodstone ascender and tried it out. If you use the bloodstone ascender item first then activate the miniature tonic you get both effects! If you use the tonic first you get the "you cannot do that right now." error

    (edit: thanks Lamont for confirming this.)


    Now I just need to actually acquire a pair of wings like those Trise helpfully posted



    the angle of flight really is the same angle as a glider. I would prefer a more upright posture but it is amazing that this works at all.

    The bloodstone ascender has many large particles, so it is not the best for screenshots



    I may just post screenshots without wings. I suppose I should have titled this thread something like "possible fairy pose?" I didn't even have a specific outfit together.

  7. I can be small, I can have wings, but I need a way to look like I'm flying while standing. I finally got the endless miniature tonic, eventually I can get the glittering wings backpack, but hovering while vertical seems to be a problem. Is there any way to hover while standing, while running, and while maintaining the miniature transformation? If not, could Anet please make it possible?

    Also are there other dragonfly-wing, or **large** butterfly-wing, backpack skins? The glittering wings almost have the right shape, but a less sparkly set would be nice.

    I considered the daydreamer's wings backpack, but I don't like the shape.

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