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Posts posted by Fistindavion.2568

  1. Stop making jumping puzzles part of every content unlock in the game. Alot of us hate/loathe doing jumping puzzles. The Game is supposed to be fun. Not a total spend hours trying to do a stupid jump over and over. Some of us aren't playing on the best computer and any bit of lag...or being hit by something in mid jump is not fun. Having to try over and over at the same thing is by definition INSANITY. I stopped playing for a while because you've gone over the top with the stupid jumping puzzles. Some of us do love the content but alot of us wish you would just stop with the stupid puzzles in everything. I dont care if you have jumping puzzles just dont make them part of unlocks for contents like mounts and such. Let them have their own seperate achievement which i believe they already do.

  2. New to Raids. Looking for a consistent group to start. Available almost every day. Elementalist/Weaver/Tempest. Can run build based on group makeup. Have gear and equip for all builds. Full Asc. Armor. Legendary/Asc Weapons. Prefer a group looking that has some experience. Need to start working on that Legendary Armor.

  3. > @"LightBrave.5638" said:

    > The problems with WvW for Tempest support are that they are boxed out in their class. Like the other support classes FB currently holds far too much weight over any other support class to hold ENOUGH value. Hence the phrase, "meta or gtfo". All support classes need boosting in general in wvw so people have options for support classes besides FB. I would like to see a barrier option added to AURAS. This would be a good rework for auras in general. If that sounds too unreasonable then a general reworking for auras in any form would be appreciated. You could add longer aura uptime, or shorter uptime but 10 targets. I feel for tempest, overloading and auras are the two areas that need buffing for wvw as thats what made them unique. The reason why i targeted support for wvw is obvious, people in general are getting tired of running 2 FB groups in wvw. It's a class that has to be played full minstrel and you spend all your time in books 2 and 3 and then even supporting with all your utilities and weapon skills. Support tempest was a good edition but it got outclasses in POF. Either buff Weaver support OPTIONS significantly at the expense of their damage output, or bring back core/hot support.


    Thatswhy I don't have legendary armor yet....meta or gtfo. No one takes ele if they got a fb

  4. Funny how people flame ele. Funny I play weaver spec, not saying how it's spaced really I switch between s.d and s.f but interestingly enough, almost every match. Top heals, top offense or defense. A lot of the issues have to do with your team. I can 1v1 with almost every class. Scourge necro is a weakness but yes every class has them. I get pissed playing kicking are and still losing he'll I can pretty much hold any point or drive someone off 1v1.. Weaver can sustain like crazy yes damage not so crazy but guess what, you will win the attrition game. You have to be extremely mobile as a weaver. Basically if your sitting still your wrong. A good guardian and a weaver can lock down a point all game from 3 to 4 people if they work together. Freeing up most of the team to hunt down the ranged. Or double down on points. Yes it's hard to play. Yes it hurts my hands because your constantly changing attunements using those skills and popping your 6789 skills. If , your ele is dying instantly he's doing it wrong.

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