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What do you like most about Scourge?


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Hello all,


Now that the sPvP season is over, and we've all had some have fun with Scourge in PvP, PvE and WvW - what are some of the things that you enjoy the most about Scourge? If you were to nerf one aspect of Scourge and if you were to buff another aspect, what would this be?


The things I like personally:



1) Barrier - Although it decays a bit fast, I really like having barrier instead of the old shroud. I think it opens up a lot of possibilities, like being able to use your utilities and weapon skills, and being able to receive healing from your allies while being focused (instead of being forced into Shroud where you lose all of that). I also realllyyy like Parasitic Contagion with barrier and without the traditional shroud.

2) Shade attack (F1) on each shroud skill. I love how this works and that any shroud skill you use, even summoning a shade triggers an AoE around you and your shade. I also like that you count as a shade because if gives you a lot more control over your F-skills and makes things less clunky (you don't have to have a shade summoned to be effective).

3) Similar to point # 2, I love how Dhuumfire interacts with each F-skill and that burning from shroud happens when you use any of your shade skills. This gives Scourge shroud really nice and well needed damage . BUT... F-5 is likely overtuned and will likely be nerfed. I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be pulsing burning... It's still gonna be super fun while it lasts.

4) I think that without Sand Savant, Sand Shades are way too small.


**Shroud skills:**

I pretty much like all of the Sand Shroud skills and once again, love that each one triggers a sand shade auto attack, but the best ones for me are probably Nefarious Favor for it's versatility of cleansing yourself and allies (while gaining boons) while at the same time corrupt enemy boons with Path of Corruption. I also really like F5 (Desert Shroud) for its crazy damage and barrier. If Dhuumfire gets removed from this, it will be interesting to see how Scourge DPS will be affected. I think that this would probably be the biggest hit that Scourge will get, and might actually be enough to bring the spec in line. Other than this, I really like all of the Sand Shroud skills.



4) Torch - I think the Torch is amazing. Torch # 4 has a nice animation and can hit really hard - also good vs. stealthed units, and it's nice against Mesmers for lifeforce. I like Torch # 5 for its ability to hit behind walls or structures and doesn't need line of sight.



I think all of the Utilities are very well done and for the first time, I actually like every single utility on a class because each has a specific and pretty unique purpose. Favorites are

1) Sand Flare - probably the best Necro heal imo. The short cooldown, boon removal, extra burn with Sadistic Searing, a nice animation and huge barrier make this skill really good for turning fights around. Low on health? Get a huge barrier, combo it off with F5 and turn a fight around completely.

2) Dessicate is very nice for building lifeforce while you're idle or during a fight, especially since Scourge is so lifeforce hungry.

3) Ghastly Breach is just amazing. With Parasitic Contagion and F5, this thing heals like crazy.



I think basically every trait that Scourge has is really good and whoever designed those should get props. My personal favourites:

1) Nourishing Rot is a perfect trait for Scourge lifeforce and it is basically a perfect edition that they could have added as a minor.

2) Sadistic Searing is a nice mix of cooldown reduction and damage.

3) Unending Corruption + Path of Corruption = a hot mess against groups of enemies

4) Sand Savant makes shades really easy and convenient to use and you never run out of them.


**What I would buff:** I would probably make base Barrier on shroud 2 a bit bigger. I would also reduce how fast Barrier decays - even by half a second so that it decays after... 2-3 secs? This would allow you to maintain Barrier up for a bit longer, especially if you chain a few skills that all give you barrier.

**What I would nerf:** F5 triggering so much Dhuumfire.


Anyway... long post but I personally think Scourge is very well designed. What are your thoughts on Scourge and what do you like the most about it?

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