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Do you still use your raptor?

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I've found myself establishing a head-canon of certain mounts being the 'signature mount' for each race. And so except for pulling out the flyers when appropriate (or the skimmer when going over water), I tend to stick with using that mount when playing a character of the appropriate race.


Charr use the warclaw, because, aesthetically, that's just too perfect a fit. Battle-cats riding battle-cats.

Norn use the springer, because it fits well for a race of mountain-dwellers.

Humans use the jackal, since the jackal is apparently made out of fragments of one of the human gods.

Sylvari use the raptor; a jungle mount for the jungle race.

Asura use the roller beetle, since acquiring the beetle is all tied up in asura research projects.

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I have every mount, and I still use my raptor. Is it my main mount? Nope. But do I still find situations where it is better than even the Skyscale? I most certainly do.


Indoor maps, caves, and areas with lots of objects that a Skyscale will wall stick to are often the times I select the Raptor. Anytime the total distance is flat and shorter than 2 leaps, I also select the Raptor (it’s faster).

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I wouldn't worry about such a trival thing but if you can't help it why not get a nice skin for it?

To answer your question Since getting Skyscale I rarely use Raptor anymore, same for Springer and Jackal. Majority of the time it's just Skyscale but If I need to get somewhere fast I'll use beetle on land and Skimmer on water. I still use Griffon but only because I find it's mechanics Fun to fly around in the skies if you've got enough altitude to start with.

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Is the raptor considered "noobish" because it's the first mount you unlock? Does that mean that the Skyscale is the best since it's the latest one? Do I also have to rock the latest gem store skin on it in order to avoid being "cancelled"? What kind of elitism is this? This kind of behaviour shouldn't make you paranoid or anxious. It should make you look for new friends. That's my opinion.

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I don't use my raptor because if I need to travel long distances across the ground, I use the beetle. If the map is more rugged, with plenty of obstacles and places to launch from (not suited for beetle) I use the griffon. If I'm traveling very short distances where a beetle is not needed, I dont bother to mount at all. I walk and enjoy the scenery. It has nothing to do with how others percieve me.


It's natural to fall into the trap of fabricating an audience that judges our every move. Reality is, most people are pretty self-absorbed. I, and most others could care less about your mount choices. If you want to use your raptor, use your raptor.



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I practically don't use the raptor anymore because i find the jackal to be faster most of the time, what with most maps having you climb hills or mountains often. If you jump, engage and use the eject skill 8 at the same time, you can even launch yourself really far, so it's greater for short distances too. I also use the beetle and springer when i need to or the map's right. Flexing on nobody with your mount skins and AFKscale isn't necessary.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:


> > Warclaw: Well, it's the only WvW mount, so even though it's been nerfed into being as much fun to drive as a Yugo and half the speed, we're kinda just stuck with it. It does what it does where it does it, monopoly style.


> It's more of a gimmick in PvE but I do use it on occasion.

> I still feel Anet should utalize Warclaw as a first mount/endgame goal for f2p and core accounts by removing the PoF requirement to unlock it.

> Imo that would do 3 things for Gw2.

> Promote WvW as endgame content and encourage all players to go there and try it by using a gamewide usabale mount as a reward.

> Slightly diminish the mobility problems created by PoF mounts.. example, Mountless players being unable to keep up with event chains and squads etc.

> Promote PoF and it's superior mounts by giving players a taste of how fun and useful mounts are in Gw2 through the Warclaw.


> As for the WvW side of things, I still really like the Warclaw.

> I've played a lot more WvW since it was added and while I never will regard myself as good at WvW I do feel like the game mode is more enjoyable since it was added.

> The mobility access alone helps diminish a lot of that runing around boredom that used to put me off.

> There was nothing more annoying than running for several minutes to reach a squad at a far location only to be killed before I get there and have to run all the way back again >.<

> Slow.. tedious and very annoying, The Warclaw does help diminish that as well as provides other benefits so yeah i'm very pro Warclaw despite all the hate it gets.


