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Posts posted by Dragon.8762

  1. Send a link of your build so we can better check it all out.

    * First off, please keybind your skills. I'm sure you already know this, but yeah...


    I've wondered about a power renegade pvp build for a little while. It could potentially be a decent team fighter on nodes, but mainly against melee. However, Planar Protection is really good against everything but mesmers.


    * I'd recommend running dwarven battle training for the increased damage and weakness application. The fact that this trait has no cooldown makes it quite powerful when you use either darkrazor's daring, temportal rift, jade winds, and staff 5. Lots of ways to apply a lot of weakness.


    I'd also recommend running steadfast rejuvenation. This trait is really strong, especially when combined with life steal. You can cast impossible odds and get like 6 stacks of it and get like 8 stacks of it when you cast soulcleave's summit, plus the life steal it already provides.

    You'll still be able to deal good damage, but survive much better.


  2. I'd way rather see 3v3 instead of 2v2. Most 2v2's match ups are gonna have a firebrand due to their support output which is gonna make most fights kinda predicable.

    At least with 3v3, you can see a lot more variety.

  3. I agree with the op to an extent.


    However; leave open world pve as is. That content isn't supposed to be overly hard. Like my ex tried playing gw2 open world and found everything way too difficult which turned her off of the game. If Gw2 wants to keep promoting a causal friendly game (even though, personally I've never heard them say this) Their current balance is good.


    Now, when it comes to instanced content, thats where I would like to see harder content. I'd love to see more challenge motes be implemented into the game in the form of Raids and Fractals. These should be optional but a bit more rewarding for the players that want to do them.


    Gw2 has an excellent combat system, however it isn't fully utilized all the time, due to the content not being challenging enough to warrant it all the time. To make a long story short: I say yes to optional harder content for instanced content only.

  4. I also don't mind the time gate. You gotta think; if not time gating, what else could they have done to keep people playing for a while?


    * Grinding for hours, days, weeks? For idk, a currency you have to build up in order to purchase a bunch of parts for the mount?

    * Introduce a RNG based grind? You collect less items, but its RNG based on when and where you could get all the stuff required.

    * Gate it behind a huge paywall?

    * Or time gate it. So you can quickly do the time gated portion, and then leave to go do whatever you want afterwards and come back at your own pace.


    Granted, I would have also accepted a super long quest time as well. But I'm pretty sure people would still complain about that and call it "busy work."

  5. I think this is coming down to a difference in skill.

    I never use the shiro heal when I have low health. I'd recommend using it when at mid health or after anticipation of an enemy attack so you can get the full thing off.

    CCing, blocking, blinding, applying weakness, life stealing, interrupting, etc, all apply and contribute towards survivability. Which rev already has in a different ways.


    When facing legendary mobs or champs in this case, you would want to know the damage rotation of the enemy. So you know when to attack and when to evade etc.

    You also want to keep switching legends. I've seen some people play rev and almost never switch their legend. This is a mistake. You always want to be switching.


    Breaking bars should be no problem for revs. This equals lots of free damage and can contribute towards survivability. This also includes line of sight range mobs and kiting melee mobs. The invulnerability stages can be used to get a lot of free damage in.

  6. > @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

    > > @"Dragon.8762" said:

    > > We must be playing a different game then, power herald in open world plays very strong. High burst damage, high cc, and excellent survivability and I've got 3k hours on just rev alone.

    > > When engaging into combat: Deathstrike --> and than Shackling Wave is more than enough to almost one shot most mobs in open world.

    > > Make sure facet of darkness and facet of strength are both up while throwing down your facet of elements.

    > > Use facet of strength on mobs with higher health, and than immediately switch to assassin stance and activate impossible odds. To maximize your dps keep switching stances and stun/ break bars often.

    > > I recommend this build with your own little changes: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnvN2gS6JvQRVlbosryPUYW5IKYs8EllNFSNG54HtB4APw+fJ8hA-jhBXABAs/QPq/IsyP71EIqegnVCCA-e

    > >

    > > You can switch out retribution for Invocation for increased damage and another extra stun break. Stay with retribution for way better sustain. Steadfast rejuvenation is really powerful, especially when you combine it with all the life steal you get.


