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Back to GW2: what to do?

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Hi guys,


Since a few weeks I am playing Guild Wars 2 again. I leveled my last missing class; the warrior. To level 80. I am now playing on my main; a guardian (84 mastery).


Since I havent played for a couple of years and just bought the last expension I feel a bit lost in everything they added in GW. Mastery hunting, the new areas, getting the second elite specialization and mount or getting back to farm that legendary greatsword..


Now of course you can do what ever you want in the game. But i feel like I am missing some kind of path, mission or goal that i can work towards. Since there is so much to do. And every area or mastery needs some kind of little research in how to complete it.


Since I work quit a lot I can’t afford grinding all day. But I am curious to your vision. Are there any of you guys who are in the same situation as me? Or do you guys have any tips or cool advice? Hope to hear from you.


Kind regards,


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Hm, it can be very nice and helpful to get a few mounts.

I would probably go for the Path of Fire storyline which will unlock mounts for you and then go for the hidden but very useful Griffon mount. I surely love the griffon and it is very useful in all areas of the game.



Please note that the Griffon is a high-end mount, it will take you some time and gold to obtain it. But it is very much worth it if you ask me.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Please note that the Griffon is a high-end mount, it will take you some time and gold to obtain it. But it is very much worth it if you ask me.


Hm, since I got my skyscale, I used griffon and all other mounts only for their-races. I know they have advantages, but I'm to lazy to switch.

But you need to buy the whole LS4 to get the skyscale, which is an even harder and longer way to go than for the griffon (but slightly cheaper gold wise).


Playing all along the story from where you stoped is a quite good compas, it leads you through all areas. With playing the story I don't mean rush through the area's to reach the next story chapter, but usually the story gives an intro to the "story of the map" you can deepen by playing events and event-chains on the map. When you think you've seen it, continue. Try to get the WP's but don't bother with map-completion, that can be done later on demand.

Admittedly HoT is much harder without PoF-mounts, if it is to hard it may worth doing PoF first, I like the HoT-elite of the guard more than the other, but I am not a guard fan, so my opinion on that may be unjustified. :)

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In your position, my first step would be to get raptor and springer mounts, as they make travelling much more enjoyable. Then I'd get into pof (or hot, if you don't mind the difficulty) and starting getting those hero points to fully unlock all specs, of all my characters. Then I'd theory craft around to try each class and spec, until I decide what I want to stay as. Then I'd start looking into gearing that up (will probably need to get access to a few ls3/4 maps, although the current map, bjora marches, also has a couple of ascended trinkets). Depending on what stats you desire, this may take a while (if it may take too long, take an intermediate step, such as wearing gear stats available at the trading post until acquiring the desired ones). Once that is done, I would go into the wardrobe (at any crafting station) and start browsing looks to set up the character. This process goes hand in hand with the wiki, as I need to keep in mind what's needed to unlock the skin I want. Again, if it's too difficult, I can either opt for another, easier to acquire skin, or plan ahead your journey into acquiring said skin (and use a replacement until then).


Now, after all that is done, then I'd consider my character "ready", and then I'd decide what I wanna do each day (be it fractals, story, achievement hunting, metas for gold, crafting for gold, or whatever).

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