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Suggestions for "New to PvP" Thread

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This has some good stuff, some redundant stuff, and some critically lacking info IMO.


The Info regarding using your numbers wisely and rotating is generally very good. I like that multiple people on one node doesn't help it cap faster, though could be worded a bit more clearly(mistake I see lots of brand new players make.)


As for the redundant, the roles, you can basically split "home bunker" if you are just bunky and not mobile that falls under "bunker" if you are mobile you are basically no different than a far point assaulter. I would recommend this instead,


Side Noder/+1(combine far point assaulter/home bunker/roamer)

Bunker/Support(combine bunker and home bunker)

Team Fighter/DPS(these would be your less mobile classes designed to win and apply pressure in team fights)


That will clean up the roles quite a bit.


As for what you are missing, already touched on team fighter/dps role, however there is no info on just thinking about when to engage, considering/learning your counters, and the cost of dying(even on node) when you could have disengaged/rotated for your team.


Example- you engage a 1v4 and die on node, best case let's say you even capped it in your fight before you died, and lived about 5 seconds. You are now dead, the enemy will take about 3 seconds to decap the point, and they only need 1 to do so, now all 4 can easily outnumber and kill a teammate/ teammates on another node while your teams essentially 4v5 for 15 sec(you are on respawn remember) now its 3v5 or worse because they killed your teammates who are also now on respawn. The only way out, if this is a coordinated group, is to try to regroup and push back and win a teamfight, or somehow get a kill of your own to try and shift momentum back in your favor.


while the examples help put it in perspective they are not 100% necessary, something like, if possible try not to die unnecessarily, or look at the big picture and how your death will affect the flow of the game, etc.


Lastly some info about common tactics like "peeling" "focusing" and "cleaving" would be nice, like if your teammate is under pressure, try counter pressuring his attackers to allow them to escape, In team fights try focusing on the most vulnerable or troublesome opponent to your team, and If your opponents is trying to revive their ally attempt to interrupt or drop heavy damage to make it harder to revive.


If there is anything you think should also be added lemme know, I am trying to keep my suggestions more general and not about particular meta builds, so "focus x class first or x class counters y class" where that may be good info in one meta that info changes with balance.



Some good info in the new to pvp post but feel it could do with an update and have some more basic tactics and critical knowledge added.


EDIT- they do cover leaving lost fights, and not engaging uneven fights, so I guess that somewhat helps with the cost of dying part.

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