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Server Lag

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Last few week been getting huge server lag spikes at different times of the day, making certain events and game mechanics unplayable.



Was doing the toxic bacon HP in Auric Basin, had two guys next to me attempting it as well. waited for fourth HP tick, mashing heal. Multiple times, the health bar was not moving or delay on the heal skill was upwards of 3+ seconds waiting for the server to respond. The other players also said they were experiencing the same problems.


I don't remember this being the case years ago when the game first came out-- is this because there are more players joining the game? Was server infra for the game moved to cheaper instances with less bandwidth/IOPS since HoT release?


This isn't the only instance where I have experienced this, and its been commonly occurring weekly.


FWIW, I am on CenturyLink symmetrical 1 Gbps Up/Down Fiber wired. I monitor my dropped packets and latency to nearest speedtest nodes in the nearest major city with a utility panel on my network rack at home. Haven't seen anything else indicate this had been my home's internet causing issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It may be due to the coronavirus and lockdowns, i never usually lag or dc .. like ever even without ping boosters, i have a very good connection and it was never an issue for me and that's with me playing from the UK, on NA Severs.


Now over the last week or two i can play for maybe a few hours in the morning (GMT) till roughly 10.30am, then as soon as more people start logging in.. forget it, its 100% not on my end, i've done speed tests, reset the router, and connections, both wired and wireless, multiple times, same issue,


I've even used ping boosters (WtfFast, Pingzapper, Noping) and it makes no difference it also doesn't matter what im doing, PvE,, PvP, Fractals, WvW, Events, even if i go back to a new player starting area, same deal, So i just go out and do other stuff, annoying yes, but it happens, and there probably isn't a lot that ANET can do about it, due to increased load on the servers.


Although there may be something to do with the WvW server Linkups, as im currently on SBI, and these issues only ever occur (for me at least) when we are linked to Blackgate, at all other times its very infrequent, so perhaps server links have an impact, or high populations do, im not sure, anyways it is what it is i guess, enjoy the game when you can while you can, and hopefully this wont be an issue in a few months! just know that you are not alone! :)

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