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the market is ruined...


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Only thing I will say about TP is that I think we are still missing the recipes that will be eating more into the demand side of things so that makes more in supply and therefore lower prices for now makes sense. Also we didn't get any guild upgrades so there was probably speculation going on there as well and people are probably weighing and measuring gen3 legendaries vs gen1 or gen2 ones. Gen3 are huge syncs in materials as were the guild halls so you might have more mats appearing now that there aren't those demands.


As far as poor gamers, sorry OP anyone who can craft to just sell a legendary I can't put in the poor group since you choose the highest end TP items outside of rare/ultra loot drops to choose to invest in. Also where what was the spread in buy to sell orders when you placed it. If you people uncut you then I would question position as well. There is 48 on the market now, not sure how many were there when you listed, if you needed the cash that soon maybe filling a buy order might have been better for you. The TP is a twisted game in the game but since it wasn't meant to be gamed, you never know what you get if you play it.

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Cool. Nobody should be making gold off the TP. The TP should be about making items available to players that didn't luck into them dropping, it should not be a tool for players to make money out of money. If other players undercut your listing, then that just means that players are able to get that item for less, and that's a good thing.





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> @titje.2745 said:

> i was so exited with the new xpack, but... it also gave problems.

> because you made the xpack so nice. many old players came back to the game.

> but the trading post is ruined (for me)

> so maybe drop the price for the gems for real money? if you buy through the game...


The expansion coming out was not a secret, and it's also not a secret that by its existence it will throw the economy into turmoil. If you need the gold that badly, swallow your pride, take the hit, and relist it. The trade post is always a risk. I lost my friggin' shirt on it at one point, and the only recourse is to take the bad with the good.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I'm not an expert by any means but I think you'd be much better off going for lots of small sales rather than one big one. I managed to make almost 20g yesterday doing the Auric Basin meta event and actually paying attention to which items to sell, which to salvage and then sell and which materials to refine or craft before selling. 20g in a day is almost unheard of for me (and when I have done it it's by selling materials I saved up over months), but I really wanted a Jackal mount ASAP and had spent all my available gold on mini raptors.


While I agree with the general point of your post, suggesting that you can reliably make 20+g per AB meta run "just because you payed attention what to sell or salvage" is just false.



On the other hand, this thread is kind of laughable, OP suggest he's "the poor player", while he crafted a leggy AND sold a precursor weapon? lmao.


> @titje.2745 said:

>i put kudzu in the trading post 8 days ago and i now have 16 others that undercut me, and few are sold already. i got undercut in few minutes when i put mine at it.

> with this ruined marked its very hard for poor ppl to make gold. before this xpack it was easy to sell crafted items.


+wtf are you trying to say here? That somehow "undercutting by small amount on TP" didn't exist before the xpac? That somehow you were consistently able to sell legendaries for whatever you wanted shortly after you've put them on TP?

This whole thread is just bullkitten made by someone mad that he got undercut (while, let me remind you, he did exactly the same when he put his legendary on TP ;D ).

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In all of this, I am finding it odd that a Legendary did not sell well, but high end items don't sell quick anyway, but with the lack of legendary weapons in PoF, I would have expected the bow to sell better, perhaps it is because there were not any new Elite specs that focused on the Longbow?

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I never found it worth it to craft and sell to make money. The profit margin seems so small that it just isn't worth it. It's better to just sell the raw materials so you minimize investments and maximize profits. Also, the marketplace prices are more buyer centric. some of the rare and discontinued items you are able to put at a high sell price, but craftable items and things in circulation tend to be a buyers market. And if someone has the money to craft a legendary, in this case a 1st edition legendary, they will usually have the crafting level to just buy the materials and craft it themselves for much cheaper. you are really only getting paid for having a high crafting level in this case and pressing the button to craft, which will only result in a small service fee.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> In all of this, I am finding it odd that a Legendary did not sell well, but high end items don't sell quick anyway, but with the lack of legendary weapons in PoF, I would have expected the bow to sell better, perhaps it is because there were not any new Elite specs that focused on the Longbow?


