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Posts posted by Arky.3072

  1. My comment was removed due to it quoting a comment that was also removed. I'll state it again in its own comment.


    For all the people stating "just move servers, ez", you're forgetting that Gandara has a lot of players that are stubborn and server-loyal. They would rather not play for a month than transfer servers, just to prove a point.

  2. > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

    > At the same time, Gandara and its community has also largely dug its own grave in this regard as the the server was happy to pose as the "nice and pug-friendly" server here on these forums and elsewhere. The server is full of anti-Alliances apologists who have wallowed in "server identity", keeps hammering on about removing EU T5 as some dreamt up of solution to the problems and talked down to communities who have been forced to change servers in the past without realizing that they essentially share the same problems even if they are brought about by different attractions. It is only starting to dawn on Gandara now that their own guilds have the same problems as guilds on other servers etc.


    We got rid of that part of the community in October 2020. The more toxic-and-trolling part of the community chose to leave the server after several meetings were held to discuss their behavior. Luckily for the rest of the server, they felt less welcome and decided to move to a different server.


    But what your entire post is basically saying: "You don't get rewarded for server loyalty. You get punished, rather." If the business model is set to be "people transferring servers by buying gems", financially is makes sense to force players to move around constantly. But does it make sense morally? I'm sure NCSoft cares less about how, and more about the black numbers in the spreadsheets telling them that they've made a profit. But what's the point of calling it "home world" if it's not your home? A nomad system where you need to pay hard-earned money to play the game properly is not the morally right system. It will drive players away. Nobody should wonder whether or not to transfer servers on a weekly basis.



  3. Hi,


    I tried reaching out several times through the developer Discord, but I've gotten zero response.


    The last entry in the `/pvp/seasons` end-point refers to the latest 2v2 season, which ran between Dec 22, 2020 and Jan 5th 2021. The current 5v5 season is missing.


    Also, if you look up the last entry, its end date is set wrong:


    "id": "D796C0B2-8FAD-45FE-B16D-EC98E0327CA3",

    "name": "PvP League 2v2 Season Three",

    "start": "2020-12-22T20:00:00.000Z",

    "end": "2020-01-05T01:00:00.000Z",

    "active": false,


  4. > @"Cecil.1295" said:

    > > @"Stazzy.4576" said:

    > > Where can I report players who are spamming specificaly abusing this to crash other players? I saved some names

    > >

    > Imagine it in a ranked pvp match... They should be perma banned...


    I can confirm. 16 minutes of dishonor and -10 points for crashing because of that link.!



  5. Prior to- and during the February 25th balance patch, we were promised more frequent balance patches, and faster hotfixes. Currently we're seeing overtuned classes and traits, such as engineer (do I need to mention grenades and explosive entrance?), lich on necromancer, sevenshots on renegade might even be a wee bit overtuned, and then we have a few classes that are able to do "something" while being in an invulnerable state. Doing damage or granting others protection (healing, boons, etc) while being invulnerable has no counter play, which is the epitome of imbalance. If a class can have perma-stability (flamethrower engineer), there's no way I can interrupt this using skills.


    So my first question is:

    - What is keeping CMC from implementing balance changes faster?


    I also have an issue about how the community is kept in the dark with basically all changes, and you have to be high up in the system, as a player, to even get some information about what is maybe planned. The vague, quarterly general updates are simply not enough.


    So, second question:

    - How about a monthly update? Simple "this month we've worked on X, and we plan to work on Y" would suffice.



    - Will we see a deduction in rank requirements for the highest tier ascended PvP armor? Like we saw for WvW where the rank 2000 armor requirements were reduced to rank 500.


    And last:

    - Will there ever be something done to the level of toxicity within the game mode? This is probably number one reason why the player base is not increasing. Faster reaction to verbal abuse would be a solution.


    I wanted to ask CMC to address the increase in players reported for cheating (with evidence being quite compelling) , but I guess the questions above might be a whole podcast in itself.

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