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Posts posted by MrWubzy.3587

  1. Every community in any part of the world will have its good apples and rotten cores, and GW2 is no different. I've seen some of the nicest people willing to teleport people through jumping puzzles step-by-step and even offer advice on top of it but, on the other hand, I've seen somebody talk down to someone just because they were playing Scrapper during Vinewrath. In my experience the community is largely helpful and kind, so take that with however many grains of salt you wish.

  2. I've never personally fought him so I can't say if the crates are a problem or not. All I can offer is possibly bringing some hard CC and a couple of dedicated support people. A thief with Basilisk Venom and the Deadeye's powerful knockdown combined with venomshare usually does a good chunk of a defiance bar for most champions upscaled or not. I recommend, personally, to bring a chronomancer or a druid. I find they make all fights fairly easy if done correctly.

  3. Hello. The other day my wife and I were playing the recently released LS4 story. The instances were progressing just fine, but we then got to the part where you were crossing the bridge, fighting Awakened, until you reach the big door at the end to enter Joko's fortress. Just as the door opened the game crashed, and a second or two later I was sent to a really weird, glitched out screen on my computer (my wife did NOT crash). It was essentially a blue screen (not of death, thankfully) but it was all pixelated and had some weird tearing on it. I couldn't make out what it said on the left side (where the blue screen actually appeared) because of the pixelization so I couldn't really pinpoint what caused the crash. I can, however, tell you what my wife and I were doing just before the crash...


    -I was playing a norn Reaper and used greatsword skill 2 just before the crash

    -My wife was using one of her mark skills on her staff; neither of us can remember which one it was

    -She was using a one of her minions but neither of us can remember which one

    -All of the Awakened in front of the door were dead before it opened and crashed

    -The door fully opened, then the crash happened a second or two after

    -If it's any help, our laptops are virtually identical with the same specs, which I'll post if needed

    -Neither of us were mounted

    -Neither of us were gliding

    -She was using the base necromancer spec, I was a reaper

    -We are both norn

    -I am using the 64-bit client, she is using the 32-bit client

    -We were both fully patched, nothing was downloading, and no programs other than anti-virus (avast!), anti-malware (Malwarebytes) and required Windows processes were running in the background.


    Playing other games doesn't result in a crash or the weird screen. I've played others since the crash; namely Terraria, Minecraft (both Java and Win10 edition), various emulators, the Elder Scrolls Online, and others.


    As I said, everything was just fine up until that door opened. We were just playing, shooting conversations around and having fun, then out of nowhere it crashed me. I'm afraid to play the game again because it might do harm to my computer, and for some reason I can't get the -repair command line to work anymore.


    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


  4. > @Nokomis.5076 said:

    > Doesn't Windows 10 have a memory test build inside? I think it will restart the computer and test all of the computers RAM


    I'll check around to see. I'll post results if it happens.


    EDIT: No issues found with the memory test.


    > @Aaralyna.3104 said:

    > @MrWubzy.3587 I am no pc expert at all but I think having a max of 4G RAM max on your pc is not enough when the game requires 4G RAM. RAM is a working memory and is used for all processes and data saving on your pc which means that processes outside the game also require this memory. I don't think the game makes exceptions regardless which zone you want to enter upon what will be needed memory wise. Given the fact I didn't need any upgrade download when i got Pof means that its already in the base game but simply just disabled if you didn't buy the expansion. I don't know if a pc will just shut off with lack of RAM or like Nokomis mentions goes into check mode but I have a feeling you may want to upgrade the amount of RAM you have if you want to continue play the game (or any other future games).



    I've played other games that require 4G of memory and I've had no issues with those. Could it be that since it's a MMO that it's different in some cases?


  5. > @Rawr.9467 said:

    > If the whole point of end game gear in GW is fashion wars (and let's face it, there's little else when it comes to gear) why would I buy an outfit? So I can be unique with my dye choices? Please.


    > It's fun to mix and match gear to your tastes. I enjoy making my character look truly unique and not having any starter player with 10 pounds look exactly like I do.