I like your idea about the Warclaw for F2P accounts. Once they hit the level to WvW it would provide an incentive to new players to join and experience WvW and give them an intro mount to use in PvE.


Rest of the post is good too.

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I use it for short travel in places where beetle has a hard time navigating. I also use it where there are several turns in cities where there are narrow roads and buildings everywhere, certain caves, from enemy to enemy farming or node farming where your raptor lunge and stamina is enough to get you to the next node or enemy. ( point a to b)

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Like many others here, Raptor is still my goto mount for basic speedy travel from Point A to B. Springer is also still my first choice for vertical movement because it's still faster at climbing than the Skyscale is; I only use my Skyscale for when I need to gain height AND cross a short horizontal movement quickly (where the mount dodge skill means that it's actually faster than the Griffon if the Griffon's not diving).


With regards to your fear of being "judged", here's a secret. Nobody cares what you're using or wearing; the people wearing all that fancy, shiny expensive gear are more concerned with whether people are looking at THEM to really pay attention to what you're wearing. ;) It's very, very rare for somebody to actually comment on your appearance (and a majority of the time, they wind up hitting on you >.>)

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  • 5 months later...

> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I don't know why but I'd really like to use my raptor again (it's been so long) but I fear that people would judge me for my mount choices and that I constantly have to show off with the newest and best mount available (same goes for shiny prestige skins like legendary armors/weapons even though I prefer character fitting or more realistic stuff) in order to not be judged by other players. Maybe it's just my paranoia and anxiety but I feel very uncomfortable in the recent years as a veteran because every fellow veteran is now showing off and I feel I have to do the same so people wouldn't think bad of me and demote me from my status even though I play since 2012. Anyways, I'd really love to use my raptor again but since it' a "noob mount" like springer (you get them very early in the game without effort) it would make a bad impression about myself and people would judge me, I fear because I constantly feel like I have to prove myself.


Please don't take this wrong. Who cares! By that I mean screw what other people think If you want to walk around Lion's Arch in youe birthday suit, what can they do about it? /emote? If you enjoy your Clever Girl Use your Clever Girl. Shoot most of the time in water zones I dont use my skimmer just to piss people off. The people that would judge you for enjoying a GAME (this is not a job) something that was by design made for enjoyment dont deserve your thoughts. blacklist and move on. Plenty of "raptors" in the desert.

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No and I completely stopped using it once I unlocked Jackal which is still my go-to mount. It is better in many ways! Raptor is obsolete and it needs a buff.


Uneven terrain and going uphill: Raptor is horrible here because it gets "stuck", Jackal can teleport anywhere with no issues.

Fall damage: Raptor cannot avoid it, Jackal can by teleporting before touching the ground.

Endurance regen: Raptor's is slow and boring, Jackal's is super fast.

Turning and positioning: Raptor is slow and clunky, Jackal is fast and easy to control.

Ability: Raptor can jump across huge gaps and that's about it, Jackal can do the same thing with triple teleport or just sit on one of the flying mounts.

Engage skill: Raptor's is annoying because it pulls mobs out of my ground AoEs when other players arrive with it, Jackal's is a decent AoE with extra survivability.

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Only mount I don't use is the springer. It gets overshadowed by the skyscale so hard.


Raptor is for getting to some places fast.

skimmer for water content.

jackal to go uphill fast (its better than raptor in that aspect)

roller beetle for long distances

gryphon for long distances if in big heights

and skyscale for everything else, general platforming, some short distances, flying, etc.


Rn i use raptor and skyscale the most

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Skyscale has really made all the rest of my mounts seem obsolete... except the skimmer (for obvious reasons). But I still use all the others in odd situations where they have a clear advantage. The only mount I'd say is genuinely useless is the jackal. If it wasn't for sand portals, I probably wouldn't have equipped it more than a dozen times since PoF released. And yea, I know... they blink up hills faster. That doesn't compensate for everything they lack on the other side of the hill.

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