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Experience scrolls turned from level 40 to level 20 after putting into bank

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I logged in first time since a while and got several bday gifts on my 80s. There were 2 level 40 scolls in it and i put it into the bank for an revenant alt. Logged out in and accessed the bank. There were 2 stacked level 20 scrolls next to my stack of 6 level 20 stack instead of the 2 stacked level 40 scrolls i left with my other chars.


I wrote a ticket ingame and on the website, no answer.

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Nope...read right. I got 2 level 40 scrolls on 2 of my 80 characters. Both i put into bank (a stack of 2 level 40 scrolls). I logged out. I logged in with a fresh level 1 revenant to push him to 40. Went to the bank. In the bank was a stack of 2 level 20 scrolls instead of the level 40 i put in before.


Is support alive? No answer to my tickets.

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