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How I Picture Cantha/Tengu Teaser Traier

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So just for fun, this is how I pictured a teaser type trailer for the next expansion if they were to go the Cantha route and announce the Tengu as a playable race. As a side note, the story beats are completely just made up for the sake of being able to introduce the different aspects that I have in the trailer and I do not at all think they are going to happen.


**For context**; we already fought Jormag and the Charr have been decimated by Bangar 's civil war and they are recovering from both said civil war and the battle with the Ice Dragon. Crecia has become the new Khan Ur and has decreed the Charr begin recovery. The Norn are also hurting, though not as much, but they too are still recovering from the battle and have also been dealt a cultural blow as all of the Spirits of the Wild have been killed by Jormag during the fight. As a result, much of the Norn need to recover, leaving the forces of the Pact and both populations (Charr and Norn) unreliable for a fight any time soon. However, the death of Jormag has also stirred the Deep Sea Dragon.


**Cinematic Trailer**: The screen begins as black but slowly clears to show all the members of Dragon's Watch huddled around a body in the snow. Logan and Caithe are present as well. The area around them is filled with ice, snow falling around them, with dead icebrood and Jormag minions around them. Amongst the dead lay Charr and Norn troops, scattered with Pact and Crystal Bloom soldiers. Some destroyers are present, but not as many. A great battle has taken place. The camera pans over Rytlock's shoulder to reveal the dead body to be Ryland Steelcatcher.

Kasmeer: "Rytlock, I... I am so sorry.

Rytlock remains silent, hunched over the body of the fallen Charr, frozen and covered in snow. The camera pans over Ryland's face to Rytlock's.

Rytlock: "Was any of this worth it? Look around!" Rytlock snaps as he spins around to face his comrades, the camera cutting to show Rylock's front. "The Charr are destroyed, the Norn are scattered and Ryland..."


Silence holds the group in place. The camera shifts to Taimi.


Taimi: "I hate to bring this up again but Primordus is still active and [Deep Sea Dragon name] has awakened. Commander, what are we going to do?" Logan stands behind Taimi in the huddle, the camera pans from taimi to Logan

Logan: "Taimi is right. The Pact needs to recover and even then, the Charr and Norn have just been dealt a blow. But we need to look to the coming fight. We need reinforcements, Commander. We need help.

Commander: "I... don't know."


The camera cuts to Marjory, standing further from the group but still well within earshot, pondering the situation. She looks at the commander.


Marjory: "I may have an idea."


The camera cuts to black. Arena net logo and all the goodie intro stuff. Slowly the camera brightens. The camera is focused on the ground, slowly moving upward. It is revealed the commander, Marjory, and Logan stands side by side in a wide rectangular area, far from the camera, around 30 feet away. The room is long, it must have taken the heroes time to get to the place they are standing. They are in a large grand chamber with great pillars of wood on either side. It looks like a great throne room. The ground and walls around them are made of stone, covered in a light sprinkling of moss. There are stylish engravings and carvings into the rock, circular and flowing motifs resemble the wind with feathers floating on a breeze. Great tapestries hang on the sidewalls from wooden pillars crisscrossing above the heroes. The tapestries are old but still remain as beautiful as ever. Each tapestry depicts a different great humanoid bird, brandishing stylish brass gold-hilted weapons. Some of the pommels contain a singular blue jewel. The weapons look like they were pieces of art. Some of the depicted birds are reminiscent of hawks, and eagles while others adorn white feathers with the face of an owl or colorful crests like those of a macaw. The commander stands in the middle of the heroes. They are looking upwards toward the camera, 25 feet in the air. The camera very slowly moving forward, zooming in.


Commander: "Please, we need your assistance. We would not ask you all but we have no one else. We lost... many."


The commander looks down in despair and defeat but collects themselves and slowly looks back upward. The camera cuts to the right side of the 3 heroes, slowly circling around them from the front to the back. The commander continues...


Commander: "We have defeated Jormag but Primordus is still out there! And [DSD name] too! Please!


The camera, now flanking the heroes slowly pans up to see 5 figures enveloped in light sitting on a stone perch, 30-40 feet above the heroes. Only then we realize the ceiling is open but also realize it is at least 100 feet high. The heroes can only make out the silhouette of the 5 figures, each sporting feathered crests. As the camera reaches the figures, the screen goes black. The faction theme music begins to swell but quiets as a deep male voice speaks.

The camera opens up and we are at the Shuttered Gate in Lions Arch. The camera moves up the gate slowly, the stone gate maintaining the stylish designs similar to the walls of the throne room.


Voice 1 (Male): "For too long we have hid behind our walls."

Voice 2 (Male): "For too long we have watched as the winds have shifted the world."

Voice 3 (Female): "It is time for the Tengu to take flight."

The camera travels halfway up the great Gate, panning upward to see the rest of the stone wall, stopping at the top, revealing 5 tengu standing on the gate, backs to the bright sun, each tengu representing the tribe they come from; Angchu, Avicara, Caromi, Quetzal, and Sensali. The tengu leap from the wall and the camera cuts to black.

Voice 4 (Male): "It is time to return home."

Voice 5 (Female): "It is time to return...

The camera opens, looking at the bottom of the Shuttered Gate, the tengu perform the superhero landing! They are all still looking down. Each tengu adorns tengu styled armor, heavily reminiscent of GW1 elite Canthan armor. The voice continues as the camera slowly zooms forward to meet the eyes of the tengu in the middle. She looks up into the camera as the final voice continues.

Voice 5 (Female): ...to Cantha."

A loud bell sounds (Like the one in the GW1 factions cinematic), cutting to black to reveal the new GW2 logo and name with factions theme swelling loudly!


Please let me know what you all think! I have thought about this for years and just wanted to share. I hope everyone else is as excited about Cantha as I am if we go there! Stay healthy!

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