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Domain of Istan "Intercept the corpse caravan" Event.

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I would create a ticket for this bug, but am certain its already been ticketed multiple times and don't want to further overwhelm and already overwhelmed support.


I wouldn't think surely a hot-fix for this would be too difficult, as in my experience of camping Istan searching in vain for the Caravans I've seen the event start, then suddenly vanish and Great Hall start.


The very odd reason to why these Caravan Events were working totally fine, what's the reason to cause them to glitch ?? * A Bug in the System perhaps*


If anyone notices this is fixed please can you advise on this thread, as I've no further purpose to return to Istan other than for the last part of this Vision collection.

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Yeah, looks like bug is not in caravan event itself, but in the Sunspears Uprising meta phase which allows caravan event to spawn.

Would be good if anybody from Arenanet could comment on this... as it is uncertain if it's worth to get rest of this trinket done and money to craft it prepared at all, if this bug is not going to be fixed soon.

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> @"Dydzio.1320" said:

> Yeah, looks like bug is not in caravan event itself, but in the Sunspears Uprising meta phase which allows caravan event to spawn.

> Would be good if anybody from Arenanet could comment on this... as it is uncertain if it's worth to get rest of this trinket done and money to craft it prepared at all, if this bug is not going to be fixed soon.


I guess it's for this reason too. The wiki (english) explains : "Depending on how busy the map is the pre-event stage may be completed quickly".



Currently, the conditions to unlock this pre-event is too old and make it impossible to do it today...


I guess we need a new build of this pre-event or a possibility to have more maps (or an another item to finish this step of Vision -for joking- )

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As I stated before on this topic. From my experiences a new map does not remove the bug nor did logging in right after the last patch. There is a bigger problem here I think.

Just sell it on the Volatile Magic vendor for 1000 volatile magic and call it a day. Once it is fixed then remove it. Like others have stated it is very demotivating.

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Important - quote from support after I sentticket: "We suggest encouraging other players to submit reports for this event as well, as this will help the development team gauge how many players are being impacted by this bug. If there is a fix, it will be posted on the forums along with any other game updates."

It is about using "/bug" command ingame, so i suggest you to go to Istan (may be even better if you go around one of caravan spawn spots) and use the command to fill ticket. Your position and character info will be sent as part of bug report. I would personally mention that bug might not be in caravan event itself but meta event phase.


> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> Just sell it on the Volatile Magic vendor for 1000 volatile magic and call it a day. Once it is fixed then remove it. Like others have stated it is very demotivating.


I agree with this one, should be done on next update if they cannot spend enough time to check relevant Istan meta/caravan logic code.

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Bump, affecting countless players trying to complete: Visions of Istan.


@"Excursion.9752" Just sell it on the Volatile Magic vendor for 1000 volatile magic and call it a day. Once it is fixed then remove it. Like others have stated it is very demotivating.


^^^ Totally agree, this would be the fastest "short-term fix", easy to implement on a hot-fix, and would not detract too far from the significant amount of other stuff you have to do (e.g. complete Istan Mastery) to make the collection any easier.


P.S. If you have not already done so, the best way to get this noted directly to the Devs is to go to one of the 3 locations in-game as per the bugged events:




Event coffin (map icon).png [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Heretic's Arena (80)

Event coffin (map icon).png [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Champion's Dawn (80)

Event coffin (map icon).png [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from the Astralarium (80)


**When you are at that location type " /bug "**


A window should pop-up: Support 'report a bug'


Make sure you check-box the **"Blocking-progress"** as this should help to escalate further up the waiting-list.


Complete very brief description of issue, along the lines of " Corpse Caravan events bugged, spawn and then vanish " or whatever, just keep it short to the point, SUBMIT when you're done. We won't get a response back from this, but the more players that flag this issue, I'm hopeful it will get flagged more at the Devs end. Thanks !

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Yeah... out of everything that could get broken in game, they broke THIS event at THIS time, they chose THIS fragile event outta many Istan events for achievement. And they had to create event the way that it disappears when meta phase progresses rather than letting it stick and just not spawn more caravans (bug would be way less severe that way as caravans sometimes spawn, the problem is they despawn before event can be done). And of course the achievement has to be tied to fairly important item... And there is no way to work around this as there is no other choice to get achievement done. It isn't just about the importance of this item or something, but the effort people put to learn some tiny part is bugged when they are halfway done etc. or they "worked hard" to get gold for the item faster. Some spent gold or expensive materials and crafted some account-bound ingredients which now they cannot use to finish the item.

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at first I thought the event has three possible locations to spawn and players have been DPSing through the event and thats why it gets completed so quickly... after looking at this forum, apparently its not... this bug makes me want to think that pursuing "Vision" might be in vain and it isn't feasible at all... just fingers crossed, get lucky when istan is crowded on weekends and land on a fresh map instance... might want to upate the event's wiki section and include the bug

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Fresh map instance will probably not help, the Sunspears Uprising meta part when caravans spawn is bugged in the way it's too easy to complete it to the point it usually takes less than 5 seconds. Your best bet is probably trying to login before game patch and delay patching until you are the only player on istan and then nobody else will screw you up by killing 1 awakened monster that doesn't belong to event to progress to next meta phase. If anyone proves otherwise and manages to get unbugged Sunspear Uprising phase on fresh map or finds some tricky way to get this event done please share here.

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**Keep bumping, keep sending tickets, keep sending in game bug reports via use of " /bug ".**


It is simply not acceptable players have not had any acknowledgement yet over the weeks this bug has been ongoing.


We're only asking for some mere communication ?

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I won't be paying any more real money for the game until this bug is fixed (and I suggest others do this too). Many other bugged events at least have slight chance of completion by getting into freshly spawned map instances. This one is deal breaker. If making it sellable at vendor as workaround would be "unfair because vendor achievement completion is too low effort" then make price high enough. I would pay 100 gold to bypass this thing.

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Update after doing more researching: there is a very slim chance to get this done while bugged, I got caravan to 80% of hitpoints (with trash build on me + 1 helper player) and I crafted this strategy:

1. Get empty map instance that tells you to go away, stick to it, hope that there will be no other players - tends to happen

2. Do not attack any caravan defenders, only dolyak - i think weapons with long range would be best - the way that seems to work is to attack caravan from the side it is walking to, so you shoot dolyak in the head with rifle deadeyes etc. bring stuff with enough "meta" ranged dps

3. Be careful about some trash mobs in front of caravan, try to avoid damaging them by repositioning


I used reaper with axe so there was big room for improvement. Caravan was up for around 90 seconds.

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