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What race would you like to play as?

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> The problem I see with people picking skritt is that we would be very very stupid as we won't be around Skritts as a group or community to stay smart.


Three possibilities:


1. PC skritt wouldn't be just one skritt, but a group of four or more (called a 'hit' -- as in, a flock of seagulls, a herd of cows, a hit of skritt), running in a tight group. Weapon skills would be divided among them, with different ones making different attacks, or combining for a big attack. Whenever they dodge an attack, they all scatter in various directions. When they're downed, most of them lie there stunned while one runs around administering CPR.


2. PC skritt are skritt who have undergone a secret skritt rite that magically melds a 'hit' of skritt into one individual super shiny skritt. "Skritt, I'm HIT!"


3. PC skritt are relatively rare (or not so rare, considering everyone everywhere would play skritt if skritt were playable) individuals who, much like PC characters of all the other races, are just naturally stronger, faster, shinier, and more inclined to run toward danger than the average skritt, craving adventure the way the average skritt craves anything that's not locked up or nailed down or otherwise secured. Battle cry: Shiny! Woo!


4. Bonus: skritt PCs could actually be asura, charr, human, norn, or sylvari who drank what they thought was a can of Kryta Cola or Mount Maelstrom Dew or whatever but was actually a Potion of Everlasting Skrittshine (or got caught up in some wacky asura experiment gone wrong) who must struggle to keep their newly acquired skritt natures in check (or learn to harness their skritt-enity in times of need).


Indeed, many possibilities are possible. Shine on!

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