    > But each to their own I guess.


    I can see your point there. I do enjoy mixing and matching.


    > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > Nobody likes outfits, but they just keep making them anyway.


    > For those curious as to how that "if you don't like the RNG mount skins, just don't buy them" theory works out, *this* is how it works out.


    People still buy them, though. I have bought a couple of them myself, though I don't use them as often on max level characters.

  6. @"Jon Olson.8439" I've crashed a couple more times since my last post. I've found a connecting thread at least: the crashes happen when either I or players around me are on a skimmer.


    >! *--> Crash <--*

    >! Assertion: (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.x) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.y) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.z)

    >! File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\GrBound.cpp(94)

    >! App: Gw2.exe

    >! Pid: 6588

    >! Cmdline:

    >! BaseAddr: 01250000

    >! ProgramId: 101

    >! Build: 83379

    >! When: 2017-10-23T23:25:21Z 2017-10-23T18:25:21-05:00

    >! Uptime: 0 days 1:20:33

    >! Flags: 0



    >! *--> Crash <--*

    >! Assertion: (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.x) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.y) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.z)

    >! File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\GrBound.cpp(94)

    >! App: Gw2.exe

    >! Pid: 6344

    >! Cmdline:

    >! BaseAddr: 01250000

    >! ProgramId: 101

    >! Build: 83379

    >! When: 2017-10-23T22:04:30Z 2017-10-23T17:04:30-05:00

    >! Uptime: 0 days 1:04:01

    >! Flags: 0


  7. > @Nokomis.5076 said:

    > Are you using any shader program?


    Not sure if you're asking me, but even so, no, I'm not using any shader addons. In fact I'm not using any addons at all. The crashes seem more frequent when I'm doing group activities with my guild when we're all in a giant group in the same map, a la guild missions. And it's not that I'm in just any old big group that causes it, either. Just the other day I was in the HoT maps doing a hero point train with 50 people and not a single crash during that two hours of play.

  8. Scratch the last post. I just had two crashes while playing with my guild mates in Bloodtide Coast.


    >! *--> Crash <--*

    >! Assertion: (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.x) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.y) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.z)

    >! File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\GrBound.cpp(94)

    >! App: Gw2.exe

    >! Pid: 3576

    >! Cmdline:

    >! BaseAddr: 012C0000

    >! ProgramId: 101

    >! Build: 82911

    >! When: 2017-10-08T02:29:09Z 2017-10-07T21:29:09-05:00

    >! Uptime: 0 days 0:05:57

    >! Flags: 0



    >! *--> Crash <--*

    >! Assertion: (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.x) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.y) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.z)

    >! File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\GrBound.cpp(94)

    >! App: Gw2.exe

    >! Pid: 2996

    >! Cmdline:

    >! BaseAddr: 012C0000

    >! ProgramId: 101

    >! Build: 82911

    >! When: 2017-10-08T02:22:49Z 2017-10-07T21:22:49-05:00

    >! Uptime: 0 days 0:10:16

    >! Flags: 0

  9. > @Nokomis.5076 said:

    > Do you use any special driver configurations for GW2? Something like GeForce Experience or alike? If yes, maybe you could try running Gw2 just in standard settings.


    > Ever tried a -repair just out of testing purpose? Could take a moment, but maybe it's just a file damaged and when it tries to read from it, it does something awfully wrong.


    > When it says, browser crashed and pointing to coherent, this is usually the "browser" acting in the background for the gemshop and trading post.

    > Eventually try to delete the bin (or bin64) folder within your Guild Wars 2 installation. When you start the gw2.exe, it should download it anew.


    I did a repair of the client last night and so far, no crashes have occurred. If all else fails I'll try getting rid of the .bin.

  10. @"Nephalem.1458" I've had similar problems where the crash report wouldn't write itself into the document, even after sending an error report to ANet through the prompt. I can't post the crash reports here, but during guild missions last night I had frequent crashes just before fighting a bounty (Brekkabek), doing a guild race (the chicken one in Diessa Plateau) and just before a node was triggered during a Trek (easy one). The only constants were these: either _I_ was mounted, my guild mates were mounted en mass near me, or I was transformed (a la guild races). The only exception was that I crashed just before the guild trek node was triggered and nobody was mounted.