    > Power rev is kitten in open pve vs group of mobs and literally most boring class there is. AA AA AA AA AA AA cause using anything else results in massive dps loss and time waste.


    > Condi is superior at open pve and literally superior in every aspect vs groups and even vs single target.


    After my 1000s of hours plus of experience on rev, I greatly disagree and can even provide proof. I've even soloed some dungeons and fractals with ease using power renegade no food or outside buffs other than what rev already provides. Even as I'm writing this in fact, I am soloing the Molten furnace fractal just for fun to test out the effectiveness of berserkers gear paired with sanctuary runes on rev.

    I also don't get how rev or even power herald is bad at survivablity or aoe. Mobs usually have a cap in open world of, how many can be attacking you at once before a few of them start to de-aggro you.

    As for dps in open world, I've been running a dps meter for almost 2 years now and have been testing it against other players during meta events, sometimes fractals, dungeons with like 1 or 2 other people, and world bosses. I am either #1 in dps or 2-4th place. These numbers though are still not 100% accurate. For one thing, the dps meter starts counting in dps generated over time. Meaning if another player starts dpsing 10 seconds before I start to dps, he/she will probably have higher numbers. Also, last time I looked into it (which was a very long time ago) the dps meter also doesn't count life steal as damage yet. But idk if thats changed at all yet. I don't think even the dps raid golem calculates life steal damage.


    Now granted, I'm not suggesting that power rev is the best dps out there or whatever. Not at all. But it currently isn't bad. Its actually really good. I've played every class for 100s or 1000s of plus hours as well. They all have their perks. Being boring is subjective and comes down to personal taste.

  7. We must be playing a different game then, power herald in open world plays very strong. High burst damage, high cc, and excellent survivability and I've got 3k hours on just rev alone.

    When engaging into combat: Deathstrike --> and than Shackling Wave is more than enough to almost one shot most mobs in open world.

    Make sure facet of darkness and facet of strength are both up while throwing down your facet of elements.

    Use facet of strength on mobs with higher health, and than immediately switch to assassin stance and activate impossible odds. To maximize your dps keep switching stances and stun/ break bars often.

    I recommend this build with your own little changes: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnvN2gS6JvQRVlbosryPUYW5IKYs8EllNFSNG54HtB4APw+fJ8hA-jhBXABAs/QPq/IsyP71EIqegnVCCA-e


    You can switch out retribution for Invocation for increased damage and another extra stun break. Stay with retribution for way better sustain. Steadfast rejuvenation is really powerful, especially when you combine it with all the life steal you get.

  8. After about 3k plus hours on just Rev alone, and 6k hours total in the game, I've found Rev to not only be tons of fun, but have tons of personal survivability while also deal tons of damage in both open world and in instanced content.


    I love to solo dungeons, fractals, and champ mobs, and I've had the most success doing them on Rev, guardian, and necro.

    On Rev both Herald and renegade specs are more than enough to handle almost all situations.


    Renegade spec: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmnXMvNSum7JRZzVlst5rSY3cWJ4besklNlSNGyhf4fHLyjsNAOgHA-jhSBQBk7IAYSlg4RPTGV+BiDBwg0EAgHUQCV/xYnQBas/w6gBgpU3AzMzMNyMzMzMTA-e


    Herald spec: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdsklNFSNG54H2/LhPsNAH4BA-jhSBQBg4QAYSlg0Y/hBpJAP6ZI3RAIjK/So6PG7EKAgHUQAgDgzbe3fPw5nf+5nfeXf+5nf+5nf+5nfeA-e


    You could swap out Retribution for invocation for an increase in damage and the added stun break on swapping legends, which is really useful. However, with the new steadfast rejuvenation trait, the amount of extra healing you get when your channeling skills is huge. Especially when your traited into renegade. The sustain with Soulcleave's summit combined with steadfast rejuvenation is the most op sustain in the game (so long as you have the energy). It also works as a group heal so long as the people in it keep attacking.


    You summons will also give you life steal with almost every hit. So, when you combine all this sustain, with your evades, and high consistent burst damage, heavy armor, tons of hard cc abilities, and high health, you've got yourself a perfect solo class.

