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How to Nerf condition the Right way! Tested Condition on Plat and Gold Elo

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> @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> No. I've gotten as much as 10 stacks burn, cleansed, only to get hit with it again while the guardian goes immortal. It's too spammable and that's a fact.


You're probably walking back and forth across the edge of Purging Flames. I believe it's 2 burn stacks each time.

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I don't even know how to deal with conditions. I wished all got a big nerf. I find conditions boring. Tactical CC (i. e. not being stunlocked but every now and then at key locations like the buffs in Temple of the Silent Storm) feels more fun.


I use some "fun" core engineer build that uses some CC and and direct damage while not being glass cannon. (Still a bit toughness/vitality.)


Most of the time it is 3 conditions with the top one having dealt 40 damage or so as top thing (while transformat in brute thing from elite elixir). Now I know there are condition cleanses and I don't use them on purpose. Too big a trade of to pick 1 or 2 when I lose other important skills. (I try to make it so other players take the attacks and I sneak run and apply CC from ranged while enemies are focusing on team mates. Works good. Or if others that have group condition removal are nearby.)


I just don't know to make a permanent condition removal build without trading most of the other interesting skills for conditoin removal. (I. e. making a build that also is "fun" while not completely only focusing on conditons removal and having only auto attack besids it.)


And with some classes being able to constantly spam conditions I think it isn't just about "just don't use your condition removal and wait a bit until the enemy wasted his skills" ... if you remove 1 skill and few seconds stater tons of stacks of condition are applied at you again and health is melting super quickly. It is about regularly getting condition removal or taking the damage (and being able to stay alive or still having fun while dying to it.)


I wonder if it is fun for every class to fully tune towards condition removal. For some classes it basically is free from traits and s tuff. Others really need to trade some trait or good skill place (or even more than 1) to get the condition removal.


For me it is okay to not use condition removal skills and play as described above. I just find it weird if matchmaker makes a team with 2 necro 2 mesmer on my (!) team and we run into mid and enemy has 2 necro as well and my team's health melts down pretty easy and all (even the supposed to be tanky with 2nd health bar death shroud 2 necro in own team) are downed in 5 seconds. :D (I mean I'm not complaining about my dying in AoE CC of a few other classes. But others that are supposed to play with conditions and remove or transfer them to enemy. A bit weird if suddenly stuff like that happens. I had that match yesterday but maybe they used an amulete that got removed and forgot to pick another one and were with lower stats in the match. :D )


Imo it should be "trying to CC them and spike them down quickly befor the can deal out too much CC" instead of focusing on cleanses too much. Every 5 secons at least 10 stacks of conditions that do big damaged that would be required to be cleansed is boring. (Maybe PvP without conditions would be more interesting and they should be nerved to oblivion completely.) But everyone has different taste I guess. (Some people like the conditions. Some like CC. Some like power/critical hits and stuff.)

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