Yeah, from the sounds of it part of it is that nobody was building a new character around a longbow (Dreamer probably would have been more in demand, or Incinerator), and also because with falling gold strength other people were willing to deeply undercut his listing, which happens.


If they do make any changes, I do think it would benefit the markets if you could recover all or most of your listing fees under certain circumstances. Maybe if the listing is up for at least a week you could pull it down and get your listing fees back? I can totally get not wanting to just eat the listing fee, and at the same time this would encourage people to just keep listing at lower and lower prices until the natural level is reached.

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Not exactly the post I was expecting, but maybe they went a bit too far with the deflation thing indeed. Materials have lost a ton of value and so did the ways to acquire them. Liquid gold is now king and there are far fewer ways to farm it. That greatly restricts options when playing the game.

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> @Sobx.1758 said:

> > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > I'm not an expert by any means but I think you'd be much better off going for lots of small sales rather than one big one. I managed to make almost 20g yesterday doing the Auric Basin meta event and actually paying attention to which items to sell, which to salvage and then sell and which materials to refine or craft before selling. 20g in a day is almost unheard of for me (and when I have done it it's by selling materials I saved up over months), but I really wanted a Jackal mount ASAP and had spent all my available gold on mini raptors.


> While I agree with the general point of your post, suggesting that you can reliably make 20+g per AB meta run "just because you payed attention what to sell or salvage" is just false.



> On the other hand, this thread is kind of laughable, OP suggest he's "the poor player", while he crafted a leggy AND sold a precursor weapon? lmao.


> > @titje.2745 said:

> >

> +kitten are you trying to say here? That somehow "undercutting by small amount on TP" didn't exist before the xpac? That somehow you were consistently able to sell legendaries for whatever you wanted shortly after you've put them on TP?

> This whole thread is just bullkitten made by someone mad that he got undercut (while, let me remind you, he did exactly the same when he put his legendary on TP ;D ).


someone told me that the marked dropped because many old players came back. and they need money and sell everything. and don’t buy items. and more players (in 1 shared trading post) over all servers. so higher chance of undercut. now i am thinking crafting a legendary is cheap and more ppl want to make gold this way. and if they are old players pre hot then they have maybe more materials for the weapon.


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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @titje.2745 said:

> > > @Danikat.8537 said:

> > > Making a legendary to sell for a profit is a **huge** gamble at any time. Doubly so when an expansion is coming out because there's so many changes at once the market, for everything, is in chaos.

> > >

> > > I'm not sure selling a legendary is a good way for a 'poor' player to make money because it's such a gamble - you could make a lot of money but you could also lose a lot of money and if you don't have a lot to begin with that will hurt. Also, my understanding is it's a long-term "investment", unless you're so rich that you can afford to lose the cost of the listing fees flipping legendaries.

> > >

> > > I'm not an expert by any means but I think you'd be much better off going for lots of small sales rather than one big one. I managed to make almost 20g yesterday doing the Auric Basin meta event and actually paying attention to which items to sell, which to salvage and then sell and which materials to refine or craft before selling. 20g in a day is almost unheard of for me (and when I have done it it's by selling materials I saved up over months), but I really wanted a Jackal mount ASAP and had spent all my available gold on mini raptors.

> >

> > this is the first xpack for me that i play when its released, i started playing gw2 again in march 2016 and then i bought hot. i didnt expect this, guildys made a greatsword legendary and sold in within 3 days. i had 550 gold made something that sold for 62 gold each (excl fees) x4 and the rest i sold t6 mats of laurels. and later i needed them myself but i had near 500 laurels. i didnt know that a legendary is a gamble.

> >

> >

> >

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > _maybe drop the price for the gems for real money_

> > >

> > > You’re asking ANet to take a decrease in their profits, which affects the people they can hire, can pay, the amount of content that comes out, just so you can buy the skins you want?

> > >

> > > Why not do the content that pays well instead like high level fractals and be sure to do your daily each day for 2 gold in a few minutes.

> >

> > yes :D i dont do fractals i only make money with crafting and selling mats or loot i get. i only do simple skill less events :)

> >

> > > @Zaron.1987 said:

> > > Lol another thread to the existing 1000 th q.q threads about gimme moar gold for my stuff.

