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Client Update Issues

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Just as we got the new build now, I left the game to download it.

The client, however, is stuck with constantly downloading with very low internet speed; whereas my internet speed is more than fine and I double checked it with other games and streams.

I can't get to the client's login page at all, as it's stuck on 'downloading' the base thing.

Anyone else having this issue?


Here's the picture of where it's stuck:

![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/472504072600158229/694987531057496186/client_Pard.png "")


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You could try a VPN for this one download.

> You could try a -repair to the client.

> You could try downloading from a different server. (Use the Search function to find posts explaining how to do this.)

> You could try the suggestions from the CS Team found in the Knowledge Base via the 'Support' link above/below.


> Good luck.


I ran the client as Administrator and with a bit of luck it managed to download the update with just 3Kbps, silly bugger of a client!

Fortunately that's fixed for me now.

No idea what has gotten to the client, as I never had issues with updates before.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Could be the internet is a bit overloaded with so many home using it. /shrug


No idea! Tested my speed and ping, all fine. WoW ping / net speed was fine.

Downloaded client update yesterday just fine too.

Today it went bonkers for no reason. Could be that packet loss happened on another end, but when I entered the game I had no lag issues nor anything. Strange!

Anyway, thanks for your help!

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> @"OracularSpectacular.1540" said:

> No idea. But I haven't even gotten the update, it seems, nor can I even download it. The 1st April Release Notes states that you can, for example, choose Jormag as your Spirit of the Wild guardian during character creation, but no; doesn't work.


You do know that April 1st Patch Notes are always an April Fool's Day joke, yes?

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> @"Saaladin.9562" said:

> I have same problem 2 days in row now yesterday i was fixed with -repair was slow but was done and today even repair dont work, tried VPN, many things I read on forum and redit but nothing helped last hour still updating :(

> ![](https://imgur.com/qoocjjy.jpg)


> and still downloading speed is 0/1kb

> ![](https://imgur.com/vUOakuu.jpg)


Had it happen today as well.

After restarting the client many times, it managed to patch it out at full speed eventually.

It's definitely something that is being 'lost' during the connection, but I guarantee it's not my internet, as I have no issues playing the game once the update is done and no lag whatsoever.

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