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Posts posted by Naxos.2503

  1. Unfortunately, my name had been taken when I started out (Naxos) and since I was more or less young and impatient, I went with the unappealing Nhaxos for a Charr, at the time when I completely ignored I could make composed names, and didn't know much about the lore of the game.


    Funny enough, Naxos originally was not the name I initially wanted either, I started using the nickname when my first pseudonym Nexus had been taken on another game. I went with it because it literally had 2 letters different. Originality. I had none. It didn't help that the name was so short.


    Eventually, I figured out the name fit my personally really well. Naxos was a city state of the Greek islands, one of which who resisted the growing Athenian hegemony across the Agean sea in Antiquity. The city would never surrender to Athenian rule, and had to be stormed, it's fleet sunk and walls razed in order to put a stop to their obstruction. As someone who generally does not give up, even when facing imminent defeat, I thought the name was just right, and now I refuse to be called anything else, anywhere on the internet.


    To be honest, it isn't too hard to make loreful name thanks to the name picking allowing composed names, so refreshing compared to other MMos D:

  2. You could try joining a link server (Aka, a server too small to be on it's own under any circumstances) The downside of it is that you cant predict with whom you'll be paired with, and you may just have uphill battles number wise depending on the pair. On the upside, it keep things fresh since even if you find yourself in a bad matchup, you'll eventually get out of it. You may also find what each server is actually like and how well they manage.


    Used to be, link servers were kind of looked down upon for being more of a dead weight than anything, but some fight guilds established their home on it, and larger servers came to have a bit more respect toward them as a result. Now it feels more like being a mercenary of sort, joining a side for an extended period of time, and eventually facing off against a past ally.


    On a completely different note : Mind that servers have peak hours and low hours : you may just have logged in several times during your past servers low hours and thus not seen anyone on. Peak hours vary from server to server, but when it comes to EU, it is mostly early evening to just before midnight.

  3. Everything is on the table™


    Legendary armory is likely, but as to when, it's up in the air. Could just as well be released with, or post expansion.

    WvW Alliance is a meme.

    A new raid before the expansion seems unlikely, possible, but unlikely. Perhaps at the conclusion of Icebrood saga ? So far they've associated Dragon Rescue Missions as the instanced content for the Icebrood Saga release.

    Anything involving a strong revision of the game engine is generally very unlikely on the MMo scene. Few MMo have done it, and fewer have done it well. Considering what they added recently with flying mounts, I dare say the engine they're using is fairly complex, and perhaps hasn't shown us everything it can do. As far as performance go, I'm not sure it's entirely an engine thing, so much as a server hosting issue. Time will tell, but I doubt they'll revamp the engine of the game without concrete plans for the future. I think again, it'll be decided post expansion as the sales will likely have an effect on their future production, be it a continuation of Guild Wars 2, or another project, as they have tried before.

  4. I want to deal with mechs. Let me create stuff that last. Heck, give me the option to build barricades/obstacles that damage enemies and knock them back, block projectiles and the like. Let me create golems or robots that can be sic-ed on enemies to blow up. Engineer has always been a class that incorporate other classes ideas and roles but not as well, an elite spec to reflect it would be nice. As for the weapon, staff or mace would do the trick. If staff, make it something like a rod and give it some area support for mechanized units for example so that whatever you create, you can support. If mace, make it a one handed -hammer- for one, because we dont really have many maces that use the warhammer design, make it heavy on the stun and debuff maybe.


    Briefly put, I want an engineer that works with engines. Scrapper came close to that, but ended up turning into more of a close combat monster that does everything on his own. Engineer would work very well as a summoning class. Dethrone Necros for a bit.



    Or make turrets functional again.

  5. I dont understand, isn't that the same in Every MMo ever ?


    Ironically, if it wasn't, new players would quit because then they face difficulties as soon as they start playing... I'm sorry. No, the argument doesn't hold up. They left because they were bored, and probably did fights only as opposed to what the game also offers on the side, like puzzle jump, exploration or heaven's forbid, crafting.

  6. I think I rather agree with God's definition of Power, in that theorically, even if guilds are indeed organized and have a heavy hand in WvW, they dont have anything that the WvW server they are on doesn't actively give them and let them keep.


    Let's face it, it is rare/impossible for an entire guild to take over a WvW side completely. Sooner of later, you'll have to deal with non guildies, whether it be on a specific map, or all the other ones if you actually manage to queue up a map with just one guild. From there on, if the rest of the server doesn't trust the guild to do the job, they can actively sabotage or simply refuse to assist. I've seen it happen, the guild group generally doesn't get very far when it does.


    There are many reasons why the community would trust guilds though : Typically organized guilds in WvW are more knowledgeable due to being focused on WvW and having many members at a high level of play. Most of the time, you can trust them to take strategical decision based on the map and the opposition they're facing, like a true commander. The zerg they're surrounded with in this case serve as a sort of personal strike force. On the other hand if it's the Only force, as is often the case, you end up fighting against phantoms, and your territory is attacked elsewhere as multiple small groups will strike many places at once, which is why defenders are just as important.