    I would like to note that I've only had two or three hard crashes before PoF, and those were because of patches rolling out with game-breaking bugs. With the release of the new expansion it seems that I'm getting a crash prompt every few hours or so.

  11. For the first thing, yes, it's extremely annoying. The only thing I've found to circumvent it is to run a distance away from the downed person (usually 100-300 range away).


    As for number two, I've never noticed this. When I'm leveling my engineer I'm able to run away and throw my grenades at the same time. The whole backing up thing only happens when I get into melee range of an enemy and hit them while in range.


    I disagree with your third suggestion. Having any feature give any sort of advantage over the other is a big no-no. It would make players who use the traditional targeting system cry out en mass just because of they way they prefer to play.



  12. > @kamykaze.5904 said:

    > Yee, they could reuse the little star icon on the players nameplate.

    > Make it bronze colored for first completion, silver colored for the second, gold for third, platinum for fourth, exotic colored for the fifth completion, ascended for the tenth, and a legendary colored star for fifty map completions, and a title "I've really seen it all now" plus an item reward [Explorers Walking Stick], a tonic that lets your character walk around like an old granny on a stick. xD


    I'm not sure how players would react if after all these years their golden star was turned into a dull bronze one. Or perhaps it could be for any fresh characters who haven't done it?


    Honestly I thought I'd love this idea, but the more I think about it the less it seems like it would work. This is why I make alts, to explore and get more rewards. Luckily the mastery system is account-wide, so I have no issues.

  13. Now that you mention it it _doesn't_ interact with Renewed Justice. I haven't even noticed it since I rarely use the tome F1 (still getting used to using an axe). It would be nice if a dev were to chime in here and give us an idea of why this isn't working, or if there's a fix on the table.

  14. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"Liu Xuande.1948" said:

    > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > > @"Liu Xuande.1948" said:

    > > > > Title says it all, I have recently begun playing Thief and this has been kind of annoying me lately, I don't see a reason why it should not work this way. I either have to reach over and press 1 or bind it to one of my other mouse buttons. Why not just let me auto attack by left clicking? Isn't the whole idea of action cam convenience?

    > > >

    > > > What you are asking for is literally the default. If you can't do it, it's because you changed something in your settings.

    > >

    > > Incorrect, when using action cam you would have to hold down left click, or press what you have bound to weapon skill 1


    > So? It's exactly what you're asking for.


    I believe the OP is asking for the auto-attack to initiate when you press LMB, not when you press the actual key it's bound to. I agree with the OP, it would be nice to have auto-attack on LMB. I do understand that they want the game to feel like an action game by making us press or hold the key to play, though. If Joel Helmich could chime in here it would be nice.

  15. I don't have a problem with the aggro range. It makes sense in my opinion; since we have mounts the mobs should, naturally, have a larger aggro radius, since we'll be running past them at high speeds. My issue is the spawn timer on most of these mobs (especially Forged and Awakened). As @"takatsu.9416" said they are on a really short re-spawn timer, and after you finish with a couple of them more show up sooner than normal.

  16. A slight update. I was in the second map (I believe it's the Desert Highlands) and experienced another crash. I just did the hero point in the northwest corner if the map in the ruins with all the destroyers, and shortly after that I crashed whilst fighting a Veteran Destroyer. Details in spoiler below.


    >! *--> Crash <--*

    >! Assertion: (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.x) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.y) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.z)

    >! File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\GrBound.cpp(94)

    >! App: Gw2.exe

    >! Pid: 8092

    >! Cmdline:

    >! BaseAddr: 01350000

    >! ProgramId: 101

    >! Build: 82594

    >! When: 2017-09-28T08:19:27Z 2017-09-28T03:19:27-05:00

    >! Uptime: 0 days 3:34:06

    >! Flags: 0


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