> >

> > ofc, we bought an xpack, isn't that already enough money giving to anet? we buy an xpack and our market got broken so we have to spend even more money?

> > i mostly try to buy skins for gold to gems and sometimes i buy gems if i have no other option like infinite unbound gathering tools. was 600+ gold that i didnt have.

> >

> > but i think i am the only one who thinks like this. i think am not mmo player enough to understand...


> Sorry but you gambled ... big money earning potential ... with a big risk. Your guild friends did something you didn't ... they sold at the right time. You're selling at a time where there is LOTS of new things for people to spend their gold on ... and NOT spend their gold on your stuff. This has nothing to do with a ruined market ... it has everything to do with not understanding that market.



i am not a nerd. just a casual player. i put it in tp just when finished it. legendarys are new for me so i can’t know. i play more then only guildwars 2. and guildys put it in tp before xpack yes. don’t have to explain.

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> @Vash.2386 said:

> Just wondering, did you by chance undercut someone by a copper just to sell your legendary? See how that works? Just sell for the guaranteed asking price instead of being so greedy and undercutting someone else with the higher sell price.


no i am the first one. so no undercut

btw ppl told me to list items instead of gave them away instantly. ppl who bid want an expensive item cheap. and if i gave it away for the 2200 gold the fee is also 15% stuped because it’s not listed it goes through the tp right to the buyer.


but i think it’s enough. no one understand my opinion.


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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > In all of this, I am finding it odd that a Legendary did not sell well, but high end items don't sell quick anyway, but with the lack of legendary weapons in PoF, I would have expected the bow to sell better, perhaps it is because there were not any new Elite specs that focused on the Longbow?


> Yeah, from the sounds of it part of it is that nobody was building a new character around a longbow (Dreamer probably would have been more in demand, or Incinerator), and also because with falling gold strength other people were willing to deeply undercut his listing, which happens.


> If they do make any changes, I do think it would benefit the markets if you could recover all or most of your listing fees under certain circumstances. Maybe if the listing is up for at least a week you could pull it down and get your listing fees back? I can totally get not wanting to just eat the listing fee, and at the same time this would encourage people to just keep listing at lower and lower prices until the natural level is reached.


I just personally made a character to pretty much main the longbow, but still in this situation there's 2 problems around me even thinking on getting this weapon.

1. I don't have the money for it.

2. Even if I did, I wouldn't want a weapon looking like that personally. (Yeah I can transmutate it but...)

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> @titje.2745 said:

> i was so exited with the new xpack, but... it also gave problems.

> because you made the xpack so nice. many old players came back to the game.

> but the trading post is ruined (for me)

> i worked my ... off to make kudzu and put all my hard earned gold in it so i can finally (hoped this) put it in the trading post

> and getting a nice amount of gold to buy upgrades or other nice gem store skins.

> BUT, i finally made kudzu, i had to sell the lover pre to be able to put kudzu in the trading post because i had no more gold. (yes a bit gold to put the pre in the tp)

> i am out of materials. i put kudzu in the trading post 8 days ago and i now have 16 others that undercut me, and few are sold already. i got undercut in few minutes when i put mine at it.

> with this ruined marked its very hard for poor ppl to make gold. before this xpack it was easy to sell crafted items. and the hard earned gold of it is all spend on kudzu. and things we craft are worth less then before PoF. so making gold is hard.

> problem is, there are many nice skins coming with halloween and now also there are nice skins in the store.

> rich ppl ingame have their best time now. gem price is very low. all items are very cheap. they buy in and sell later for even more profit.

> poor ppl cant make gold. have to wait weeks to sell something. and if we want those nice skins we have to pay maybe hundreds of euros for the skins.

> its a bad time.


> so maybe drop the price for the gems for real money? if you buy through the game...


In all honesty it all seems like a poor market decision on your part.


It's also untrue you can't make gold. All the ways to get liquid gold which existed before are still available, and there are decent new sources in PoF. It is probably harder to make gold using *only* the TP now if you don't have larger starting capital. But then, this isn't a market simulation game, it's a MMORPG. Just go play it. It throws gold at you left and right.