    It varies from server to server, but I feel defending is not something commonly done in WvW. Only very few guilds actively take the time to fortify an objective, send patrols and build defensive siege as well as reset them. I've seen it done, but it is extremely rare. Many WvW guilds are indeed Fight Guilds, they prefer to duke it out in the open. Which is fair enough. In my opinion, there should be both. Assault Guilds exists, they are the one whom All Your Bases Are Belong To Them. I think if there is a force, there should necessarily be an opposing force, but there isn't. As it turns out, assaulting is too easy, and defending is too hard/boring.


    That is not to say that you cant defend an objective without a guild, that is flat out not true. A properly fortified objective can delay an assault guild for a fair amount of time... Until it inevitably becomes messy and a fight guild is needed to clean it out, because in all situations defenders number 3 to 5 for keeps against 30 to 50 assaulters. If your server has fairly good natured fight guild (Mine is one such server blessed to have one), they'll act as the cavalry. If you dont, then you'll watch as the tag seemingly pointlessly fights in the open while your precious T3 keep is overrun, map chat will enflame and the defenders will leave the map out of protest. Support from the Fight guild there was not -due- but in a team effort, it would certainly have helped. Fight guilds want to fight however, and dont care for objectives unless it leads them to bigger fights.

  7. I think I remember on Guild Wars 1, that GMs would actually seek out offending characters and kill them in a fairly elaborate fashion before banning them. I think if other players actually Saw that, it would confirm that something is done about reports. As far as gw2 goes, I'm inclined to agree with those that feel nothing is done about it. I've seen plenty of offenders, reported them several times over the course of a week, and said offender would still be there after said week.


    Either there's only 1 person reviewing offenses, or there is just That many offenses per day that an entire team cannot act on reports in a fair time.

    Personal opinion of course.

  8. > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > To be honest, we dont even know if they would keep the initial iteration they gave when they presented the project, if they actually did it.

    > > It's gone to the point that Alliance coming soon for 2 years is not meme worthy, memes are meant to be funny. This is just sad.

    > >

    > > It would help guilds actually playing across servers together aaaaaand I think that's it ? You mention it in 3 that guilds will have too much power but honestly, they already Have all the power. It'll always be the same guilds getting in the same objectives and defending said objectives. It'll still be the same guilds leading kill trains. What might change is that it may -potentially- lead to newer guilds on the scene if it's easier for them to play together.

    > >

    > > All of this is purely hypothetical due to how little is known and honestly the 2 year (Isn't that closer to 3 now btw ?) has all but voided any possible hype players may have had on the matter.

    > >

    > > Edit : Yeeeeup... 3 years ...


    > It is speculation from all us, myself included. I made this thread as a counter opinion since the current discussion is centered around alliances and the lack of delivery there of. Still, I base this speculation and assumption on prior evidence of what's happened in WvW in the past. As far as newer guilds go, it's a gamble. It's essentially betting the farm hoping that the rain comes. Newer players may or may not enjoy open-world pvp, and even so, do the player gains offset the player losses?


    > And regarding my 3rd point, now that I think about it...you're right! There's really nothing stopping them now. So an alliance system wouldn't change much anyway.


    I mean, what would we lose that we haven't already lost yeah ? Guilds Are already very prevalent in the system, there's no hiding that, they always have been. From my standpoint though, just guilds being able to collectively pick their active server would atleast give us a shot at concurencing well established, and in some cases dare I say -aging- guilds. They've been as badly impacted by the years droughts as everyone else. Fight guilds now regularly accept roamers into their squad, because they lack the numbers. I dont have a big guild, but a fair amount of us enjoy WvW, the problem is, when I recruit, I recruit based on affinity, not server location, and it always causes issues when it comes to actually playing together. As far as I'm concerned, this is the -only- thing I require Alliance to fix. If it does, I can bring a cohesive group of fighters, and so can everyone else. Aimless roamers may become squad leaders, big or small.


    It wont fix everything, or heck, might not even happen at this point. To any dev probably not reading this : -3- Freaking Years. Without so much as a morsel or proof of concept. Tell the managers that if they didn't want to take care of WvW, they shouldn't have put it in from the start.

  9. I've seen a new Exalted bow (not one with a green sheen like the weapon set from the Auric Basin). It looks okay, fancy enough.


    Most of the new weapons are fairly alright. Good looking enough that you might want them, normal enough that they can fit in most people's wardrobe, but not fancy or remarkable enough to be worth gems.



    I am -very- disappointed they didn't add the Stone Summit Rifle to the dwarves portion of the event.

  10. To be honest, we dont even know if they would keep the initial iteration they gave when they presented the project, if they actually did it.