  9. Raids and high level fractals with the optional challenge motes is where you will get most of your difficulty.

    But I'm the same as you. Overcoming a challenges also gives the content more meaning. Luckly the game does have that, but like others say, its optional.

    For me personally, I love trying to solo group content. Besides raids, I tend to either solo or duo in both fractals and dungeons with a friend or with my girlfriend.

    You'll find a lot of personal reward trying to take on bosses and hard hitting mobs all on your own.


    Theres a very small niche of solo speed runner players in this game. If you really wanna push yourself, Id suggest going through all group related content with at least one other person and test to see how far the both of you can get. Its a lot of fun once you get good at learning mob rotations etc.

  10. Many people in this community including people who no longer play, want or wanted a more competitive pvp scene. However due to balance, shifting priorities, and whatever else the reasons may be, it hasn't really ever taken off. Some have expressed, if Anet just made Guild Wars 2 into Guild wars 1, it may have reached that kind of status. I'm not advocating for either or. I've played Guild Wars 1 for 3 years, but enjoy Guild Wars 2's combat a lot more.


  11. After some slight testing, steadfast rejuvenation combined with renegades elite ability soulcleave's summit makes rev almost unkillable in a pve setting. It gives you like 8 stacks of rejuvenation. Add that with life steal from vul, assassins annihilation life steal, and life steal from soulcleave and you've got some insane regen.


    Also, thanks to the the new dwarven battle training trait you can have close to perma weakness on enemies when you combo it with darkrazors daring. Always giving you that extra 10% damage buff. These changes make rev into a really good solo pve class.

  12. I have more than 3k plus hours on just Rev alone. Rev's are amazing in fractals and dungeons. Lately, I've been primarily playing power renegade. I do tons of damage while also having lots of survivability. I solo dungeons and some fractals all the time just to push myself so I can master the class. Rev's really do have everything in their tool set to take on almost any encounter if played correctly.

  13. Rev does have a lot of options to help them get out of bad situations/ survive but sometimes its ruined due to lack of energy tied with cooldowns. If revs had more abilities that granted some energy back other than that one grandmaster trait no one uses, it would gain a hella steps forward, towards being; "unstoppable."

  14. I brought up something like this a while ago during living story season 3.


    The idea being; doing a horde mode involving the simulation room (the room used during Taimi's game) as a training ground for fighting up against all different kinds of monsters around Tyria. Could say that Taimi had been working on it as a side project along with Moto. Taimi even expresses that she could run any simulation she could dream up of but that she needed Moto's help to debug it.


    Tami also says that another person before the commander had also gone through the simulation room and gotten a really high score. "Cami," was her name. An excuse to add in a lore friendly leaderboard system for the horde mode.


    And besides, GW1 had horde modes with leaderboard support. I don't see a huge reason why GW2 can't have that either.

  15. GW1 and GW2 are completely different games at this point.

    I voted for GW2 because after playing GW1 for 3 years, GW1 had a lot of glaring problems and weird design choices.

    Despite having 100s of different skills to choose from there were only a few viable builds per class. The game also had a lot of balancing issues. The Paragon for example still being almost completely useless outside of a damage reduction bot/ battery for monks in GvG.

    Progression wasn't that great either. It was just skins and titles. And map scrapping is NOT fun or interesting gameplay.


    With that said however, the story in GW1 was a lot easier to follow. The cut scenes gave users enough information to carry on off of. And we're SKIPPABLE! GW1 also had a lot more pvp game modes where as GW2 after all these years still lacks. GW1 also had a hard mode for almost all of its content. GW2 doesn't have a system in place to do this outside of challenge mode for only a specific content that allows it. And so most of the PvE content appears to be far too easy for a lot of players and gives less reason to reply living story content and dungeons.


    With that all said however, GW2 is still far better. It's just setup in a way where it can always continue to grow and evolve.

  16. I've got 2k plus hours on just Rev alone, I have never been kicked from a group for just being a Rev. In fact most of the time, I'm the one who even makes the group in the first place.

    Hell, I've gotten so good on Rev I usually prefer to run dungeons and fratcals solo or with 3 people max just for the extra challenge. Stuff like that screenshot is just sheep following sheep.

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