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Crashing when applying new Maguuma Treads

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Support got back to me this morning after 5 days saying they can't refund the item because the skin is applied to my account. I told them


>Lastly, I don't really understand your thought process for refusing people refunds for this item. A player purchases an item from ANet's real money gem shop. That item was not properly tested when used with items from the same set. It caused the game to crash when trying to display the character in these situations. This included character selection. Players try to login to the game only to crash immediately on the character selection screen. The crash goes unfixed for a week. Players that spent real money on an item are punished by being locked out of the game for a week while having their pleas for updates on the situation ignored. It seems fairly obvious to me that this should mean affected players should get a refund, regardless of if the skin was applied to the account.


And asked that they read this forum thread to understand the failure and frustration it caused. Waiting on a reply, expecting to be told to suck it up and eat shit because they don't actually care. Will update.


Edit: Over 7 full days after their first reply to my ticket, even though I responded to them within an hour of that first reply, they got back to me (acting like my ticket wasn't closed lol?) saying they wouldn't do anything about it and it's final. "Suck it losers - lose access to our game and have your pleas ignored for a week then get nothing at the end of it but still feel free to use our gemstore in the future!!!1!" That's a no from me chief.

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Has anyone received any word from support regarding a refund? I submitted my original ticket on the Wednesday after the skin was introduced, updated the ticket afterwards saying I would like a refund, got a reply this past Wednesday after it was fixed as per above, I responded to them within an hour, it's been another 7 days and I have not had anyone update my ticket. I've never known "longer than normal support queue times" to mean you have to wait in the entire week long queue to get another response after your first one. Whenever I've submitted a ticket during "long queue times" in support, only the initial response when they first open my ticket was delayed - all subsequent interactions I had with support for that ticket were done within a day. This is somehow different now? Did they secretly close my ticket even though I clearly was not done? Did they think I would just go away after ignoring me like the devs did to all of us in this forum thread?

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> @"RUBIK.1376" said:

> Support got back to me this morning after 5 days saying they can't refund the item because the skin is applied to my account. I told them


> >Lastly, I don't really understand your thought process for refusing people refunds for this item. A player purchases an item from ANet's real money gem shop. That item was not properly tested when used with items from the same set. It caused the game to crash when trying to display the character in these situations. This included character selection. Players try to login to the game only to crash immediately on the character selection screen. The crash goes unfixed for a week. Players that spent real money on an item are punished by being locked out of the game for a week while having their pleas for updates on the situation ignored. It seems fairly obvious to me that this should mean affected players should get a refund, regardless of if the skin was applied to the account.



They cant remove skins from accounts unless they do an account roll back, and that might set your account back far further than you want it to be. They only do that for emergencies though(Being hacked, compromised etc). Since they cant remove the skin they would effectively be giving the skin to you for free, further, not everyone who bought the skin was crashing, should they too be given their gems back?

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> They cant remove skins from accounts unless they do an account roll back, and that might set your account back far further than you want it to be.


It should be pretty obvious with how dogshit they handled this situation that anyone that was locked out of the game and has sent support tickets about it should be able to keep both the skin and get the gem refund. Who ever said we wanted account rollbacks?



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