> @Vash.2386 said:

> Just wondering, did you by chance undercut someone by a copper just to sell your legendary? See how that works? Just sell for the guaranteed asking price instead of being so greedy and undercutting someone else with the higher sell price.


It's a trade-off you make between profit and selling time. If you're prepared to wait, then list. I never sold a single legendary on the current highest bid. I normally check gw2tp and figure out a fair price. I sometimes list higher than the current lowest seller because the price seems too low. And it eventually sells. Of course, it has to be reasonable price and you have to be wary of market changes. The current market is flooded with materials, making legendary crafting cheaper. You can't expect to sell at the same prices you would pre-PoF.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > In all of this, I am finding it odd that a Legendary did not sell well, but high end items don't sell quick anyway, but with the lack of legendary weapons in PoF, I would have expected the bow to sell better, perhaps it is because there were not any new Elite specs that focused on the Longbow?

> >

> > Yeah, from the sounds of it part of it is that nobody was building a new character around a longbow (Dreamer probably would have been more in demand, or Incinerator), and also because with falling gold strength other people were willing to deeply undercut his listing, which happens.

> >

> > If they do make any changes, I do think it would benefit the markets if you could recover all or most of your listing fees under certain circumstances. Maybe if the listing is up for at least a week you could pull it down and get your listing fees back? I can totally get not wanting to just eat the listing fee, and at the same time this would encourage people to just keep listing at lower and lower prices until the natural level is reached.


> I just personally made a character to pretty much main the longbow, but still in this situation there's 2 problems around me even thinking on getting this weapon.

> 1. I don't have the money for it.

> 2. Even if I did, I wouldn't want a weapon looking like that personally. (Yeah I can transmutate it but...)


Honestly, I'd love a Kudzu, I think it's pretty cool (but then I main a Bifrost/Dreamer Daredevil), but I don't use any characters that wield a Longbow much (my Ranger is more melee, my Warrior is GS/Rifle, and my Guard is GS/ScepterFocus), so I just can't justify the expense involved.

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> @titje.2745 said:


The higher price the item, the more potential gamble you take when you list on the TP. While a lot of them are always 'in demand' the chances of a player having a few thousand gold squirreled away to buy is less. For these kinds of high dollar items, it best to check a site like gw2efficiency, gw2shinies, etc and see the market movement and then decide if you want to place a sell order or sell instantly to the highest buy order. Even in 'good times', these items don't always move fast. Also you mentioned that you didn't undercut anyone when you placed your sell order (if I understood that correctly). I'm not sure what you mean here because 8 days ago when you say you listed there were 32 other Kudzus on the TP even before.


Right now the things working against you are: With mat prices dropping it's cheaper for other people to craft. If they've already worked through certain stages of a legendary, now might be the perfect time for long term and returning players in that situation to finish and there's a chance some of the turned around and sold them as well. Given the price fluctuations with legendaries, yours will probably sell but it's going to take time.


As some others have pointed out, there are a lot of ways to make gold in this game: dailies, AB meta, SW meta, fractals, and more. You may not make 3Kg in a day, but that type of gold is rare to see.



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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > In all of this, I am finding it odd that a Legendary did not sell well, but high end items don't sell quick anyway, but with the lack of legendary weapons in PoF, I would have expected the bow to sell better, perhaps it is because there were not any new Elite specs that focused on the Longbow?


> Yeah, from the sounds of it part of it is that nobody was building a new character around a longbow (Dreamer probably would have been more in demand, or Incinerator), and also because with falling gold strength other people were willing to deeply undercut his listing, which happens.


> If they do make any changes, I do think it would benefit the markets if you could recover all or most of your listing fees under certain circumstances. Maybe if the listing is up for at least a week you could pull it down and get your listing fees back? I can totally get not wanting to just eat the listing fee, and at the same time this would encourage people to just keep listing at lower and lower prices until the natural level is reached.


That's not a a bad idea but until there is also a penalty to people placing buy purchases that are under cost of materials that they can place and withdraw without penalty I don't think that a natural level can ever be reached. Right now the sellers already have a disincentive to choosing a poor starting position for an item, I still feel we need one on the buying side as well.

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