    It's gone to the point that Alliance coming soon for 2 years is not meme worthy, memes are meant to be funny. This is just sad.


    It would help guilds actually playing across servers together aaaaaand I think that's it ? You mention it in 3 that guilds will have too much power but honestly, they already Have all the power. It'll always be the same guilds getting in the same objectives and defending said objectives. It'll still be the same guilds leading kill trains. What might change is that it may -potentially- lead to newer guilds on the scene if it's easier for them to play together.


    All of this is purely hypothetical due to how little is known and honestly the 2 year (Isn't that closer to 3 now btw ?) has all but voided any possible hype players may have had on the matter.


    Edit : Yeeeeup... 3 years ...

  11. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > Sometime, you die more than usual. In those cases, you even get to visit the afterworld ! Which is strangely human themed for some reason.

    > Considering that the underworld is a domain of one of the _human_ gods, that's not surprising at all.



    From that point of view yes, but what happens to Charrs/Asuras/Sylvaris/Norns ? I wonder if lore wise something crop up for them.


    I suppose that's beside the point when you consider The Mists, we can even enter those while alive !



    To go back to OP's original question, I dont think anyone ever died while not having a single copper actually.. Was that documented in the old forums ?


  12. As Randulf said, I dont think there is a problem of attracting new players. Spending 5 hours in any of the races beginners areas is typically a good way to gauge interest. The prevalence for human characters and Sylvari characters has not changed either..


    I find a lot of players drop off at key times : End of the personal story definitely is one of them. I cant exactly explain it, I just see guildies and friends stop logging in after they finish their story and reach level 80. I dont think much can be done on the matter, it seems to be as much from rushing fatigue as anything else. I've seen some get discouraged at the perspective of continuing onto more "end game" activities for various reasons. For players who feel disinterested in the game, level 25/30 is where it tend to happen. Others simply feel they'd rather not engage the expansion yet, and never come round to actually do it.


    Dungeons get new players interested out of a novelty factor, many ignore there are actually armors and weapons to claim from doing them until much later on. Fractals generate an interest until agony res enters the fray, then some people get discouraged by the lack of immediate way to get it. Raids are obviously a no go, less because they're hard, and more because it's handicapped by it's reputation (IE : hard content, demanding playstyle, and unforgiving squads), the concept of training squads has more or less disappeared from players minds, as a result their demand has dropped, and so has it's supply.

    Players without expansions tend to not engage deeply into PvP and WvW either, as everyone tend to tell them the meta relies on Elite specs. When it comes to WvW, it is further impacted by whether said players are on a server that is well furnished and manages well.


    On the plus side, I see roughly the same amount of players on Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire maps, with a small advantage to Heart of Thorns maps because of more clearly defined metas, which many still partake in. On Path of Fire maps, the draw is mostly Bounties, and bounty trains are few and far between, and often end without all bounties cleared. There are however a similar amount of roamers and exploring players.


    On the living story maps it's a different story though. Aside from Lake Dorric, there arent many players hovering around the living story 3 maps. Living story 4 still attract a fairly good amount of players all around. Icebrood saga maps also draw a good crowd still, enough to complete their metas without much difficulties. Strike missions are another matter it would seem. Squads for them are few and far between.


    Overall, I dont think it necessarily has anything to do about the storyline itself, but the sheer amount of content, and whether or not it is gated to a player fresh off of Personal Story. I will put it out there that to me, making the instant level 80 item accessible to anyone even if they haven't completed the personal story is a mistake. Too many players get burned by it. They get a "strong" character that they do not know how to play, and have the impression that the game balance is rubbish because of their first steps into a more unforgiving gameplay. It has it's uses and should still exist, but need to be tweaked so that players are incentivized to learn elementary combat gameplay first. The missing Living Story Season 1 -is- a cause of confusion and awkwardness from new players, especially players actually following the storyline. They end the personal story, and get thrown in with a team of NPCs that appear to know them, but they feel no connection to them. They feel as if they've been dropped off in the middle of something interesting, and missed half of it. It is a Really bad feeling.

    Lastly, I dont think it is a necessarily bad thing that players drop off after playing 15% of the game. Some people love the gameplay, others only tolerate it. That is certainly more the case for free to play players than for expansion players, simply because they do not feel like they have to justify their purchase. Free to play players can simply move on to something that fits their immediate desires better. Interestingly, those that Do continue playing onward onto the expansions invariably get better at the game, as the expansions adds a deeper level of gameplay and difficulty, and most players learn from it and adapt, which is essentially what you want to do for any hard content from that point on.

  13. > @"yoni.7015" said:

    > I like competing with others. What’s wrong with that? And as you mentioned there are others festivals where people have to work together.




    Not that I disagree, but other festivals also include something where you compete against one another. In truth the other festivals have both competitive and cooperative elements, that this one sorely lacks. It probably couldn't hurt to have it changed so that it all fits

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