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Game will crash when trying to alter specializations

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Hello, I've been experiencing crashes every time I try to change up my spec. I can log in and select my character, open the build menu, I can even mouse over everything and read the tool tips, but as soon as I click a talent the game will crash. I've tried doing a clean boot, but that doesn't appear to have helped. Has anybody else experienced this?

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This seems to happen only on my Revenant. My Guardian appears to be unaffected. I'll try with my other alts as well.


EDIT: All of my alts appear to be in the clear of this bug... only my Rev in his Herald build tree will crash the game. I can switch him over his 2nd and 3rd build pages and edit those fine, but any click on build page 1 will crash the .exe


Edit 2 (Debug boogaloo): What about this page will cause the game to crash? I'm gonna swap my 2nd page over to match the spec exactly, and see what happens.

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Dumb question perhaps, but did you open a ticket? Revenant is probably the buggiest class when it comes to templates, so having a character where you can reliably reproduce crashes might help ANet figure out how to fix it.


Just make sure the ticket is detailed enough so they can reproduce it at their end (as in, give character name and which changes specifically are causing the crash, eg: trying to change any of the three traitlines, or one in particular?).


Also, don't keep opening / bumping your tickets, just be patient while it goes through the support queue (as doing something else may end up pushing the report back to the beginning of the queue).

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Trying to submit a ticket via the support page sends me into an endless loop of "Please log in to submit a ticket>You are logged in>Support>Submit Ticket>Please log in to submit a ticket" So that ain't gonna happen it seems...


HOWEVER!!! I "BELIEVE" I found the issue. As I swap back into my 1st build template I receive error text reading "Build Template is invalid". Right-clicking on the build tab on the top of the page I can select "Clear Build Template" which, as the name implies, wipes the page clean. I now appear to be able to reset my build exactly how it was and not crash the game in the process. I'll post again if this changes.


That is to say... Clicking on a build template that is "invalid" will crash your game.


Also, posting this info in the publicly available forum insures that anyone else who might run into this bug will have access to my findings.

>pic of chat box containing the error that tipped me off https://imgbox.com/Oqm46Rdw#

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