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My PC reboots many times a day everytime I play Gw2

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Hey guys,

I have this problem for more than 6 months now and i'm out of ideas so i came here thinking that maybe one of you reading this might have the answer for my problem.


Here in detail my problem:

Everytime I play Guild Wars 2, my pc reboots randomly. It can be anywhere, anytime : during a loading screen, during WvW or Raid, even open World, while I'm in an instance solo, in dungeons... well randomly and everywhere. It happens at least once per day. But often way more (sometimes even 6-7 times). Sometimes my pc reboots right after the reboot when i launch Guild Wars 2 again. What makes it really weird is that it only happens when i play Gw2 and never in other games. I tried a lot of games lately and this problem never showed up : Sea of Thieves, Black Desert Online, Dark Souls 3, Overwatch, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra, Forza Horizon, Ori and the Blind Forest, Trackmania Nations Forever, The Witcher 3, and some more i don't recall.

When my PC reboots, i dont have any bluesscreen. Nothing is written in the minidump even if i manually asked to.


First I'll give my configuration, it is a desktop PC, it is 2 and a half years old, i've built it myself with a friend:

Windows 10 Home

Motherboard : Asus Z-370 Prime

CPU : Intel i5-8600k

CPU fan : Scythe Katana 5

GPU : Nvidia GTX 1060 6gb (msi gaming x)

PSU: Seasonic Focus 80 Plus Gold 650W

RAM : Corsair 2x8GB DDR4 2666Mhz


HDD : WD 1000GB

Screen 1 : Asus VS247hr Plugged on my GPU

Screen 2 : Asus vk222h Plugged on my Motherboard

I have a fan at the front of my pc and other one at the back.

My games and Windows are on my SSD and i have everything else on my HDD.


I tried quite a lot of things and none of it worked, I'll resume everything i did :

A guildie helped me quite a lot and we tried a lot of things, my CPU was OC even if i dont recall doing so. we fixed that but the reboots continued happening. Temperatures seems fine, nothing critical 55 - 60 C°. We did a few stress test on my CPU and my GPU everything was alright.

-I've cleaned dust on my pc and i try to continue doing so let's say once per month, I've lately done a huge cleaning, unplugged my GPU, my CPU fan and my PSU, and cleaned them with my vacuum.

-I've changed the thermal paste.

-I've tried to call for Arenanet assistance but unfortunately nothing worked : They asked me to repair Gw2, they asked me to stop using ArcDps and MSI afterburner which i did and still didn't worked, They asked me to see with my router and modem and try to plug directly into the modem instead of going through the router, didn't worked. And after a tried all of this, i think they ran out of ideas as i do.

-I've tried to play only on my GPU screen by unplugging the other one, but still crashed

-I've checked if my games are running on my GPU through the Nvidia control pannel and they do.

-I've search on reddit, Gw2 forums and other forums to see if anyone had this problem and I tried some stuff i could read. Tried to reduce the GPU power target, didnt worked.

-I've reset my PC through windows option deleting everything on both SSD and HDD, but i still crashed.


I'm sure i'm missing a lot of stuff i tried. At some point i just got bored and i stopped playing Guild Wars 2 for some months cause half my play time was canceled with crashes and it started to really annoy me to the point that it became really hard to enjoy playing. But it is a really good game and i do want to play it without crashing randomly, that's why i come here with hope that maybe someone will find the answer to my problem!


Thanks for reading and have fun in the game :smile:

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is it going on blue screen before reboot?

If it is is probably a ram problem.

Pressing f8 during boot gives you the option to disable reboot after system crash so you can have and idea of what causing the problem.

Try swap modules on their slots and/or use one of them and see if it's still rebooting. Try every single module on it's own.

If that don't makle any difference, press win button+R and type msconfig and press enter. After that go to boot options/advanced boot, and try to operate with only half the logical cores or one quarter of them(2 for 4 or 4 for 8).

If it works that way then you have a cpu problem(bend pin, bend mobo or bad cpu in general).

Gw2 as many mmo are very cpu intensive so if something going to be wrong then it will be the cpu...


Good luck.


Hope that helps

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Thanks for trying to help me ! So I disabled the reboot after system crash but it still reboots when it crashes and nothing is written in the minidump. Does that mean anything ? I remember having trying this before reseting my pc aswell and it didn't work either. Weird that it still reboots.. I'm trying to check every single module on its own, hope I'll find the answer!

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If your PC does not even have the chance to present a bluescreen before it turns off, this could be a PSU issue (not that it's too weak but that it's broken). If you can, then try a different one.


A Ram failure should result in a bluescreen and so should any form of driver crash.


Nevertheless if your PC crashes even with only one Ram module installed, then you could set a lower Ram speed in the UEFI - something like 2133MHz at the same timings you are running now - for stability testing purposes.

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I tried with 1 Same Ram and my pc did crash quite faster than usual like 5-10min gameplay before the reboot. I tried it on every slot of my motherboard. Now I'm trying the other Ram and i didnt crash for 3 hours now. So I'll keep testing hoping that it was the Ram but sometimes the issue comes after a day so I'll see and let you know! Thanks again for helping me!

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